Difference between PUA and a DJ


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
I thought they were the same until someone here on the board mentioned something about it

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
The lines in the eyes of many were blurred because of "The Game" and Mystery Method's rise.

The best way to explain the difference is to give you something to compare it to.

Mystery Method is straight up PUA. Its a way of picking up girls in public places, building comfort with them and attraction, and getting to screw them. 4-10 hours is the goal with the MM and most PUA styles and people want to just get some.

Sure Mystery says that his goal is to get people into LTRs but the reality is many guys who learn how to go from meeting a girl to screwing her in 4-10 or approximatley average 7 hours is going to enjoy doing just that, a lot.

PUAs have routines and techniques to use during pickups, like specific techniques. You say X she respond with Y and you slip in Z. DJ's are more lifestyle oriented.

To be a DJ is more than just some technique or line or even style of presentation, althought thats some part also. Its about a lifestyle where you change yourself and help yourself mature and understand women and attraction.

Where as being good with PUA techniques can get you laid provided you are in the club/bar situation and you work it the way its outlined in the plans (A1 A2 A3 C1 C2 C3 S1 S2 S3, etc.) it doesnt prepare you for the unexpected situations.

Say you already like a certain girl and have known her for a while, or you meetup with people who introduce you to someone, or heck you are approached by a girl or a group. As silly as it sounds, in all of Mystery's DVDs and books he does not cover what to do if a girl or a group approaches you!

Basically when you get your own inner game together and your life together, you will be come attractive or so the DJ philosophy says. At that point, once you are a real man you don't have to concern yourself with silly techniques because they will all come naturally to you.

David DeAngelo always says put yourself in a situation where the outcome you want happens automatically. Well when you become a DJ with your inner game straightened out and your life together, you are putting yourself in a state of mind where techniques and the semantics and all that get resolved automatically. You don't need to learn a new line because whatever you say at that point will be just as good as one.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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P-Town 503
Grrrr. Oh, hell....the difference is not important, really.

There's no need to put the differences into two different groups, because basically, every person here is here for they're own agenda. Some peeps are looking for a LTR, some not, some people come here to b*tch and f*cking moan about the stupidest sh*t I've ever heard.

Personally, I don't give a damn about having a GF at this point. I'm just out to f*ck, and that's what I do. I'm not opposed to having a 'relationship', but it's just not important to me right now. I'm 'dating' 3 girls right now, but that number can go up or down for whatever reasons.

Does that make me a DJ, or a PUA?

Doesn't matter, just like I said, everybody here is here for a different reason.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
PUAS are getting rich now and don't have time to post here. That's the main difference. LOL.

There have always been true gigalos. Believe it or not, they really do exist. Now there are guys making a living training guys how to be gigalo wannabes.

Guys who believe this type of silly DJ vs PUA stuff are the same guys who think that saying some magic line will reliably swoon a woman. They think that's "he only reason" some guy who calls himself a PUA gets laid. These guys, when the finally do decide to go out, tend obsess over body language, the magic opener, say everyone who can PU women is going to get AIDS, claim they don't need a woman to make them happy so that is the reason they are going to stay with a fat, ugly chic for life, and basically do everything under the sun besides learn how to communicate effectively with the opposite sex.

Guys who debate DJ vs PUA just don't get it. They haven't spent enough time in the field to understand what's going on. They don't understand what makes a person successful with women has little to do with any one particular canned routine. Go out and utter the canned routines at random and you will see that is not what leads to success.

If you cannot be cool to and communicate effectively with the opposite sex in manner that makes them compelled to chase you, then you aren't going to be very good with women. And no, the women won't care if you call yourself a DJ or PUA, you'll just be known as a loser to them.

There isn;t any guys who are good with women telling people not to improve themselves. It simply doesn't exist. Mystery Method suggests inproving Health Wealth and Love. David D suggests working on 10 key life areas all of which will help you become better in the workplace as well. Learnning how to stand out alone IS a form of self improvement.

The guys running around screaming material at random are not a successful part of anything. They are just creepy and weird, and no one is going to pay them for a seminar. They are the equivilent of DJ forum guys who do the eye contact mission for 2 straight years without ever approaching a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503

Damn straight. That is exactly what I'm talking about.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
I think its more about the motivation than the tactics. a lot of DJs use PUA moves and tactics. and a lot of PUAs can develop solid inner game.

DJs genuinely love women and themselves and want to combine their loves :)

PUAs use women to define themselves and their egos.

I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
In my difference description between PUAs and DJs I mentioend nothing of motives just what the focus of study is.

A PUA will enjoy Mystery's seminars a lot, and a budding DJ will enjoy David DeAngelo's Deep Inner Game.

PUAs are the ones who rehearse their lines like they were actors. In fact this is what Mystery advocates and preaches, the memorization of canned lines that you can deliver with rehearsed accuracy. David DeAngelo, whom I consider a DJ, doesn't advocate canned material at all, in fact he preaches being spontaneous and talking about whatever is in at the moment (thats why he says to always look at the tabloids and even pick one up once in a while to see what people are talking about). Sure David D has some lines, mostly come backs for difficult situations where its not easy to think of something, but thats about it.

Everyone, or most of those rather, who are getting into "the game" after the books release looking for that magical method of picking up and laying hot girls is a "PUA".

Prior to the books release a lot of people came here trying to change their life since they weren't happy with who they were and had some pretty deep emotional problems, ever since though its people coming on here saying "i just read the game now how can I go to a club and lay this one hot girl!>?!?!?!!!! ROFLMAO LOLOLOL"

You guys get the idea.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
I know

I was just saying what my opinion of what the difference was.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
just alittle said note PUA isn't just what mystery does alone. Most guys basically freestyle it but has the PUA elements. I find PUA way better because it has a structure (M3 model) and because of all the elements that it has so all you have to do is come up with something that is based on that element to get the results (This is how most new routines are discovered.) An if you are know the whole meaning of Mystery method (specifically m3 model) you would know that there is actually a place to start, its A2 if it was a friend introducing you to a friend. A3 if its some girl that have been giving you IOIs and finally got to meet you.

As for PUA mystery isn't the only great guy who discovered alot of things. Some great upcoming things that have been coming out of the PUA area is shockers (bradp) and intention maps (Woodhaven & Dimitri) Intention map is probably the most groundbreaking for me as it can teach you how you go about turning any girl into Fuvkbuddies, LTR, MLTR, ONS. Also get chicks to buy a lot of stuff for you.

As a whole PUAs are constantly coming up with stuff and new theory are always being shared. So you got best of both worlds inner game and outer game. As for whoever said this isn't a lifestyle is is a lifestyle for sure and this isn't just for no 1 night stands. Some guys have 7 or 8 girls and end up making a rotation that way he can keep up with all of them. If you read some of the FRs by most of them its usually the beginners who use the canned openers that are being talked about on here because most of those are old and only a few attraction routines more experienced PUAs use. (cube) But one thing you will see there always freestyling it or adding something into it.

As for DJ ya it may be a way of life but thats about it. Most DJs don't even know what there doing. (just look at the posts being posted daily) Another thing that sets DJs apart is Frames, most DJs have no clue what frames are and that is by far the best thing i've seen for inner game, if you can hold a specific frame alot of sh!t can happen and alot of sh!t you can get away with. Look at it this way if a DJ was to be in a house with 2 hbs how would he go about getting this 3some? How would you know how to get girls not to flake on you? How would you even go about F-closing? How do you get the 2 hb9s to even start talking to you and f-closing her? This is why PUAs have the advantage because they share with each other and is very indepth.

If you just know the elements of PUA you can basically become real good, because its not about the canned material its about the element behind it. Tell me why are you saying "who lies more opener"? why are you telling a story 2 mins into the conversation? why are you doing a cold reading? If you know the elements you can basically have infinite things to do you just have to be quick minded and as your in the field you get better. This is why you can't just read and expect to get good. Another thing is Body language and non verbals thats talked alot about too. I'd recommend for DJs to learn about Direct method (Shark, badboy, cortez, etc) because thats what it seems like DJs are more similar too. No routines just strong inner game, and thats probably the best material to get inner game from.

But yep everyone is focused on 1 thing and thats to fuvk hot girls, so follow wat ever style you want so longs you get to your goal of even learning this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Girls chasing you?

Is that actually possible? I thought it was the guys job to do that.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
although I think the distinction has been fairly made, here's my 2 cents. A Don Juan is a seducer, like the historic or legendary Don Juan, who was a Spanish nobleman who had slept w/thousands of women like Casanova. So a Don Juan is more or less a natural. A pick up artist is more of a novelty, most of us here are aspiring pick up artists, that is, we use techniques, tricks, and games in order to meet women. Pick up artists have come into being w/the publication and distribution of a body of knowledge about how to successsfully interact w/women.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
There's the theoretical concept of PUA vs DJ and then there's the actual real life practicalities.

The honest truth is, FIELD EXPERIENCE IS KING.

And my own impression of DJs are young and are predominantly KJs who spout a lot of theory but have no real field experience. :kick:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
The difference between a PUA and a DJ is the way it's spelled.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Cruise said:
The difference between a PUA and a DJ is the way it's spelled.
Yo, you took the words right out of my mouth lol.

I like this site but I don't consider myself a DJ or a PUA.
By labeling yourself, you're creating a mental mindframe that trys to distinguish itself between a DJ or a PUA (i.e. I can't use technique XYZ cause
that's for PUAs and us DJs are alot more well-rounded). If that's the way you operate then by all means continue doing your thing. If I was to label myself, i would consider myself an AFC because literally i'm Always F*ucking Chicks


Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Cruise said:
The difference between a PUA and a DJ is the way it's spelled.
Yo, you took the words right out of my mouth lol.

I like this site but I don't consider myself a DJ or a PUA.
By labeling yourself, you're creating a mental mindframe that trys to distinguish itself between a DJ or a PUA (i.e. I can't use technique XYZ cause
that's for PUAs and us DJs are alot more well-rounded). If that's the way you operate then by all means continue doing your thing. If I was to label myself, i would consider myself an AFC because literally i'm Always F*cking Chicks



Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Pook was always getting into arguments with the "speed seducers" because he said you shouldn't be focusing on the woman, you should be focusing on yourself. As he pointed out, a seducer tells the woman whatever he thinks will get him laid; that's no different to the AFC, except the seducer gets more sex. "The Real Man" doesn't compromise his personality for anyone, and wants to know if the woman is right for his high standards (as opposed to whether she will have sex with him).

Another distinction he made was that the Seducer is controlled by nature (his desire for sex) while the Real Man controls nature.

Seducer and Real Man are respectively, the PUA and the DJ.

The idea of PUA is to get women. The idea of DJ is to be a Real Man and live life (and that will get you LOTS OF women).

Even Pook started out with seduction. Style himself shed off his PUA skin for a more "fulfilling" sort of relationship. DJ might be thought of as the next level.

If you need an example, James Bond is the perfect DJ. You think he worries all day about the perfect line to tell the woman? Hell no!