Deflecting negativity from envious ones/non DJ's


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2004
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This seems to be one of the only areas that can bring me down (momentarily of course). I can eventually build my myself back up easily (and quicker after each letdown) because these days i'm more positive/confident than ever before. The bottom line is that most people don't want to see you happy, smiling, and walking confidently etc. When they see this it's human nature to get jealous because they always think to themselves "wow he must have it better than me in life, look at the way he's walking/smiling". If they're in a group they'll usually comment or crack a slick joke (or in some of the worst cases even try to start a conflict), however when alone they'll just give you a dirty look, or do nothing at all. Many of you probably know what i'm talking about, i don't know.

did anyone start noticing this somewhat when they became more of a dj/confident person? I'm starting to care less and less though about what they think/feel about me. I'm just confident about myself, however sometimes it just brings you down regardless.

chili kat

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
If they're jealous, make a friend out of them, they'll roll on their backs like a puppy dog...even defend you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
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USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
You're missing something. Confidence may make a few jealous, but overall people will notice your vibe and like you more, not the other way around.

Perhaps you convey arrogance, not confidence, and thus get ridicule. Or maybe you're paranoid or exaggerating.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
I think thats the biggest problem you well ever run into as a DJ. Jealousy, not from your women, but from other men. Guys who are not always AFC losers(though allot are), but guys(who are some what successful or have it all) who just don't wanna see you do well no matter what. Hell, sometimes I get jealous others (we all do part of human nature) but since your are getting succesful with women (which btw Iam gald you are) you are allways gonna run into guys who sole purpose is to take you down, even if they don't know you. The problem is never gona go away, so you gotta laern to deal with it. My advice is to not brag(a problem which has gotten me into trouble many times), go about your buisness, and do your thing. Jealous people get no where in life cause they are never satisfied, negative, or what they dish out comes back to bite them in the a$$. Good luck


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Rub it in their faces, who cares if they get upset.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by sharpshooter
This seems to be one of the only areas that can bring me down (momentarily of course). I can eventually build my myself back up easily (and quicker after each letdown) because these days i'm more positive/confident than ever before. The bottom line is that most people don't want to see you happy, smiling, and walking confidently etc. When they see this it's human nature to get jealous because they always think to themselves "wow he must have it better than me in life, look at the way he's walking/smiling". If they're in a group they'll usually comment or crack a slick joke (or in some of the worst cases even try to start a conflict), however when alone they'll just give you a dirty look, or do nothing at all. Many of you probably know what i'm talking about, i don't know.

did anyone start noticing this somewhat when they became more of a dj/confident person? I'm starting to care less and less though about what they think/feel about me. I'm just confident about myself, however sometimes it just brings you down regardless.
you couldnt have explained it those type of ppl and their attitudes any perfectly. i know how it feels. this dude i know, he knows i have it better than him (looks, job, education, family, friends) . he and his best buddy will think its slick and crack a joke at me and laughing at it like idiots. back in the past he'd call me up if we'd go do stuff with friends, now he doesnt call me up for jack even if my friends and him do do stuff. he doesnt wanna seem like a puzzy to ask if i wanna come out (in his mindset)
and my philosophy is, if u wanna go out and do something with friends, just say so....there's nothing puzzy about it.

i never once got angry at his stupid jokes, cause it never has and never will bug me cause he's just acting stupid. out of the group we hang iwth, he knows im the more confident one out of everyone else. the other guys are usually his followers. so cause of this he doesnt wanna seem weak by calling me up.
basically this guy is a loser and has no life.

if i placed myself to his status, he would do his best at making me a best bud (which he did to this dude who's similar to him and livs across the street) I never really considered him a friend and neither has he, so it doesnt really bug me.

Why do they do this to us?? cause it's simple, we do have it better than them, if not...then it'/s their mindset, they have low self esteem and think that way....that's why they try all they can to put you down, but it never does work cause in the end, i KNOW for a fact, my life is better tahn his