Got a girl I'm talking to that is obviously an AW. Extremely into herself to the point where it's pathetic. She is somewhat nice, it's just that she tries to qualify herself extremely way too much. She doesn't necessarily say anything disrespectful, but she does put on this im-better-than-you front. She has called me cute and slightly flirts, but I just dont feel like the FIRE is there. I feel I have to whip out some big guns and almost attack her personality and get a fire raging before I can do anything sexual with her. It took me awhile just to even get her number. It took 2 tries. I'm always DHVing myself through stories, and I don't let her disrespect me. But I just feel like the UMPH isnt there yet. So I need to kick it right in the ass, you know? How do you deal with girls like this?