Dealing with bad behaviour / arguments


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Just interested in peoples opinions on how to deal with bad behaviour from your girlfriend? Especially on nights out.

Do you tell them directly - look I dont like "XYZ" when you do that, it puts me off you.

Put some distance between you both and go abit cold with her.

Just "a look" of dissaproval

or anything else?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
happyman2012 said:
Just interested in peoples opinions on how to deal with bad behaviour from your girlfriend?
Ive written several threads on this very topic because it is a very important aspect of game.

Ignore 95% of actions and confront only 5%. That 5% has to warrant it. cant flip out and give an emotional reaction every time your girlfriend does something you dont like. You come off as a child and although maybe the first few times she wears off extremely quickly and she will start to fight back. Never get into a back and forth with a woman....its a losing effort.

Instead withdraw attention. It will speak to her emotional core and since women do not communicate overtly will work better than to call her out. Search my threads for "Thunderbolt". It talks specifically about when to actually call her out and how to do it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Just tell her straight and bluntly that you don't approve of her behaviour. If she does it again punish her by ignoring her for a while (a couple of days at least). Attention is your NUMBER 1 weapon. Use it wisely.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
It's been years since I've been in an argument with a woman. Even my last relationship which was 2 years; I can't recall an actual argument. I had a stronger frame than her.

The one before that was filled with arguing and trying to talk sense into her (get her to see things my way, etc). And to my knowledge, none of those arguments ever changed anything. She had a stronger frame than me.


I prefer now to let them know very early on what I expect (and it's a very small list.) For example: My biggest pet peeve is a woman showing up really late for a date or flaking completely. I really can't think of anything else that makes me want to never see her again as much as this.

So I tell a woman very early on: "I like a girl who's reliable. Are you the type of girl who a) mostly shows up on time and doesn't cancel dates last minute or b) the type of girl who shows up when she wants and cancels when she wants?" Every girl answers "a", that's what I want (them to identify themselves with that). Then I'll tell a couple of stories about women who fell into each different category and how I dealt with it.... The women who ended up not being reliable get nexted even if they were a lot of fun and we have great chemistry and great sex (always mention that even though I had these things - I ended it still.) Then mention women who were great at being on time and not flaking; I talk highly of these women and how much fun we had, etc.

This is how I set boundaries. And over the first 2-3 dates - I'll have all my boundaries set.

So when she texts me "Sorry, I know we were supposed to hang out tonight, but my girlfriends dragged me out to the bar and now I'm stuck. Maybe I can still come over when I get home. I remember what you said about being reliable but there's nothing I can do about this. I didn't drive." (this is similar to a text I got in the past year.)

I at least know that I'm doing a good job of laying down the boundaries and making them known. And she at least knows the reason I stop talking to her (maybe I'll excuse this once in a while; because things do happen; but if a woman shows consistent signs of this - she's gets to see my walk away.)


So, what does this have to do with what you're asking?

I feel she should already know what you find bad behavior. If not from you setting boundaries --- at least through common sense.

For example - she's flirting with another guy at the bar: You should never have to explicitly tell your girlfriend that she should not flirt with other guys; especially in front of you. This is common relationship sense; basic respect. (If she doesn't have it - next her now.)

But if it's some form of less common bad behavior - she should know ahead of time. Say.... You don't like when women get drunk at bars - I would explicitly tell her this (through story). May seem funny, but women take note of these things. And lots of guys don't care if their girlfriend gets drunk at a bar (but i know some who do.)

The reason I do this is NOT because I expect her to follow it. It's so I know that she knows my take on the whole thing. She knows the consequences of doing this. She knows THERE IS consequences of doing things.

And the consequence is the trump card - aka: my ability to walk away from her and the relationship at any moment regardless of feelings.

Read that again!

If she's into you, and feels you are willing to walk away - then bad behavior does not occur [often]..... So bad behavior (beyond just testing) occurs when one of these is not in good shape:

1) She's not into you.
2) Or she doesn't feel you're willing to walk away.
3) Or your boundaries are lacking.

Unfortunately, most men in relationships: 1, 2, & 3 apply all at once. And at that point - there's nothing they can do. Other than hand over their balls so their owner can keep them in her purse.


If this is occurring on a regular bases in your relationship - I suggest you end it. There's plenty of women out there who won't be a pain in your @ss every time you go out together.


Telling her not to do something directly.
Giving her the cold shoulder.
Looking at her in a disapproving way.

All those things.... Won't work unless she's into you still and fears losing you.


also note: Most women will do things like this just to get a spike in emotions. They might be into you, etc. But they have some kind of malfunction (especially when drinking) that makes them just try to start things.... Every once in a while it is to be expected. If it's happening on a consistent bases - there's no reason to stay with her.

Now if you want to give a more specific question (what actually happened) - you'll get more specific answers.

Edit: D@mn this is long!

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yep withdrawing attention is your number 1 tool.

-Don't act crazy like her or she'll suck you into her game. Keep your cool.
-Be firm and direct.
-Call them out when its appropriate.
-Be consistent.
-Never be afraid of losing her. None of them are "special".
-Never let the p*ssy control your decisions.
-Stay away from bars and alcohol. My girl and I quit hanging out in bars and its helped a lot.

One of the best things I ever did was kick my ltr girlfriend out. She was acting poorly so and I couldn't take it any more. I had exhausted everything I knew to do and my patience was gone. I told her she needed to get her own place and think about her behavior. I said we would still date and if she decided to make some changes then we could have more. This rocked her world but it sent a message that I was for real and it was time to put her antics aside and grow as a person. She rose to the occasion and calls me "mean" for doing it. But deep down she knows it needed to happen. She respects me for doing what i did.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Typically I don't give women too many free passes... too many. But if she's acting out in public i'll tell her I don't like my time wasted. If I go out, I do that to enjoy myself and have a good time.

Don't address what is upsetting her, don't talk to her about it. This is all about you and what you want. "I am not going to be on this mission"

Next time it's time to go out i'll seem hesitant and ask her if she's gonna let us have a good time together. If things get stupid again, next opportunity i'll refuse to go out because it's not fun for me and a waste of money. If she plays nice maybe i'll go out again, or maybe we just break up over this. Either way i'm happy with the result...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
bukowski_merit said:
It's been years since I've been in an argument with a woman. Even my last relationship which was 2 years; I can't recall an actual argument. I had a stronger frame than her.

The one before that was filled with arguing and trying to talk sense into her (get her to see things my way, etc). And to my knowledge, none of those arguments ever changed anything. She had a stronger frame than me.


I prefer now to let them know very early on what I expect (and it's a very small list.) For example: My biggest pet peeve is a woman showing up really late for a date or flaking completely. I really can't think of anything else that makes me want to never see her again as much as this.

So I tell a woman very early on: "I like a girl who's reliable. Are you the type of girl who a) mostly shows up on time and doesn't cancel dates last minute or b) the type of girl who shows up when she wants and cancels when she wants?" Every girl answers "a", that's what I want (them to identify themselves with that). Then I'll tell a couple of stories about women who fell into each different category and how I dealt with it.... The women who ended up not being reliable get nexted even if they were a lot of fun and we have great chemistry and great sex (always mention that even though I had these things - I ended it still.) Then mention women who were great at being on time and not flaking; I talk highly of these women and how much fun we had, etc.

This is how I set boundaries. And over the first 2-3 dates - I'll have all my boundaries set.

So when she texts me "Sorry, I know we were supposed to hang out tonight, but my girlfriends dragged me out to the bar and now I'm stuck. Maybe I can still come over when I get home. I remember what you said about being reliable but there's nothing I can do about this. I didn't drive." (this is similar to a text I got in the past year.)

I at least know that I'm doing a good job of laying down the boundaries and making them known. And she at least knows the reason I stop talking to her (maybe I'll excuse this once in a while; because things do happen; but if a woman shows consistent signs of this - she's gets to see my walk away.)


So, what does this have to do with what you're asking?

I feel she should already know what you find bad behavior. If not from you setting boundaries --- at least through common sense.

For example - she's flirting with another guy at the bar: You should never have to explicitly tell your girlfriend that she should not flirt with other guys; especially in front of you. This is common relationship sense; basic respect. (If she doesn't have it - next her now.)

But if it's some form of less common bad behavior - she should know ahead of time. Say.... You don't like when women get drunk at bars - I would explicitly tell her this (through story). May seem funny, but women take note of these things. And lots of guys don't care if their girlfriend gets drunk at a bar (but i know some who do.)

The reason I do this is NOT because I expect her to follow it. It's so I know that she knows my take on the whole thing. She knows the consequences of doing this. She knows THERE IS consequences of doing things.

And the consequence is the trump card - aka: my ability to walk away from her and the relationship at any moment regardless of feelings.

Read that again!

If she's into you, and feels you are willing to walk away - then bad behavior does not occur [often]..... So bad behavior (beyond just testing) occurs when one of these is not in good shape:

1) She's not into you.
2) Or she doesn't feel you're willing to walk away.
3) Or your boundaries are lacking.

Unfortunately, most men in relationships: 1, 2, & 3 apply all at once. And at that point - there's nothing they can do. Other than hand over their balls so their owner can keep them in her purse.


If this is occurring on a regular bases in your relationship - I suggest you end it. There's plenty of women out there who won't be a pain in your @ss every time you go out together.


Telling her not to do something directly.
Giving her the cold shoulder.
Looking at her in a disapproving way.

All those things.... Won't work unless she's into you still and fears losing you.


also note: Most women will do things like this just to get a spike in emotions. They might be into you, etc. But they have some kind of malfunction (especially when drinking) that makes them just try to start things.... Every once in a while it is to be expected. If it's happening on a consistent bases - there's no reason to stay with her.

Now if you want to give a more specific question (what actually happened) - you'll get more specific answers.

Edit: D@mn this is long!
Loved reading this. I'd like to hear more about what you have to say about dealing with bad behavior/discipline.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
bukowski_merit said:
It's been years since I've been in an argument with a woman. Even my last relationship which was 2 years; I can't recall an actual argument. I had a stronger frame than her.

The one before that was filled with arguing and trying to talk sense into her (get her to see things my way, etc). And to my knowledge, none of those arguments ever changed anything. She had a stronger frame than me.


I prefer now to let them know very early on what I expect (and it's a very small list.) For example: My biggest pet peeve is a woman showing up really late for a date or flaking completely. I really can't think of anything else that makes me want to never see her again as much as this.

So I tell a woman very early on: "I like a girl who's reliable. Are you the type of girl who a) mostly shows up on time and doesn't cancel dates last minute or b) the type of girl who shows up when she wants and cancels when she wants?" Every girl answers "a", that's what I want (them to identify themselves with that). Then I'll tell a couple of stories about women who fell into each different category and how I dealt with it.... The women who ended up not being reliable get nexted even if they were a lot of fun and we have great chemistry and great sex (always mention that even though I had these things - I ended it still.) Then mention women who were great at being on time and not flaking; I talk highly of these women and how much fun we had, etc.

This is how I set boundaries. And over the first 2-3 dates - I'll have all my boundaries set.

So when she texts me "Sorry, I know we were supposed to hang out tonight, but my girlfriends dragged me out to the bar and now I'm stuck. Maybe I can still come over when I get home. I remember what you said about being reliable but there's nothing I can do about this. I didn't drive." (this is similar to a text I got in the past year.)

I at least know that I'm doing a good job of laying down the boundaries and making them known. And she at least knows the reason I stop talking to her (maybe I'll excuse this once in a while; because things do happen; but if a woman shows consistent signs of this - she's gets to see my walk away.)


So, what does this have to do with what you're asking?

I feel she should already know what you find bad behavior. If not from you setting boundaries --- at least through common sense.

For example - she's flirting with another guy at the bar: You should never have to explicitly tell your girlfriend that she should not flirt with other guys; especially in front of you. This is common relationship sense; basic respect. (If she doesn't have it - next her now.)

But if it's some form of less common bad behavior - she should know ahead of time. Say.... You don't like when women get drunk at bars - I would explicitly tell her this (through story). May seem funny, but women take note of these things. And lots of guys don't care if their girlfriend gets drunk at a bar (but i know some who do.)

The reason I do this is NOT because I expect her to follow it. It's so I know that she knows my take on the whole thing. She knows the consequences of doing this. She knows THERE IS consequences of doing things.

And the consequence is the trump card - aka: my ability to walk away from her and the relationship at any moment regardless of feelings.

Read that again!

If she's into you, and feels you are willing to walk away - then bad behavior does not occur [often]..... So bad behavior (beyond just testing) occurs when one of these is not in good shape:

1) She's not into you.
2) Or she doesn't feel you're willing to walk away.
3) Or your boundaries are lacking.

Unfortunately, most men in relationships: 1, 2, & 3 apply all at once. And at that point - there's nothing they can do. Other than hand over their balls so their owner can keep them in her purse.


If this is occurring on a regular bases in your relationship - I suggest you end it. There's plenty of women out there who won't be a pain in your @ss every time you go out together.


Telling her not to do something directly.
Giving her the cold shoulder.
Looking at her in a disapproving way.

All those things.... Won't work unless she's into you still and fears losing you.


also note: Most women will do things like this just to get a spike in emotions. They might be into you, etc. But they have some kind of malfunction (especially when drinking) that makes them just try to start things.... Every once in a while it is to be expected. If it's happening on a consistent bases - there's no reason to stay with her.

Now if you want to give a more specific question (what actually happened) - you'll get more specific answers.

Edit: D@mn this is long!
^ words of wisdom. repped +1