Denied and confused...


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Greetings fellas.
Long story short, I think I mess up things.
I'm 27 years old, currently studying to get my master's degree with a fellow friend. In the group that was made, there was a cute girl, 25 of age.
You can say I easily fell in love...
So why not act? Well the lessons were only in the weekends, the rest of the time was occupied by work. Also I live in a nearby small town(to be read: no long distance relationship problems) and we saw each other well... in the weekends. I was... kinda waiting to see if she's sending any signals or signs to know she's interested in me. Misguided I naively decided to act. She seemed to enjoy my company. Laugh, talked about a lot of things.
Summer came. More time. Weekends were free. I ask her out: she turned me down, asked second time: turned down again...
As you can imagined I tried once again. Seeing she was not interested... I stopped. Time passed by, currently last year. Whenever I see her my insides jump. So... I confessed my feelings.
She was.. stunned. Then she told me, there's no point. That she is a bad person, and I will only make my life harder by trying to be with her, that she knows herself and she tries to protect me from that, to spare me the agony of trying to keep a love relationship. Also said she sees me as very special friend (and bla bla bla... the friend part made me all :cuss: inside )...
I was like ... WTF... Last time I heard that I was like... 9 or 10th grade.
In the end I realized that all paths are closed...
What ANGERS me the most is that she wants to be friends and things be the same again, to be friends and all (like yeah, she's not loosing anything here, it's not like she has.. you know, feelings..).
Of course I deleted her number, and stopped talking to her at all. One big wall of ignoring. I have feelings for her, however my inner self is so angered that I cannot bring myself to gave her any chance, no friendship, no nothing.
So guys.. In the end I just wanna know.. Was the fault all mine? Why things turned out this way..?

PS: Sorry for my english, Eastern - Europe here ...


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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Watch 500 days of summer.

There isnt high empathy levels between the opposite sex, she offered friendship as a courtesy not to hurt your feelings.

You shouldnt of told her how you felt although I have done it, these things happen I advise you keep away from her.

What is strange and I hope someone here can answer this but a lot of my friends happen to be able to just click with a girl by acting cute and funny and go out with her where as for me I need to bring up sex otherwise I get friend zoned.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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She just never been into you and most likely never will be. Whether you have confessed your feelings to her, or how you did it, or the manner she rejected you doesn't matter.
Just forget it and move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i've gotten the "i want to protect you line"

we are so ego driven that we think that she must be telling me that beucase she doesn't know the real me i will do anything to be with her.

lol, i haven ever ever, EVER had a girl tell me that, or something similar to that, that wasn't 100000% correct at the end of the day.

to answer your question, it probably was your fault in the sense that you did not do it for her. but it's not your fault beucse the type of guy that probably does it for her, is someone you don't want to be. if that makes sense.

in short, this ***** is probably bat**** crazy. be thankful that you don't attract bat**** crazy women.

she is saying in ******** that, she doesn't think you suck, but she knows that she is not so attracted to you that she isn't going to **** the first guy who does attract her and wants to protect you for that. so yeah in short you don't do it for her. but you dont' want to do it for her lol. if that makes sense


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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in short, this ***** is probably bat**** crazy. be thankful that you don't attract bat**** crazy women.
Because she doesn't like him doesn't mean she is crazy or there is something wrong with him or her. There is really nothing else about it. It's just a common LJBF routine that 90% of the women out there would give him.
The only advice to him is forget about her and move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
SXS said:
Because she doesn't like him doesn't mean she is crazy or there is something wrong with him or her. There is really nothing else about it. It's just a common LJBF routine that 90% of the women out there would give him.
The only advice to him is forget about her and move on.
you are reading what you want to see and not what i said.

i never said there was a problem with her because she didn't like him

i said that there was a problem with her beucase of her response, which is not a "normal LJBF" response

as a guy who got LJBF'ed all too often, i know what a LJBF is

"you are such a good friend, i don't want to lose you"

" I'm not ready to date right now"

" I don't like you like that but i do want us to be friends"

these are normal LJBF responses

none of which what she said. she stated

"I know how I am, and i don't want to hurt you, i want to protect you from me"

that's not normal. that's a crazy woman's response. and she ****ing

it goes back my walk away post in the tip section.. he's PISSED OFF about this, and he shoudl not be, this woman is not one he wants to date anyway and thus he should not take anything she says remotely seriously.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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"I know how I am, and i don't want to hurt you, i want to protect you from me"

that's not normal. that's a crazy woman's response. and she ****ing
Nah, I got that in tons of LJBF routines. It's normal. I gave a similar line to a girl once.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
SXS said:
Nah, I got that in tons of LJBF routines. It's normal. I gave a similar line to a girl once.
who said you aren't bat**** crazy lol?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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who said you aren't bat**** crazy lol?
Well, the same with a lot of women and many men here. That doesn't really create any correlation between a line that most likely was whatever she could come up at the moment just to get rid of him, and people being bat**** crazy.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Welcome to the club which we've all been card carrying members of (at one time or another). Bottom line is not what she's thinking or her behavior, but yours and you did fine.

Judging from above postings, some may disagree, but the truth of the matter is that you exited with a power of strength. You did not follow her lead (accepting her friendship counter-offer) but left according to your own terms.

Once those feelings dissipate (and eventually will) you'll be able to look back and learn how to modify ... as to be better prepared for the future potential. Think back to the gal you referred to when you were in high school. Chances are, you later reflected and saw something you wish you had done differently.

Bottom line; you left with your dignity - rather than settling for any 'crumbs' that she might throw your way. You might see this as a low point, but at your age, you are more ahead of the game than I was. Cheers!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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I'm kind of lost here.. why exactly are you angry? You came on to a girl, she shot you down. Somebody call the president! LOL.

Anger is only normal when you've already GOTTEN with a girl, then she leaves you. Then i'd say its only human to be pissed off but if you feel rage after getting the cold shoulder when asking a girl out, man you better get over that sh!t because you're in for a world of hurt.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Slots99, the pain does go away. Give it time.

She was way too old for you. Many women over the age of about 23 are way, way too experienced and, therefore, abusive as hell toward all men.

Find a girl who looks striking like her, and fvck her brains out for a few months. Really sex-punish her. Then find another cute one to take it out on. And another.


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Find a girl who looks striking like her, and fvck her brains out for a few months. Really sex-punish her. Then find another cute one to take it out on. And another.
Lol, will do, bro :D

@Black Widow Void
Right on. I've learned my lesson, won't make a f00l out of myself, and play catch like little puppy at everything she trows at me.
Right now I steel have urges towards her, but I deal with it. Let's not forget that you can't blame a man for being a man, and for better or worse, a man's heart follows his needs.
Not at all. I'm mad at her for thinking that she could pass with that stupid explanation. She thinks everything will be alright, but won't be. Instead passed me some stupid high school confession, that I've already heard a looong time ago. Coincidence? Don't think so.
Why women can't understand that when a man have feelings towards them, a friendship is impossible.
Probably, but like I said, she did it in a stupid and retarded way. And to my annoyance, she got the nerve to correct my way and give me some tips on what should I do to find my person.

Bottom line: When I first saw her and talked with her, she seemed little shy. Now I think she's just immature 25 year's old not grown up girl, who is afraid to take responsibility to engage a romantic relationship, and it's easy to buzz off people, using stupid explanations, not because she want's to, but because of lacking experience in such things hence acting improperly.
Now, I don't talk to her, I don't even look at her. She tried to jump in some conversations lead by me, but still I don't give a credit, and never will.
She did have a chance, she won't get another.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Slots99 said:
Not at all. I'm mad at her for thinking that she could pass with that stupid explanation. She thinks everything will be alright, but won't be. Instead passed me some stupid high school confession, that I've already heard a looong time ago. Coincidence? Don't think so.
Why women can't understand that when a man have feelings towards them, a friendship is impossible.

if you'd rather her say... im not interested in you because you are ugly, fat, boring, a clown, too short, too dumb, too broke, bad breath, too shy, or whatever the hell else...

its not going to happen. Nobody is that mean, they just make up some stupid sh!t to avoid giving you the straight answer.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Women are usually very indirect and rarely come right out and say what they want. Don't expect a woman to say "I'm just not attracted to you.". A woman who isn't will 9 times out of 10 never say that. Same applies if a new woman wants you to come over for sex. She might find excuses for you to be alone with her, but she'll never come right out and say "Why don't you come over for sex!". Instead, if a woman is attracted to you, she'll find an innocent excuse to have you over and be alone with you in hopes something will happen.

On the other side, she'll also invite a guy over she thinks of as a friend, who she thinks is safe. I guess what I'm saying is that if she feels safe and like you're a good friend, she'll spend time alone with you because she simply sees you as a nice friend. On the other hand, her motives for being alone with you are different if she's attracted to you. Once you've slept with her, many times a woman will directly say that she wants sex with you or will talk about what she enjoys doing with you in the bedroom. But in the beginning with NEW women, it's usually indirect and not stated explicitly.

Just realize that there's a lot of indirect communication going on with women. Let me give you a quick example. I had a conversation with a friend once. He and his girlfriend had been living together for about 2 years. I said, "So did she keep asking you to move in?". "No. It was my idea. I thought it would save her some money.". As I asked a few more questions, it turned out she never asked him directly. She would just throw out comments occasionally. Either complaining about how much her rent was or how it would be nice if one day they lived together, etc etc. She probably threw in little comments about how living in the same town that he lives in would be very convenient, etc etc. That it would shave some time off of her commute to work or that it would be nice to be able to live closer to each other so they wouldn't have to drive as far to see each other. I brought it to his attention that she'd been dropping little hints all along.

Anyway, I figured that might be useful. Women will use this in the negative or in the positive. Pay attention and use it to your advantage.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Slots,
"PS: Sorry for my english, Eastern - Europe here" Unless you are the Female equivalent of Joseph Conrads,you are a harmless Troll.....What I would like to know,is what you are trying to find out in your various Posts?Maybe you are a dumbed down novelist seeking originality in your plots?...PM me if you like,maybe I'll leave you alone.


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Feel free to think and do what you want. I'm not trolling, and can't understand your grudge against me, since I did you nothing wrong.
Other then that, I'm enjoying my conversation with the rest of the users.

PS: Joseph Conrads is a polish, and Poland is located in Center Europe. Didn't understand what you're implying with that, but whatever..


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Slots,
Sorry Girly, the following is from Wikipedia,quoting the UN...The United Nations Statistics Division developed a selection of geographical regions and groupings of countries and areas, which are or may be used in compilation of statistics. In this collection, the following ten countries were classified as Eastern Europe:[11][12] Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine....
I have taught maybe 2-3000 English as a Second language Students,You have won the Joseph Conrads prize in my head space,as better than any of them,whats the secret of your success?


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Most likely ;)

Oh, really? Am I supposed to be impressed? Since you're so good at knowing stuff, then there's no problem writing on my native language.
И споделя, че си пълен задник, който се заяжда без очевидна причина, щом не можеш да си държиш кура изправен, не си го изкаравай на произволен човек, тъпак.
Write me if you have problem understanding it, I'll give you protip:It's not russian, also Google translate won't be any good, but you can use the help of your 30000 or so students.
If you have problems, use the PM, stop writing with feces on my thread.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Slots,
Hmm,So not Polish but Roosky huh?I was right,it seems you are Scaramanga an operative of SMERCH,well already James Bond your Nemesis is boarding my Private Lear Jet we travel to Tashkent from whence we shall find and eliminate you! so order your favourite Drink,enjoy your Chicken Kiev Supper sleep with your favourite fancy Ladies,For Your end is very near!