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Did you ever **** up on thoes once in a life time chances....


Don Juan
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
Now I have a ton of confidence in myself but never see myself ever being the guy getting that near perfect 10, you know the kind that every guy at a party wants to **** but never has the balls to go after her...

Well this weekend I was at a party at my friends house whom lives about 200miles from me and in walks this chick with whatever quasi-boyfriend and I take notice and just go about my business... Later that evening her and her friend come back but no guy... So I say hey what the hell I start talking to them both... I have them take me for the tour of the city and a bunch of **** like that... Later that evening me and the hott one are sitting together on a lazy boy and I start feeling her up and she doesn't seem to mind my touching or soft kissing on the back of her neck and then kissing her on the lips... As I continue to touch her I guess I got a little to close to her crotch (she was wearing a short skirt) and takes me by the hand and walks me downstairs and says wants sometime to drink... so the night continues still a decent convo... and I did manage to still get this chicks # out of her...

But here is the kicker.... before she left with her friend I said how come no kiss for me and she said b/c she cant infront of the other people there that know her and later on that evening the friend come upstairs and tells me she wants to hookup with me but cant b/c of this semi bf and we need to get alone first... so I said well if she wants come upstairs or whatever... after about 10 mins or so I was so drunk and tired I said **** it and passed out... Now what turns out from what my boys at the party told me is that she was looking for me and found me passed out and layed down next to me waiting for me to wake up but then eventually left....

My delima is what should I do with this girl... Should I call her in a week or so.... She lives close to 200 miles away but come school time which is in about a month her step father has a house right by there so she is there every weekend or so..... Should I call up and arrange a time for the two of us to meet in the future even though its close to a month away and strike when the iron is hott or wait till its more of a reasonable time...

Lastly I feel I must do something girls that look this good do not come around very often... dont get me wrong and think I am going onitis on this one or whatever but I still cant get the image or her pretty face and "twins" out of my head....


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I have f'ed up on MANY "once-in-a-lifetimes".

I don't dwell on them as much as I used's not healthy. :)


Don Juan
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
I don't think girls are a once in a life time chance... no matter how you look at it.


Don Juan
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
yep not trying to dwell on em.... its just I don't want to pass this chance up and think I can succeed in the task at hand... any suggestions on what to do or when to call her... Lastly I think I am slowly but surely becoming a dj or atleast getting closer to one... A little less than a year ago I doubt I would of even had to nerve to talk to her friend whom was not nearly as pretty.. Any suggestions, comments, or advice is welcome...


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2002
Reaction score
You have to change your attitude if you want to score with women. You are basically saying that you are not good enough to pull a 9 or a 10, so you view this encounter as a lost once in a lifetime opportunity. Fyck that. First of all no girl should be put on a pedestal no matter how hot she is. If she is gone, big deal. It is not like you lost the winning ticket to the $50,000,000.00 lottery. There are plenty more where she came from. If you were able to spark an interest from this "10" girl, then others will surely follow in time. Just do what you did to get the girl's interest the next time around and don't get fycking plastered! ;)