Did I fail her **** test?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Hello I was recently reminiscing about a girl I dated a while back. This girl on the first date was slightly awkward but I enjoyed her unique personalty. Anyway we were both 19 at the time and went for coffee (I drove to her town 45 minutes away which in hindsight I should have made it halfway in between).

Go to the local starbucks, as we are waiting in line together the guy puts both of are drink orders together even though she protested it, I paid it acting like it wasn't a big deal even though she initially said no but I looked her in the eyes saying its just coffee looking at her like she was over reacting (probably should have not done this in hindsight, but it was the least awkward thing for me to do at the time, then to say im going dutch on this coffee date). I ordered a black coffee like a boss and she ordered some weird triple moche frappicino thing

Anyway our conversion was excellent I got her going about herself and dominated the conversation with questions about herself and pretty much had her entire bio when I left(in the future I will add more vague statements about the girl im with and try to add an emotional roller coaster in there too with some negs).

Anyway towards the end she openned up to me about her having minor form of Dyslexia to which I downplayed extremely. She called it a learning disability but I was like nah you just learn differently trying to be positive about it and not making her feel like a retard, I even said sometimes I read words backwards too if im tired which is true. Anyway im wondering if that was a **** test from her because that was the time when our relationship peaked

I managed a second date but she turned the broad conversation topics I had into a yes or no type question and burned though hours of conversation in 5 minute . She ate her dinner and it was slightly awkward and left before I even got the ****ing bill. All she did was talk about her brother and how happy she was to see him after his 1 week trip to south america or somewhere during the entire meal.

she had a ignore rate of 50% of my texts(I wouldn't send another one for several days afterwords, her cell phone sucks so she can't take calls as the reception is ****ty (phoning her was my preferred plan). I was in extreme denial as I was still quite beta in my actions and had exalted her on a pedestal because I thought she was the one exception from the rule which she was not(valuable lesson though).

Also on a side note her younger brother died a couple months ago vary unexpectedly from a heart attack so I guess im doing better then she is, I sent her a condolence text but got no token thank you response back (im not really worried about this though).

So do you think my compassion made me fail her **** test or do you think t was a **** test and I need to search deeper in my memory to figure out what went wrong. Im interested because she was exactly the type of girl I want to be in a LTR with but I ****ed it up and im trying to backtrack to figure out my mistake so I can learn from it and avoid similar ones in the future.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Honestly, i don't know why you are worried about a mistake that you made so long ago. You should be worried about the mistakes that you made today or yesterday.

Is that the last girl you went out with?? If so, then you should be worrying about more than some stupid **** test


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
There was no sh*t test. She just wasn't interested. I think, also, that when she mentioned having a learning disability you should not play it down like it's not a big deal and is thus resolved -- she is telling you it is a big deal, therefore it is a big deal. You are basically telling her she is wrong. Instead, say "Oh, that must be very difficult for you. When did you first realize you were dyslexic?" Agree with her and let her know her feelings are justified and that you are interested in her regardless.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
So there is something missing.. What happened in the time she was openly talking about things with you (whether it was her brother or not) and the time she left.. Why did she get up and leave without you? What was her reasoning.. And what are some things you said from the point she was openly talking to you.. to the point she through a chair through a window and jumped out running away for her life..


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
I don't see where the **** test could of been. Maybe she started ignoring you because all you did with her was take her out, pay for her, and never escalated sexually? She got bored it sounds like.