did I do the right thing??


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys!
I'm 22, girl involved is 21
Had been seeing this girl for 5 months now, had met her one night with a bunch of my friends and to cut a long story short she ended up splitting up with her current boyfriend because she liked me and wasn't happy in the r'ship which had been going on for 4 years. At no time did she actually go with me when she was in the r'ship, just hung out together a bit.

Obviously there are a lot of emotional ties there as he had become her best friend. He later told her that he had cheated on her several times throughout the r'ship and this absolutly destroyed her self confidence and if anything put him back in the driving seat and made it harder for her to trust me.

well lately she has been hanging out with him abit althought she promised me she doesn't want him back but its just soo hard for her not having her best friend about anymore.

Anyhow guys I just don't trust her and dont expect that sort of behaviour as she should be trying her very best to get over him if she wants to be with me.
So i told her yesterday that we had to stop seeing each other

not sure I made the right decision becuase she really is an awesome girl both looks wise and in personality and think she is right for me if only things were simplier

what do you guys think?
Anyone been through the same s**t, did I over react?


Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
You did good. You don't want a girl with major issues like that. Low self-esteem, tied to her ex, its just lots of baggage man. Are you a bellhop? No, I didn't think so.

Move on, she's not worth your time anymore. Go meet someone new tommorow night. You won't even remember this girl before long. No worries bro!


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
You did what you think was right. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

Obviously, only you know how much you truly liked her, and how much she meant, so as long as you weighed up every factor, then you did the right thing.

Getting involved with this girl so quickly after that break-up was always going to be a risk, no question, so perhaps you made a mistake in the timing department originally. But, boy, i'm delighted to see you take things into your own hands and put yourself first for once. This woman will be emotionally tied to that guy for a long time to come (I won't go into detail about what I think of her from what you have said..). Move on, find a girl who won't mess you around, and I hope happy times are ahead for you.

Keep it up.

- Cam


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
No you didnt overeact spiker.

You did exactly the right thing.

You gave her space. You have put your foot down on what you want. You have not allowed yourself to get into a pvssy wiped postion.

All aspects of a DJ.

If she REALLY wants you. She will have to leave her bf out of things and be with you. BE THE PRIZE!

You want to tend to stay away from the emotional baggage girls anyways really.

Sarge On!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Right on.

Putting my foot down once ended a relationship - but upon closer reflection, it was already over. Don't worry about your demand backfiring.

Remember, "stop being insecure" is ******** for "stay loyal to me while I date other guys."