Didn't seal the deal when I had the op. how to relight the fire


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Okay I want to take a girl with some prior romantic history (sans full sex) out of the friend zone and get her wet as all hell. My thinking is to make plans to have a drink with her when I'm in town and if we end up at her place (usually the case) move chat into something more physical. I'm thinking massage (girls have complimented me on my abilities there) and dirty questions about her sex life (or is that going to just make her fantasize about the other guys)? And since I want to ask the questions to arouse her and I don't want to know the answers I'll ask her to tell me in her native tongue, a language I don't understand one word of. DJ's please lend me some input on this one.

Thanks in advance.

The history below:

1.) Met girl one night through a friend I ended up staying over her place (on her couch) at her insistence as I was tired.

2.) Left didn't call her for a week but then I did, she's a HB8-9 btw.

3.) Take her out to dinner for our first date and bring her back to my place. She was loosing interest half way through the date and we met up with her friends but at the end of the night I got her back. I continue pursuation to the point we're fooling around and having fun in bed. But I guess I was either lacking self confidence or thought she was going to be too drunk to orgasm idk, it's all bull**** excuses in retrospect. At the end of the day I didn't close. And yeah you'd don't have sex on the first date you're already on your way to the friend zone.

4.) After that night she'd text me first every few days and we'd get together and usually end up sleeping together but it was even less sexual. And when I tried to make a move she'd resist or say stop... At one point she was direct and said she can't have sex with someone that's going away for a while.

5.) After a few months of being apart for travel, I go to dinner with her she has a bf and says they were seeing each other even when we were. I don't show any emotion or upset and reveal I was seeing other people too. Which is true.

6.) I then meet up with her again a few weeks later after her relationship may have died off. She's unhappy and depressed and invites me to have a drink, we're sitting in bed, she even compliments me on how I look good and I look calm and in a good mood. But I decide to play hard to get and tell her I have dinner plans and leave without touching her.

7.) She's still depressed and responds quickly if I message her (which I'm only doing once every couple of weeks or so). But she does not reach out to me on her own, which I think she'd be doing if she really wanted me. I've built myself up by gaining success in my career and given her the perception I'm seeing other people (which is true but they are just casual dates).


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
I want to say that I believe I can do this because I did not repeat past mistakes that I used to when in the friend zone with girls before. Things like telling her how I felt about her (didn't do that ever with this girl), trying to rationalize my way out of the friend zone by talking to her (didn't do that here). When she told me the bf thing I didn't make a big deal, I asked a question or two but didn't show too much disappointment and told her I never wanted for us to be official that she was assuming that on her own. And I did at least make out with her on one occasion after she friendzoned me before travel.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
I'm also considering saying "would you're best friend become jealous if we became best buddies?" While I mentioned she friendzoned me a bit, she clearly is not from a culture in which she wants to be treated like a buddy. She reminds me she is a woman and wants to be treated like one. So I'm looking to say something along these lines to piss her off and heat things up.