Deleting ex from facebook immature?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Now im a big promoter of not burning bridges and think its good to maintain friendships even casual ones with exes but...

this girl wants everthing on her terms, dumped me and wanted to stay friends, I was so important to her... blah blah

wants to hang out the other night but cant cuz she didnt want her bf to see us together cuz she needed to give him his key....

then I get an email the next day
" hey check out this cool website. PS sorry about the other night I wanted to hang out but I had to give him back his key, can we please get together soon and stop bullsh*ting around? thanks"

sh*ts ridiculous. deleted her.

now I get the "GOD UR IMMATURE" facebook message that I knew I would.

like damn this girl is obviously still checking out my sh*t too see what im up too. Wants to hang out with her ex and has a new bf....

just felt like this situation was not fair to anyone, so felt best to just NC delete it


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
who cares, why didnt you block her while your at it? you obviously wanted to get those messages if u didnt block her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
If you're this annoyed / distressed about this chick (an ex) you already know the answer.....

Too much drama.....

She's obviously an ex for a reason....

And you're still letting this dope control you....

Spend your time finding new chicks that compliment your life not COMPLICATE it...

Bla...bla....bla....don't bother (same advice always given about "dealing with the ex")

Over and Out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
LOL. She's just lashing out because she doesn't have access and your attention. I've heard the same shaming tactic from grown women. But you know its for the best. If you are a heavy facebook user (which I would advise not to be) its for the best if you kick exs off. You get them out of your home, your phone your life, why not your facebook? Most guys I know do that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Why is self-protection immature? Just tell her she broke up, and thus ended your relationship, and that you see no further reason to stay in touch with her. Staying all friendly has no meaning, because it's extremely difficult to maintain that kind of relationship.

Girls keep their exes around for when they need confirmation that they're still attractive and attention. When she feels down or insecure about herself, she phones up/texts her ex, receives the attention and appreciated she entitles herself to and then continues doing what she was doing. They love to have control over the relationship, and you. By staying friends on their terms, you give them the control.

And this is why No Contact is a rule. Delete numbers, e-mail addresses, Facebook contacts, instant messenger, whatever. Just break off all contact and move on. Stop caring what she thinks or says. Don't even respond to the "immature" message, because she is trying to get a response from you. And to finish this off: Change your privacy settings on Facebook to hide all information to non-friends. No wall, no photos, no list of friends, etc. This will starve her even further of information and gets the message across. Cut her completely out of your life!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
She sounds like a real catch for that other guy, wanting to go behind his back to hang out with you right away.

The best way is never letting a girl see that she gets to you or your emotions. That is how you win, when she can no longer do anything that upsets you. But if you can't do that, then going no-contact is better than letting her jerk you around.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Chromeo said:
" hey check out this cool website. PS sorry about the other night I wanted to hang out but I had to give him back his key, can we please get together soon and stop bullsh*ting around? thanks"
Read this again... she said: STOP BULLSH!TTING AROUND.
She has a boyfriend, but she wants to get together soon and she does this talking DOWN to you? Stop bullsh!tting around!?!?!?!

Can I laugh now? Why? Because of this:

sh*ts ridiculous. deleted her.

now I get the "GOD UR IMMATURE" facebook message that I knew I would.
Wait, YOU are immature and she has a bf, you're the ex and she wants you two to stop bullsh!tting around???
Do you NOT see what's happening here?

If you decide to cut off contact on your terms, you're immature... but she's allowed to string you along while she has a boyfriend?

Have we not warned you enough times about this harpy, Chromeo???
You did the RIGHT thing, and if being immature is being wrong, then you don't ever want to be right with this chick.

like damn this girl is obviously still checking out my sh*t too see what im up too. Wants to hang out with her ex and has a new bf....

just felt like this situation was not fair to anyone, so felt best to just NC delete it
Fair to anyone? Forget the other two people... it's not fair to YOU. Be selfish, think about yourself... it's not fair to YOU. Move on... and this bridge is one bridge you should be BURNING TO THE GROUND.

Why be casual with ex's? She's an ex for a reason. Keep it that way, and if it means placing lighter and kerosene to that bridge you walked over... then light 'er up!!!

Sir Psycho Sexy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
City of Angels
I deleted and blocked my last ex so your not alone.

Dont respond to anything she sends you. It will drive her insane. Just move on and live your life with the satisfaction of knowing she will regret leaving you


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Chromeo said:
like damn this girl is obviously still checking out my sh*t too see what im up too. Wants to hang out with her ex and has a new bf....
Wow. Classy gal. Definitely marriage material.

Dude, she actually did you a favor! Block, delete, ignore.

Case closed.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
I don't think the OP will go through with the whole process. True he's "deleted" her but probably won't block her, make his profile private, and not respond. Hence the "Deleting Ex from Facebook, is it Immature" thread. No offense to the OP but I think you're really looking for "positive advice" on keeping her around even though she's using you as her puppet. I think you are afraid to cut all ties as you have doubts about yourself even though she has already made it clear in what you have posted that she's playing you like a fool. You cannot and should not EVER go back to her. I know it's hard as hell and you are thinking YOU are wrong but she did you a favor. Judge her ACTIONS and not words...Besides her words have already shown enough action as it is. She'll come poking around after her new relationship fails. You should be moving on and have moved on even if you don't have anyone else in the picture. It's better to be alone and in love with yourself than love someone who OBVIOUSLY doesn't love you. Forget all future "I love you's" "I'm sorry's" Etc from her. YOU are sorry it had to end as well. That is the only thing you two have in common now and in the future. Hold your head high, maintain your dignity as a man and move on. THERE IS SOMEONE or many someone's much better out there for you. You just have to feel that you are good enough for them and don't let the past interfere with your future. Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
morepoonplease said:
who cares, why didnt you block her while your at it? you obviously wanted to get those messages if u didnt block her.
Im not asking for the messages, just knew I would receive them one way or another either via text, email, phone call or facebook message.

My privacy is set to where only my friends can view more than my simple information and contact info.

I probably shouldnt have defriended her to avoid suspicion and just stopped talking to her and avoided this whole damn thread.

I hate facebook as much as the next person, but its a good communication tool, and have to be on it for marketing purposes.

And ya you guys are right, she only keeps me around for when shes bored and probably validation for why we broke up and to string me along incase something were to happen with her current guy(which would when he finds out shes still essentially dating her ex). Thats not a friend. And being friends would mean forgeting and not caring anymore about our relationship i.e. not letting her effect my emotions, and that attitude my friends would im sure result in her trying to jump my bones again, "dont chase the kitty and it will find your lap". Must be nice to be a chick and just be able to turn your feelings on and off at the drop of a hat.

This girl has not left me alone for more than a week or two since we broke up. Retarded thing is I dumped her twice, and took her back, because she begged, eventually to have her dump me. So guys when you dump a chick just make it forever.

and ya Kailex, bull****ing around? wtf does that mean? whose bull****ting around? not me. Im cutting contact for me, my lifes on my terms, but I was just saying in general its not a fair situation to anyone so whats the point.

Im not gonna talk to her but I'm thinking "Your secretly hanging out with your ex boyfriends and im immature? fvck you, get over it"

Ya naughty ninja I have doubts, life is a learning experience, basically where I see possible immaturity, is im deleting this girl cuz I still feel for her and she drives me nuts. My feelings for her should be gone and I shouldnt care that she wants to be friends, cuz I'll be too busy doing my own thing so its not like I would have time or interest in being buddy buddy. Why cant we all just be happy after a break up and enjoy a fresh start, while still maintaining the occasional company of someone we were close with? Is it the human ego? Love and hate emotions? I dont get it. Like i said, seems like she can turn her emotions on and off at the drop of a hat, so is she the enlightened love child or the fvcked up one to not care about others emotions? It could go either way and thats just life.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
i for one agree with keeping bridges with exes. it can sometimes serve as a cushion for your fall. but only when both sides are neutral, meaning no resentment or hate or anything for each other. Other than that, you should just delete her and ignore her.