Defending myself

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Well to make a long story short, a friend and I were at party on the weekend, it just so happened that a girl that I have been making some serious progress with, hb 7-8, was there also, but three quarters in the bag by the time we got there. Anyway we make our way over to what seems like the place to hang at this party and grab myself a seat, when all of a sudden guess who comes and sits on my lap offering me what evers left of bottle of liquor.

She makes herself at home on my lap and a couple of friends of hers join us, one with who I would assume is her bf. We talk for some time, and every now and then she would get a little closer, but sober me made sure not to make anymoves on a chic that I could tell was getting tipsyer with each swig of her bottle. She finally passes out on my shoulder, I wake her up and her friend, the one with the bf, takes her somewhere, I think they both ended up going to bed at this point, I didn't see then for the rest of the night. I continue to talk to my buddy, this hb's other friend and her friends bf for some time, until they both have had enough and go to sleep and my buddy took off.

I don't talk to this hb for the next couple of days, then when I im her, I wasn't getting the same upbeat conversation that I usually get and she eventually just stoped answering me. I thought nothing of it at the time, and didn't see her for the next couple of days. I did im her friend the next day, the one with the bf, and she just goes off on me, calling me an a$$hole, a disgusting pig, etc, just about everything in the book. I was a little taken back by all of this, and when I ask what I had done to deserve this, all that she will say was it was what you did at the party. Excuse me was all that I think I could come up with at the time, and she said that next time I feel like "taking advantage of my best friend" and becoming a complete a$$hole towards everyone I should be ready to get my ass kicked. I was fine with the whole a$$hole thing, I have been called worse, but when she accused me of taking advantage of her friend, I couldn't believe it.

I continued to ask her specifically, what did I do/say that was so offensive, her only answer to every question, a typical woman answer, was "you were there, you should know." Then I specifically asked her what did I do to take advantage of her friend all that she would say was "don't play stupid with me you know what you did." This blew me back, so I start talking to my buddy who was there also, I show him the chat logs and hes just as blown back as I was, he tells me that that night he left because this b!tches date was being a complete a$$hole towards him and he wasn't going to get into a fight with a guy who was half drunk. So my buddy starts to talk to this b!tch and she wouldn't give him an answer either, all she would say was "you were there, what do you think happened."

Now I have no idea where this story came from but all that I know is that the hb and all of her friends will not even talk to me, let alone look at me. I have no idea where to start here, I definately do not want the reputation of being a guy who takes advantage of drunk chics, I'll try but I don't know how well talking to this hb will go if I try to explain the real story. Any suggestions
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I suggest that you stay away from such trouble.

There's nothing you can do to find out more about what annoyed them so much anyway since they're not willing to tell you, and the more you'll get into arguments about it the more it is likely to spread since they'll talk about it some more obviously.

If there's any way you can avoid dealing with them then just do that and find some other people to hang with. You can do without the pointless drama.


Don Juan
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
She was drunk so it's not like she's going to have a perfect memory of the night. If you did nothing then it's obvious that she's imagining things or took something the wrong way/mis-heard you/mis-understood your words...

Think maybe... erm let me think of an example... It's hard to now I think... well maybe double meanings etc etc.

Say to her "I honestly have no idea what you are on about and if you will not talk to me any more I don't see the point of trying to hang around with you... Goodbye"

If you give her the fear of loss she might twig, but if not, then she probably never will, and it's best to just stay away. Avoid trouble with other people.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
The a$$hole thing, its the taking advantage tag that I'm worried about, I couldn't care less if we never see each other again but is there anything that I can do to rid myself of that unwanted title, or is it just smarter to cut my losses now and hope nothing else comes out of it.


Don Juan
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
young pat said:
The a$$hole thing, its the taking advantage tag that I'm worried about, I couldn't care less if we never see each other again but is there anything that I can do to rid myself of that unwanted title, or is it just smarter to cut my losses now and hope nothing else comes out of it.
If you don't care what-so-ever say something like "I'm very sorry if I ever did take advantage of your friend even though I never have or don't remember.. If you are going to be like this then I just wont bother trying to talk to you... Goodbye" Same thing really. Just don't keep involved with it.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
My dear young pat, assuming you are still in High School, this is the HS forum after all, you have learned the true nature of HS girls, unfortunately the hard way. I'm sure there is a girl in your school that has a reputation of slut and she has never even been with someone. This is what happened with you. Why it happens is a mystrey, it just does. Just brush those b!tches off your back. They were drunk, and you were sober (or enough not to do something stupid). They didn't take it to the police, so you know how "concerned" they really are. If anyone wants to label you that way just flat out tell them that you didnt do a damn thing to her because you heard she had herpes. (If you feel like being mean).

Anyways, I'm sure you probably don't have much time left in HS. So don't bother with their drama. Once you go off to college or wherever there is like a 99 percent chance you'll never talk to these people again. And one day you'll find out that they have all become strippers in some back room of a truck stop. Moral of the story: The "reputation" you had in HS disappears as soon as you walk out those doors for the final time.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys, the more I think about it, the more I realise that your all right, I need to just blow this **** off and forget about it. Your right flush, if they really cared/thought they could prove **** they would have done something about it. I guess that I still have a lot to learn, but this is just one stepping stone on the journey of life that I know will help me later on.