I found this advice on the wrestler Lance Storm's homepage and it's damn good advice!
This is something most people looking to lose weight need to understand. Fad diets don't work. You need a lifestyle change!
The whole thing, including workout advice can be found here:
This is something most people looking to lose weight need to understand. Fad diets don't work. You need a lifestyle change!
I don't have a very complex diet. A diet to me isn't something you are on, or off, it's simply your eating habits. I don't keep track of the amount of fat, protein, ot carbohydrates that I eat. My only rule of thumb is, avoid fat and keep my protein intake high. If there is a lot of fat in something, I don't eat it, period. I don't eat any desserts or junk food, and don't drink. No cheese. No butter. No peanut butter.
If they make a fat free version of something I use it. You do need some fat in your diet, but I find I still get enough when I try to avoid it all together. I always try to consume most of my carbohydrates earlier in the day. Avoid huge carb intake right before bed. Try to eat as many times a day as you can. Frequent meals increase your metabolism. Some people have a binge day, where they can eat things they usually don't. I disagree with this. I feel this only keeps your cravings alive. I find if you go long enough without something you quit craving it, and for the most part, no longer want it. Many people view eating as a source of enjoyment. I don't eat for enjoyment. I eat to fuel my body.
That's it in a nut shell, the world of Diet and Training as seen through the eyes of a guy who has been training for almost 2/3rds of his life.
The whole thing, including workout advice can be found here: