Diference Between HS and Real Life.


New Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Guys, I havnt been on this forum long, but Do you guys go by other methods too? Like Mystery Method, Tyler durden, Venusian Arts, Style, you know all that, or strictly Don Juan?

Secondly, whats some differences in getting high school girls, as opposed to say how you would go about it after high school? I do everything the way ive been taught, and ive been taught the methods ment for adults, are there any general exceptions that apply only to high school aged girls?

I'm a senior, no real sports or reputation (bad or good).

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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phoenix647 said:
Guys, I havnt been on this forum long, but Do you guys go by other methods too? Like Mystery Method, Tyler durden, Venusian Arts, Style, you know all that, or strictly Don Juan?

Secondly, whats some differences in getting high school girls, as opposed to say how you would go about it after high school? I do everything the way ive been taught, and ive been taught the methods ment for adults, are there any general exceptions that apply only to high school aged girls?

I'm a senior, no real sports or reputation (bad or good).
What's Don Juan?

Personally I feel most of these stuff is over complication. But I've learned most of my stuff from RSD. (TD) I've learned little bits and pieces from everyone else.

I think MM is the easiest thing to learn, even though I don't really follow those guidelines. But the m3 model is solid sh!t and its the easiest method to understand and easiest to implement. (Canned material)

The difference between HS and outside High school is that you have to close the chick in real life because you might not see her again. My experience I break it down like this

High School
- Super Easy
- Good practice environment
- Don't need to close
- Escalation is like night game
- Could get head or fuk her in the stairwell or any isolated area
- Easy insta date and then extraction

- Harder than high school (Better learning experiences)
- You have to close

Reason I say high school is super easy is because all you have to do is open one set and just social proof yourself. Back when I was in school I was basically a celebrity, only thing is I was OVERQUALIFIED so it was like I was too cool for the girls in school, even the hottest girls were intimidated of me. I don't learn about all that until I got out of high school.

Just doing social proof alone, you don't even need to do much after that. Just basically vibe and escalate and you'll get laid. It's guaranteed.

I used to call my high school experience cheating because it seriously was too easy. Everyday it was me talking to a girl, her walking around with me and taking me to class. Gym time I was center of attention and basically offering value.

Once I isolated the chick I'd go caveman on her and it would be over, sometimes I'd cut class to go to her house and fuk her.

My biggest thing though, I made sure I didn't fall into no BF/GF dynamic. If you saw me in school you knew I wasn't the BF/GF type because I'd merge sets and start gaming the hotter girl. I'd stop talking to one chick and run over to the next and start escalating with her.

What girls in day time and to some extent clubs, you can't rely as much on social proof because when you first enter the club most likely no one knows that your cool. After awhile you'll work the room and people will open you, but like on the street. Girls don't know who you are, so it makes it harder. Also its more things you can learn in non high school environments.

Hope that helps.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Yeah, HS game it's all about social proof. Who you know, where you've been, what you've done.. if you're popular it's almost gauranteed that you'll get *****.

I'm actually not doing so well in the HS game. All the game I've learned has been a bit more mature/adult oriented. All these girls I am practicing on are just way too immature. I have plenty social proof, it's just not working. I'm thinking once I get out of HS things will be much better.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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Well, since I was in high school years ago and have experience in both areas, i'd have to say high school was MUCH easier.

In fact, I didnt know this forum existed in high school (i'm sure it did) nor did I ever hear AFC, DHV, DA, or anything of the like.

Now for me, it was all a social deal, and where I went, I was there since kindergarten, so I knew almost everyone as I got older.

In high school, I prob had 4 girlfriends out of all 4yrs. What did I do? I cant say cause I dont remember. It just pretty much happened. I was around girls in band quite a bit, and most mine came from there. Drummers always hooked up with girls :)

Personally after I left school, and went to college, I found it probably harder because I was never exposed to really picking up girls. It always fell in my lap. And in college, I never try real hard to pick up on them in class either.

I think that difference was associated with I was around people for 7hrs in high school, and then 50min in college. I saw people 5 days a week, and had some in 3 classes, or saw them at football games, basketball games, etc etc.

I dont think you cant say high school is not real life, cause it still is, and trying to classify real life is hard cause its different for many people.

To me its more... The difference between high school, college, and after college. You can also toss age in there too. Picking up a 18yr old vs a 30yr old is going to be different.

I personally didnt take away anything to take with me after high school cause I never knew about any of this. Is it a bad thing? Who knows. Maybe knowing some of it earlier would have helped, but I wouldn't dare use what I use to pick up a younger woman on an older one.

I never thought about battling it out with other guys, or competing in high school. I never though about how cool I had to be, or what I had to say, or if I should touch or not.

Though i've learned a lot on here, and in life, I dont think that if I went back in time to high school, I would take all i've learned here, because again for me it was way different.

Now I am at the point where I am not around college anymore, and will be venturing in the real world. I've never been a club person, and never met a woman in a club. All of my girls have come from friends, church, or at school. The club setting would be new for me.

So to answer your question, I didnt go by anyone, but me. What you speak of, I never knew in high school.