Did not had kiss close on second date (bad sign?)


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Last night i had second 'date' with this girl. First a coffeedate, went well, good chat but no kino. This was a while ago (had a holiday between it). So yesterday she went to my place. I invited her to watch a dvd and have a drink.
Just like on the first date she was correct on time, no make up but dressed well. After little chat and tour in my appartment we started to watch film. I moved next to her on the sofa. We concentrated on the film with once in a while a funny remark. Very slightly kino. After the film i putted music on and we chatted and joked around. A bit more kino (arms, hands touching eachother shortly) but that was it. I wanted to do a kiss close but it seemed i couldn't get to the moment to do it.
She has to work too today so around midnight she left. Just like first date kisses on the cheek. She said we had to do such evenings more often.
However, i have two important questions: i see this girl as material for the long run, i like her. Is it wise to kiss her during a second date at your own place and if so how? Or, am i on my way to friendzone now since i didn't do really a sexual move on second the second date? Well, at least she is responding to my invitations to see eachother.

Your comments please


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I think you're fine, and you need to kiss when you have the opportunity/moment/feel it's the right time.

But then again..I'm here because apparently I fail at life. ahaha.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
i personally dont think you lost this one yet but you are close to losing her. You need to make a move or she will start seeing you as a friend or think you are not interested in her since you are not making any physical moves. Next time you see her make a move.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
I am somewhere between you guys. I do feel like i am doing right but on the other hand i have the feeling i might lose her interest soon because nothing sexual happens.
Thing is i want a girl who fits with me. So i don't wanne put sex on the first place but don't wanne end like friends. I think i have to refine the question in "how to show you are interested without getting sexual to soon and get to know the girl?"

Hope someone is having the golden tip!


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
LittleBigOne said:
Thing is i want a girl who fits with me. So i don't wanne put sex on the first place but don't wanne end like friends. I think i have to refine the question in "how to show you are interested without getting sexual to soon and get to know the girl?"

Hope someone is having the golden tip!
I think you should maybe ask your penis for his opinion on this last statement. I believe he would strongly disagree.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
LittleBigOne said:
Last night i had second 'date' with this girl. First a coffeedate, went well, good chat but no kino. This was a while ago (had a holiday between it). So yesterday she went to my place. I invited her to watch a dvd and have a drink.
Just like on the first date she was correct on time, no make up but dressed well. After little chat and tour in my appartment we started to watch film. I moved next to her on the sofa. We concentrated on the film with once in a while a funny remark. Very slightly kino. After the film i putted music on and we chatted and joked around. A bit more kino (arms, hands touching eachother shortly) but that was it. I wanted to do a kiss close but it seemed i couldn't get to the moment to do it.
She has to work too today so around midnight she left. Just like first date kisses on the cheek. She said we had to do such evenings more often.
However, i have two important questions: i see this girl as material for the long run, i like her. Is it wise to kiss her during a second date at your own place and if so how? Or, am i on my way to friendzone now since i didn't do really a sexual move on second the second date? Well, at least she is responding to my invitations to see eachother.

Your comments please
Not only is it wise, but it is mandatory. Mandatory you ATTEMPT to escalate and show your sexual interest.

I don't think there will be many more of "such evenings more often" with this one. In fact, you might not get another chance at her without her being a little cold.

Remember, you need to come across as a sexual thread, not as an asexual, platonic, or gay friend. As a man, she expects you to make every single advance, and you got a second chance to kinda reset and start anew, you set it all well, location, time, activity, escalation, then failed to pull the trigger. She must be thinking you chickened out, because, quite frankly, you did. You didn't want to mess it up by being too forward, because "she's different, she's special".


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Gangster of love,

You put it all right here...and the truth hurts. That final part is for some reason so hard to do for me. I just can't pull the trigger while i know i have to do so.

Thanks for your respond!

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
LittleBigOne said:
Gangster of love,

You put it all right here...and the truth hurts. That final part is for some reason so hard to do for me. I just can't pull the trigger while i know i have to do so.

Thanks for your respond!
No problem. Now, let's just hope you get her in the same exact situation at least one more time. Whatever you do, do not wait until she makes the, because even if it is easier that way for you, she will not respect you as much, in the short and long run.