Did I screw up a good thing?


New Member
Jul 30, 2003
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This girl and I go out Thurs night. Things go really well. She coming onto me, were making out and touching in the park, in my car, and when I go to drop her off to her car. She sends me a text message that night, I send her one back, then she calls. Then over the weekend I go out of town and don’t get a chance to call her. On mon I see her at the gym, we talk for about a minute, cause I have to go. Then I call her that night to see if she wants to do something tues during the day. She makes excuses and doesn’t seem interested, which is the opposite of how she was before. So did I screw things up by not calling her? I’ve heard it good to be a challage and to not call so often (give her a chance to miss me), but maybe this was a bad idea in this situation? Or did I mess up by not taking things all the way on thurs (her parents a real strict and she had to be home around 10:00, I ended things around 10:30)?

So now what? Did I blew my chances with her? Is she still probably interested but now shes just playing games because shes upset? Should I bring up the fact that I was out of town (that way she know why I didn’t call) and she if she want to get together this weekend? Or am I doing everything right and this is just a test because she really likes me but doesn’t know how to act, etc.?