Dealing with a ridiculously hot woman

Mar 7, 2002
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Help! I have had incredible success with women since I joined this site 4 years ago -- I went from a complete zero in that area to now, where I've actually lost track of the number of girls I've bedded (and 3somes-aplenty!) I've been using my powers for evil in that I've been more of a "player" and not looking for a relationship.

Perhaps you smart folk could offer advice to me once again: I'm hanging out with a girl this week who I would consider way, way outta my league in the looks department. I have enough really hot friends that are girls that I considered myself desensitized and wouldn't have to worry about getting flustered.. but this is just ridiculous. We're talking high-paid model hot, where you actually see guys jaws drop wherever she goes.

I do a spectacular job talking to her on the phone and whatnot -- this is a girl who seems to be very in tune with emotions, so I tried some patterning on her and she just loved it :crackup: Her interest level shot up to a noticeably very high level, clearing her schedule for us hanging out and giving me both her home and cell #s.

So how the hell do I keep a cool head when we're out and get rid of this oncoming case of oneitis I feel? I need to be on the ball with the negs and the ****y+funny, not nervous the entire time!

Now, to address the answers that I KNOW will probably come from this :p I know oneitis is horrible -- but I'm already dating 2 other women and have several prospects on top of that.. I'm crazy busy with my own personal involvements already.. beyond that, I don't know what to do about it.

I know the DJ method also preaches that NOBODY is outta your league, and I do feel like I have a shot here.. however, let's be honest: I'm decent looking, but not exactly supermodel material. That can't be helpful.

So what do I do, meditate before going out with her that I will not get the doggy-bowl look?? :D

(oh.. and uh.. she may have a bf.. but things don't seem like they are gonna work out there!)


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
As long as she hasn't explicity said she has a bf, just proceed as is. As long as you've been doing what you've been doing for the past few years and don't cream your pants upon her touching you, I think you should be fine. She cleared her schedule for you, just keep up what has been working. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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i hate to ask about somehting obvious i can't find patterning in the glossary that is linked to in the "how to use this site" thread.
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
She mentioned that she was "taken" a while back, and from what I know this is a guy she has been on and off with for a few years. She's the too romantic type who is "in love with love," so she told her friends she's in love, but it's definitely not gonna work out unless the guy changes big time.

On the other hand, she hasn't mentioned him since that first time when we've been talking. I know what she does and does not like about him (and guys in general) and I'm carefully presenting myself as exactly what she needs, hence her interest is peaked right now :)

There is one more concern in this that adds to me feeling nervous --

In a situation like this, when do you make a move? Too soon and you're out cause of "what are you doing I have a boyfriend!", but if you wait too long for her to come to her senses you may be in the friendship zone. Oh, and this guy is out of town for the next few weeks!
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
aolDJ said:
i hate to ask about somehting obvious i can't find patterning in the glossary that is linked to in the "how to use this site" thread.
Patterning is a controversial topic that deals with psychology and getting girls in a more suggestible state. I'd recommend staying away from it until you are very familiar with everything on this site :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Don Juan the Fantastic said:
Help! I have had incredible success with women since I joined this site 4 years ago -- I went from a complete zero in that area to now, where I've actually lost track of the number of girls I've bedded (and 3somes-aplenty!) I've been using my powers for evil in that I've been more of a "player" and not looking for a relationship.
Your question isn't compatible with this comment.

Only suggestion at this point is read the DJ bible and focus on other women.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Espi said:
Don't think about it...the next time you're with her, isolate her and ask her if she wants to kiss you. If she says she has a boyfriend, ask her, "Does it matter?"

You need to kiss-close this girl ASAP. Who knows: She could be wating for you to do so. :up:

Why ask her. Just pull the slight lean in, pause, look at her lips, brush your nose against hers, and go for it routine. Don't ask.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Before you take her out....

Focus Focus Focus

Meditate good and hard for at least an hour.

Form a vivid picture of your super model gf taking a gigantic diarrhea shyt. Then, when she goes to wipe, the toilet paper breaks and she gets some on her hand.

She's human dude! Chill......:cool:
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
flexion_ said:
Your question isn't compatible with this comment.

Only suggestion at this point is read the DJ bible and focus on other women.
You're exactly right. It SHOULDN'T matter who the girl is, if you're practiced enough you can handle any situation smoothly. As much as I've read and practiced the ideals in the DJ bible over the years, it still doesn't stop me from getting nervous and losing my cool a bit if it's a super hottie I'm going out with. I know to treat them as I would any other girl, but unconsciously I feel like I'm just fooling myself, I have trouble doing that.. just wondering if anyone had any tips, but I guess it sounds like there really isn't any advice except "pick up your balls and try to keep doing what you're doing" =)

Like I said, I'm dating a few different girls presently, but that's not helping since I'd prefer this one girl over the others!
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
Slickster said:
Focus Focus Focus

Meditate good and hard for at least an hour.

Form a vivid picture of your super model gf taking a gigantic diarrhea shyt. Then, when she goes to wipe, the toilet paper breaks and she gets some on her hand.

She's human dude! Chill......:cool:
Haha! Genius. And disgusting. :crazy: