Dealing with women Related games and counter Measures...

How do you deal with women's games

  • I am an AFC and I play along without realizing in the beginning..

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I try to put an END into them when I detect them..

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I play games of my own against her ;-)

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 3, 2003
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Questions for all the Master DJ's and otherwise.

Do you prefer to play along with women's games or you try to put an end into them by being straight forward and letting them know that you won't go along with this sh*t?

What's the "BEST" counter-measures a man can use against a woman's game that always work and what personal experiences you have with them?

That would save most of us from ALOT of trouble...



Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
I always call it flat out if I detect a game or loaded question and sometines play a few back to her to test the IL.

Here are 2 examples:

1) Last weekend a girl I've been DJing ask me if I think she's put on a little weight over the holidays. Not that I've noticed so at first I joke and say "Ya, when I first saw you I was really disapponted you're huge!" :) She knows I'm sarcastic and took it as a joke.

2) Another girl asked me if she's fat (she weighs 100 pounds soaking wet) and I laughed and told her thats a "loaded question?!!!!"

She's asks why? why? why? And I say "Why? If I say you are you are? And if I say you're not you're not?? You know you look good and you have more confidence than to ask ?'s like that!


Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I have recognized that a woman I know has been manipulating me; she picked up that I probably liked her, and she has used that to get small favors out of me (This is in a workplace, and it's my job title to help her). She is the cold, manipulative man with tits.

I damn well am putting my foot down. My game is the anti-game, the way to play the game is to stop playing to their game. I will stop doing her those small favors and will become perpetually unavailable. She will hotten up to me, trying to sway me back into doing her favors, but I will resist.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
I just end the games without confrontation.
For example, as one of the posts said here about manipulating women...I simply don't do ANYTHING for them, right down to the smallest thing. If they ask me for it, I will most certainly NOT to it. I make it a point to avoid fulfilling any requests of theirs.

This extremely selfish behaviour throws a cog in their plans. I become different from all the other guys, and show confidence and challenge by not supplicating whatsoever.