Basically, I've been working on this chick at my school. I've been doing c&f, accusing her of stalking me and staring at my butt, and everything like that. She never seemed to take it seriously and thought it was funny. She wasn't very talkative so I figured that she must be shy. So on monday I asked for her number. And for a few seconds after I asked for it and pulled out the pen and paper she just sat there, but then she wrote it down. But today we were in class (she sits a few seats ahead of me). And when she passed a paper to me I called her a pervert. And she got that stuck up revolted look on her face and asks me why i called her a pervert (this is not the first time I called her a pervert, just the first time that she reacted so rudely). She turned around before I could respond. But my question is why has she turned into a b*tch all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong, or is she just a weirdo? Either way I'm moving on, I just want to know if there's anything I should change.