From someone who has suffered from anxiety/depression for over 1/2 of my life, I think this is a true statement.
Until you have felt it, I think there IS NOT GREATER HELL ON EARTH, then feeling depressed. I am not talking about a day or two here and there, but ongoing for atleast 2 weeks or more.
Why do you think most people kill themselves? It sure ain't because they have arthritis or broke a few bones and can't take the physical pain. It comes from a crushed spirit......
Since I have suffered from depression, I think it has caused me to show more emphathy towards other people and relate towards them. I sometimes wished I lacked emphathy since selfish, non-emphatetic people seem to get ahead in this world and always get what they want without feeling bad.
I guess on a spirtual level, becoming more compassionate towards others because of depression IS A BLESSING. However, if you look at it from an earthly and worldly viewpoint, it is a CURSE.
Those who lack compassion (like my father does sometimes) NEVER FEEL BAD or FEEL GUILTY about somebody elses suffering and it does not phase them one bit.
I want to hear from those who have suffered from depression at one time or currently are. Has your depression made you more compassionate and emphatetic? Do you think this is good or bad?
Until you have felt it, I think there IS NOT GREATER HELL ON EARTH, then feeling depressed. I am not talking about a day or two here and there, but ongoing for atleast 2 weeks or more.
Why do you think most people kill themselves? It sure ain't because they have arthritis or broke a few bones and can't take the physical pain. It comes from a crushed spirit......
Since I have suffered from depression, I think it has caused me to show more emphathy towards other people and relate towards them. I sometimes wished I lacked emphathy since selfish, non-emphatetic people seem to get ahead in this world and always get what they want without feeling bad.
I guess on a spirtual level, becoming more compassionate towards others because of depression IS A BLESSING. However, if you look at it from an earthly and worldly viewpoint, it is a CURSE.
Those who lack compassion (like my father does sometimes) NEVER FEEL BAD or FEEL GUILTY about somebody elses suffering and it does not phase them one bit.
I want to hear from those who have suffered from depression at one time or currently are. Has your depression made you more compassionate and emphatetic? Do you think this is good or bad?