Depression: The New Sexually Transmitted Disease?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
(November 29, 2005) -- Nearly every discussion about sexual education focuses on preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. However, recent research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine finds that, especially for girls, the discussion needs to include a third negative possibility: depression.

Most medical and mental health professionals would agree that there is a link between depression and sexual and drug using behavior in adolescents. However, it is commonly assumed that depressed teens use sex and drugs to “medicate” their depression. Thus, when faced with a depressed, sexually active teen, adults may overlook sexual or drug using behavior with the hope that the risky behavior will cease once the depression is gone.

Although the depression followed by sex and drugs link seems to make sense, a new study, which followed over 13,000 middle and high school students for two years in a row, found that depression did not predict risky sexual or drug using behavior.

Instead, the study found that depression often follows risky behavior. Lead author of the study, Dr. Denise Hallfors told me in an interview that her research team found evidence that heavy drug and alcohol use significantly increased the likelihood of depression among boys. For girls, the findings are stunning: Even low levels of alcohol, drug or sexual experimentation increased the probability of depression for girls. Breaking down the results, Dr. Hallfors found that 25% of surveyed teens were complete abstainers meaning they were virgins and used no substances, not even tobacco. Only four percent of these teens experienced depression.

Another group of teens could be considered dabblers in that they had experienced sexual intercourse and engaged in some kind of substance usage during the first twelve months of the study. For the boys, there was no increase in depression from this pattern of behavior (for boys, the significant risk was heavy drug use). However, for girls, the study revealed a more troubling pattern. Girls even experimenting with drugs were slightly more than two times as likely to be depressed (8-10%). Those experimenting with sex were three times more likely to be depressed than abstainers (12% versus 4%). For sexually promiscuous teen girls, the results are staggering: 44% of girls with multiple sexual partners during the study period experienced depression.

Did depression ever come first? Boys and girls were no more likely to begin or increase their sexual and drug use behavior when they were depressed than when they were not. In fact, depressed girls who were also abstinent were much less likely to engage in risky behaviors during the second year of the study. However, if they were already "dabbling" with substance use, depressed girls were more likely to go on to very risky sexual behaviors.

More research is needed to isolate the causes and cures for the link between experimentation and depression. However, there is no reason for policy makers to wait to encourage abstinence given these research findings. Citing the devastation and feelings of worthlessness that accompany depression, Dr. Hallfors warns, “Parents, educators and health practitioners now have even more reason to be concerned about teen risk behaviors and to take action about alcohol, drugs and sex."

Instead of cheery postcards, teen girls need to know that their sexual behaviors may put them at risk for more than STDs and teen pregnancy. "Once a girl crosses that boundary, she puts herself at risk for a spiral of negative effects," says Dr. Hallfors. It seems to me that the evidence is consistent that teen sex is not a good idea, especially for girls. Why can’t everyone get behind that message? Teens are nearly united in this sentiment. According to a poll conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, nine out of ten adults and teens want society to send a clear message that abstinence is best for teens.

Whatever we think about the morality of sexual behavior, can't we agree that teens should be given a clear and consistent message that it best to wait to engage in sex until they are ready to accept the financial, relationship and emotional consequences of making that choice? For nearly all teens, this would be adulthood. My suggestion for a postcard? A picture of a gold nugget and a heart with the caption: “I’m worth the wait.”

By Warren Throckmorton

Who agrees with this article?


Aug 17, 2003
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Da World
I personally find it disturbing how casual sex is among our youngsters. Something as precious as one's own sexuality gets handed out like free government cheese. Virginity has become something to get rid of instead of something special.

People blame TV, corruption and even video games. I blame the lazy parents who send their kids to school each day but don't bother to give them a shred of education at home.

90% of parents have no idea how to approach this topic. It scares them half to death frankly and aside from giving curious and confusing advice, they also manage to project all their sexual hangups onto their kids.

Most people I know have some funny stories about how their parents had "the talk" with them.. I knew one girl who got her first period and was convinced she was going to die. She was in the middle of writing her last will and testament when her mom came home, looked at the blood stains on her daughter's pants, lit a cigarette and said "Congratulations. Today you are a woman." and that was it!

What is wrong with people nowadays?

I count myself lucky that my folks were not complete idiots. My dad said it best...

"Ninja my boy, I'm not the type to beat around the bush so let's cut the crap and get down to the nitty gritty. Now, I know at some point you are gonna get laid, and I also know I can't stop you from doing it. However, I want you understand the risks and responsibilities involved.

There is nothing wrong with sex, but many people have unhealthy sex lives. You must be selective with who you take to your bed. Never rush into things without really knowing what you are getting into. We are not just talking about pregnancy or AIDS already know this from school.

But what the teachers won't tell you is that sex has a big emotional responsibility. Us men dont really experience this as much as women. This imbalance of sensitivity has caused problems ever since Eve turned to Adam and said"I'm sorry but you just don't meet my emotional needs". Be prepared to deal with a lot of BS from these chicks but always remember who wears the pants, son.

I know this may be too much detail for you but its for your own good. WHen you do get laid, remember to wash yourself thoroughly afterwards. DOnt fall asleep with some strange girl's juices marinating your tube steak, understand? Good.

Lastly, never forget that there are millions of girls out there for you to choose from and only a fool settles for the first table scraps when a patient man is rewarded by a feast. Before you get this close to a gal, take it slow and get to know her first. Make sure you really like her, because I tell you sex is much more rewarding between people who respect each other. And that's all this is about. Respect and maintain yourself, respect and discipline your body, respect and conquer the women. Cool?"

Pa's advice was always pure gold, rest his soul.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Nifty. There is suffering in the world. If this is all we need to worry about, then we have it very good here. Yes?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
I agree with you NINJA PIMP. Btw, great article Spider! I could not forget what was said.

the best way to provide for and protect one's children is to provide them with a stable, happy nest, with a married mommy and a daddy who live for their family. But, according to Ms. Magazine's Gloria Steinem, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." With that attitude, women bounce from men to men like a frog in a lily-pond, denying their own need and the value of the marital covenant for their children. Groups of liberal and liberated women proclaim that "parents" can be any combination of adults – it really doesn't matter.

One doesn't have to be a religious fundamentalist to value the sacred nature of the human body – the female body in particular. In fact, 1960's feminists decried what they saw as the sexual objectification of women. Now, the feminists hold up the Britney Spears, Madonnas, Hiltons and so forth as powerful, significant, important role-models for girls. Fashions are slutty and skanky as even women with jelly-bellies wear pants that barely cover pubic (now public?) hair as they dress their young daughters to look like available Lolitas.
That reminded me of this thread:

The people there were talking about this "book":

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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"Raising Boys Without Men : How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men (Hardcover)"

Makes the hairs on the back of my neck tand up.:mad: