Advice from the old lady:
@mrskinnypantz said this is a complete wild card. You are either going to really up your value or you are going to really fvck it up with Blondie. Women respond to how they FEEL. If you make blondie feel secure & desired then that is a good thing. But if you instead create a sense of competition and a feeling of insecurity then this situation will backfire and you’ll blow yourself right out as far as she’s concerned.
I’m not certain you have the calibration to manage the situation in order to make Blondie feel “special” with just your gal pals there. It is going to feel like a hotness and who is coolest competition to her in reference to the other girls you invited. After all YOU invited competition (that’s how she will already feel.). Now. A very self confident woman would simply recognize that is what you are doing and would therefore bring her “A” game. And such a woman also would have no qualms demonstrating in an indirect way her SMV to YOU by accepting attention from other men if that is required to up the game where her date (you in this case) is concerned. Blondie may not be experienced enough to understand the subcontext you have created. Your other former FWBs might understand this better and show up on their “A” game. Very unpredictable scenario you have constructed.
A scenario that you cannot easily control.
My advice? If Blondie is truly your priority and if you want Blondie to feel special tomorrow night? You better tell the other girls to bring dates of their own. That way they have another man present to occupy their time/horniness/sexuality etc. At the very least you need to in no uncertain terms explain to your gal pals that Blondie is your date and your priority no matter what. And you kick them out of the bottle service area if they are inappropriate toward you or Blondie.
You have created a situation that may be extremely difficult to manage toward the desired outcome. That’s why I believe you are inexperienced at this sort of thing. No playboy worth their salt sets up a situation which is unpredictable to the point of backfiring. Who does that? Noobs, that’s who.
Your only other play is that if things begin to go sideways, you get Blondie, get her OUT of there (tell her “F these *itches, I want you all to myself”….) and y’all leave. You show Blondie she is more important than your social proof in the club.
And you have a hotel room already reserved nearby for you two.
Do report back. This will be interesting.
And understand I’m not being hard on you gratuitously. I’ve spent years and years in night game and I’ve been the gal pal brought in to create insecurities in a playboy’s date. Ive also been the woman a player is trying to impress (the Blondie in your scenario). I understand all the subcontext but when I was really young & naïve I didn’t. This takes nuance & sophistication. I’ve seen the date storm off & leave out of insecurities and feeling inadequate compared to me, and I’ve gotten my playboy friends laid by being an unspoken threat & piece of social proof. It depends on the self confidence of your date. At 18? I’d expect her to be more on the insecure side. More likely to say “F This” and leave. Unless you handle this potentially explosive situation in a very suave skilled manner.
Tell us how it goes playa. I’ll pop popcorn.