Now im starting to realize how much time i have wasted being an AFC... I have very good looks boy band you could say... But this has gotten me no where, yes i have been asked out here and there... But if you got no game, looks will take you no where.
Im trying to change that but its very difficult.. Yes i have read the DJ bible, but its hard to change some of the habits that i have learned being an AFC, or implementing the DJ technique into my personality.
My problem is that, i have difficulty asking a girl for their # knowing that she likes me.. Just not sure how after having a convo
Any tips?
Im trying to change that but its very difficult.. Yes i have read the DJ bible, but its hard to change some of the habits that i have learned being an AFC, or implementing the DJ technique into my personality.
My problem is that, i have difficulty asking a girl for their # knowing that she likes me.. Just not sure how after having a convo
Any tips?