

Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
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Btw, this is MyNameIsTaken.

I already posted this before, but due to the "problem" with the forum, I'm reposting it.

Anyways, on friday of last week, I finally approached that chick. It turns out that she's a snotty little princess *****. So it went something like this:

Me and my friends along with 2 other chicks were talking when the chick happened to walk by, so I went up to her and said:

Me: "Hey."
She: "Uh, hi."
Me: "You're Cara (what a gay name) right?"
She: "Uh, yeah."
Me: "Sorry about my friend (my friend tried talking to her earlier, but said she was being snobby to him), he's pretty annoying.
She: "Um, ok... (walks off)"
Me: "Bye."

I walked away a little embarassed.

So I went back to my friends and said I "****ed up", and they were all like, "what happened?". I hesitated a little bit, but told them. So we gathered ourselves, and went over near the chick. A bud of mine went over and tried to get her SN on AIM, but she declined. So the day went on, and I was pretty much pissed off at what had happened.

Towards the end of the day, one of my friends told me that she said that she thought, "I was really weird and that I shouldn't talk to her anymore". Now I'm not quite sure, but I'm thinking she's not at all interested in me. After that I was actually quite relieved and jolly. I couldn't even stop myself from smiling, because you know what? I didn't ****ing care!

So I went home and laughed my ****ing ass off, then watched a few music videos...

I've gotta say, this was quite an experience. I may have lost some snotty little 7th grade *****, but at least I've gained a few laughs.


I don't think I'm gonna go and knock the princess off her pedastal though, because I did act somewhat weird lol. :eek: But I will ignore her and act like nothing happened.

Anyways, now that I've felt the feeling of rejection, it's time I actually try to get a chick to like me, instead of getting one to think I'm a stalker. :down:


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Go up to her and talk straight. Tell her what happened and that you're interested in talking to her again sometime, then try #closing. If this doesn't work, NEXT her.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ThisGuy
Go up to her and talk straight. Tell her what happened and that you're interested in talking to her again sometime, then try #closing. If this doesn't work, NEXT her.
Dude, this isn't the first time that she thought I was weird. And exactly what do you mean by "talk straight. Tell her what happened"? Tell her that I'm as nervous as hell? Hell no! I can guarantee you that she won't ever give me her #. :down:

Not to mention that I think she's told quite a few people that I'm "weird". Stupid *****...


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Just tell her you eren't having a good day the oher day and go for what you want. Don't beat around the bush.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ThisGuy
Just tell her you eren't having a good day the oher day and go for what you want. Don't beat around the bush.
I'll try it, but it's probably not gonna work. I can already tell she's trying to avoid me lol. I don't have time to put up with this chick. It's her loss anyways. I have a schedule, you know! ;)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
So letme get this straight...

You go up to a girl, just to bring down your friend and try to get pitty attention?

Originally posted by DogFashionDisco

"Sorry about my friend (my friend tried talking to her earlier, but said she was being snobby to him), he's pretty annoying.

Nice try though.
TIP: If a girl is a snobby little bit*h don't be nice to her. Make fun of her.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
So letme get this straight...

You go up to a girl, just to bring down your friend and try to get pitty attention?

Nice try though.
TIP: If a girl is a snobby little bit*h don't be nice to her. Make fun of her.
I know, it was pretty bad lol. My friend even said to me afterwards "**** you". I'm still working on my conversation skills, and I'm far from being 'great'.

You guys may get this alot, but I really need some good examples of 'neg' hits and making fun of the snotty princess chicks.


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Say stuff like "Nice [ITEM], my mom has one just like it." [ITEM] being some accesory or articl of clothing. A purse, pair of shoes, necklace, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
How did you go through middle school without learning to make fun of people?

I can give you canned openers... but they won't do sh*t if you can't improvise.
If shes smart she'll shoot one back at you and you'll be standing there again wondering what the hell happened.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
See that's the problem with obsessing over girls you don't even know. Just because they are hot and you see them having a good time with their friends doesn't mean they're nice.


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dude that was pathetic, no wonder she thinks you are weird. ''You are Cara right?'' What is going through her mind is ''Ofcourse thats my name you weirdo, how long has this guy been masturbating with my image in his head.'' Grow a pair of balls, if she appears as a snotty ***** call her out on it. You should of said something like ''Hey I just wanted to stop you as I have something mind blowing to tell you'' Unless she has no people skills whatsoever she will be interested. Then say ''I dont know what it is about you but you just seem to have the pouty stuck up pose perfected'' Roll with it from there. If she has any personality whatsoever she will go with it and if not she will probably be insulting. This method is best with stuck up girls.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Well, she's not really snotty, but one of her friends is a real princess *****. I once heard her say something like, "Let's get out of here, this is where the nerds hang out" while I was passing through. But then I think (it was awhile ago) the chick ignored what she said or something.

Anyways, something happened today, and I'm not sure what to think of it. Today, I was a little late for lunch in my school, had to finish something. Anyways, when I was about to get in line, I saw the chick and her friends were in their little circle in front of me. I went up to get something, and I noticed they went a little silent when I passed through. While I was grabbing this one thing, I think I heard a friend of the chick say to her, "you like him don't you?". She then replied with, "no I don't!" but in a sort of sarcastic, laughing manner. Unfortunately, I act like an idiot, and ignore the chick, therefore I never look at her anymore, so I'm not sure if they were talking about me or not.

Though a friend of mine did tell me that the chick was "eyeing" me.


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Ok the whole her friends saying she liked you could be 1 of 2 things. Firstly it could be a way of them annoying and embarrassing her by publicly saying she wants you as a joke. The other thing could be that she actually likes you. Judging by your posts it must be the former. When you heard this you should have turned around and said ' Thats cool that you like me but please don't stalk me. I dont want to have to call the police.' Turn everything around. Grow a pair of balls man instead of wondering what all these little things mean. Also if you are looking for neg hits for her, if she is being a right hardass ***** just laugh and say 'Wow, what a waste, if only you had some people skills you may have had a chance' or 'Why are u so defensive, is it because you are intimidated by a such a gorgeous like myself. Its ok just breathe.'

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, this reminds me of me not long enough ago.

Dude, i know how ya feel, i know many of us can relate.

Here are a few things to think about:

- At least you got off your ass and did something about it
- You learned a few lessons (or so we hope)
- You now know what NOT to do
- You have some meterial and thoughts to reflect on

But here is some advice from someone who was in alot of the same situations: "If you can't say something ineteresting, don't say anything at all!" this will save you alot of humiliation and pain.

And fear not, for there is still hope. As i have found out from personal experience, once you become studly and your game has developed enough to impress, she WILL get interested again. Just don't even acknowledge her existence till then. You have too much work to do to waste your time with this b*tch!