Dealing with a breakups the right way


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Most of us have been there. You've had that gut feeling that something is not right in your relationship. Now she wants you to come over or meet up to "talk".

1.) Meet up. Make certain that this is going to be a breakup talk that she is initiating before you go to step 2.

2.) When she starts the "I've been thinking, this isnt working...." or the "I am just not happy....." Stop her IMMEDIATELY and tell her that you have such a RELIEF because you feel the same way. Put a smile on your face and act like you cant wait to go explore the world again. Do not hug her, do not kiss her, do not say you're sorry. Put a smile on your face and hit the door. The rest of your life starts TODAY. If you want to cry, go home and cry. For now you must act like she did you the biggest favor. You will make her head spin and flip control right then and there.

3.) When you hit that door, you are in NO CONTACT. That means everything. BLOCK her from fb, Instagram, snapchat....everything. Do this within a day or two. You are going to spin plates and you dont want them creeping on social media and find that you appear to be in a relationship. Do not answer phone calls, texts, etc. "Hey Glassguy, I found one of your t shirts at my place. When can you come over and get it?". Keep the damn thing. I am not responding.

4.)Its a good idea to block her really close friends on social media that are going to become Russian spies over the upcoming months. You can add them back later. For now, you dont need them telling her what is happening in your life.

5.) Ignore. You owe her nothing. She will feed you a belly full of false hope if you allow it. We all agree attention is a woman's reward for good behavior. Ignoring is the opposite and is the ultimate slap in the face to a woman. Ignore her. Dont even give her negative attention. She is dead to you and the last I checked, I cant talk to dead people. NC means she cannot play the hot/cold game to see if you are still taking the bait and will be a good backup plan.

You must understand that whatever the reason was for her losing interest, it is because you lost frame and became a doormat. If she lied, gang banged 14 dudes last doesnt matter. She didnt do these things in the beginning because you acted like a man. You were a mystery/challenge. You slowly were turned into a doormat with the inability to say "no". She lost respect for you over time, so she monkey branched. Ignore, work on your frame, proceed.

I know break ups are tough when you are really into a girl. Too many of you guys are making the emotional roller coaster last longer than it should after a breakup. You refuse to really go no contact and stay a doormat. She sends you a crumb and you gobble it up. You are scared to be a d!ck to this chick because you will ruin your chances with her.

Guess what? You dont have any more chances with THIS one. Why would you want to be with this chick? She doesnt respect you anymore. The water is muddy and the relationship you had is tainted. Even if she comes back, you are her second option now and she will keep you as a doormat until she finds someone she respects. Giving in at any point of the break up is giving her a green light to do it again. Go find someone that will treat you better, looks better, gives better bjs for crying out loud. They are out me.

Work on yourself. Stop asking if you should call her, text her, etc. Be a man and walk away with a smile on your face and leave her head spinning. Following this will give you complete power over yourself and the situation and that is all that matters!

Lastly, dont buy into the NC will get her back. It wont, but even if it does, things will go back to the same place again and you will only have a harder time walking away when that time comes.

Same rules apply with flaky women. Show a little interest, ask her out if you believe her interest in you is there too. Anything but a yes is a no. Dont stick around for her to string you along and feed her attention hunger. Find women that make it easy to get out and have fun when you get them there. Ghost the rest. Do not chase.

Go spin plates. Find 2-3 options and have fun.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Sure, if she's a 5lut/wh0r3, NC to get her back is a pointless strategy, as she is already on to the next john. You are easily forgotten.

She did you a favor, you dodged a bullet! You dont really want to be with a wh0r3, do you. Now you can go find someone who is loyal.
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Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Sure if she's a 5lut/wh0r3, NC to get her back is a pointless strategy, as she is already on to the next john. You are easily forgotten.

She did you a favor, you dodged a bullet! You dont really want to be with a wh0r3, do you. Now you can go find someone who is loyal.
I agree 100%. This wasnt for me, I am straight. Rather for the guys on here struggling with going ghost and deciding to move on to a better chapter of life than what they had before. They just need to make these moves and move forward.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Great advice.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Good stuff glass! I really wish I would have done this when we had "the talk"... I should have expressed how I felt with her distance and that it was unacceptable...

Comp eliminator

Don Juan
May 27, 2016
Reaction score
to all the guys looking for any reason to contact your ex who blew you off. any excuse to see her. any concocted plan to get her back. anything at all to get just one more conversation to discuss what happened and to explain yourself,apologize,promise to do better,etc.STOP;IT NEVER ****ING WORKS ......EVER!!!!im like 0 for 10 doing this weak ***** **** and all it does is make you look worse and prolongs the misery. i know you just want to stop the pain but you have to find another way. most people just refuse to listen and have to find out for themselves. Maybe youre one of the few smart ones reading this and listen to op's advice


Don Juan
May 9, 2008
Reaction score
Most of us have been there. You've had that gut feeling that something is not right in your relationship. Now she wants you to come over or meet up to "talk".

1.) Meet up. Make certain that this is going to be a breakup talk that she is initiating before you go to step 2.

2.) When she starts the "I've been thinking, this isnt working...." or the "I am just not happy....." Stop her IMMEDIATELY and tell her that you have such a RELIEF because you feel the same way. Put a smile on your face and act like you cant wait to go explore the world again. Do not hug her, do not kiss her, do not say you're sorry. Put a smile on your face and hit the door. The rest of your life starts TODAY. If you want to cry, go home and cry. For now you must act like she did you the biggest favor. You will make her head spin and flip control right then and there.

3.) When you hit that door, you are in NO CONTACT. That means everything. BLOCK her from fb, Instagram, snapchat....everything. Do this within a day or two. You are going to spin plates and you dont want them creeping on social media and find that you appear to be in a relationship. Do not answer phone calls, texts, etc. "Hey Glassguy, I found one of your t shirts at my place. When can you come over and get it?". Keep the damn thing. I am not responding.

4.)Its a good idea to block her really close friends on social media that are going to become Russian spies over the upcoming months. You can add them back later. For now, you dont need them telling her what is happening in your life.

5.) Ignore. You owe her nothing. She will feed you a belly full of false hope if you allow it. We all agree attention is a woman's reward for good behavior. Ignoring is the opposite and is the ultimate slap in the face to a woman. Ignore her. Dont even give her negative attention. She is dead to you and the last I checked, I cant talk to dead people. NC means she cannot play the hot/cold game to see if you are still taking the bait and will be a good backup plan.

You must understand that whatever the reason was for her losing interest, it is because you lost frame and became a doormat. If she lied, gang banged 14 dudes last doesnt matter. She didnt do these things in the beginning because you acted like a man. You were a mystery/challenge. You slowly were turned into a doormat with the inability to say "no". She lost respect for you over time, so she monkey branched. Ignore, work on your frame, proceed.

I know break ups are tough when you are really into a girl. Too many of you guys are making the emotional roller coaster last longer than it should after a breakup. You refuse to really go no contact and stay a doormat. She sends you a crumb and you gobble it up. You are scared to be a d!ck to this chick because you will ruin your chances with her.

Guess what? You dont have any more chances with THIS one. Why would you want to be with this chick? She doesnt respect you anymore. The water is muddy and the relationship you had is tainted. Even if she comes back, you are her second option now and she will keep you as a doormat until she finds someone she respects. Giving in at any point of the break up is giving her a green light to do it again. Go find someone that will treat you better, looks better, gives better bjs for crying out loud. They are out me.

Work on yourself. Stop asking if you should call her, text her, etc. Be a man and walk away with a smile on your face and leave her head spinning. Following this will give you complete power over yourself and the situation and that is all that matters!

Lastly, dont buy into the NC will get her back. It wont, but even if it does, things will go back to the same place again and you will only have a harder time walking away when that time comes.

Same rules apply with flaky women. Show a little interest, ask her out if you believe her interest in you is there too. Anything but a yes is a no. Dont stick around for her to string you along and feed her attention hunger. Find women that make it easy to get out and have fun when you get them there. Ghost the rest. Do not chase.

Go spin plates. Find 2-3 options and have fun.
Unbelievable post. Straight forward and the best. This is the real fact of life. People in this world are so flaky and they turn their back when u sound weak.

You are absolutely right and I am glad that people like u r here to help us.

Extremely motivating post. I really appreciate this.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
This is good for wanting to get an ex back I would say it really depends on the quality of the girl and the reason she left you. If you had an amazing woman try and get her back, if you think you can do better don't bother. Also to say that women lose respect for every man they leave is false. Sometimes people just grow apart.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
This is a little extreme. Often the case, but sometimes you are playing with a rigged deck. You can severely corrupt your game by calibrating to so-called mistakes you think you made in a relationship with a diseased woman that is untameable. I have racked my brain for years second-guessing every decision I made in relationships only to find out later that it was rigged from the beginning and the women never intended anything long-term with me.
Its the exception and not the norm.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
This is a little extreme. Often the case, but sometimes you are playing with a rigged deck. You can severely corrupt your game by calibrating to so-called mistakes you think you made in a relationship with a diseased woman that is untameable. I have racked my brain for years second-guessing every decision I made in relationships only to find out later that it was rigged from the beginning and the women never intended anything long-term with me.
I agree with this. One thing that always used to wreck me, not just with my LTRs but with any type of rejection I faced in life was taking it personally. I felt like if I was better in some way shape or form that I could have prevented it from happening. I'm slowing learning to not think this way. I've realized that because a. there are so many different reasons why people act the way they do and b. that if continue to personalize everything I'm going to be miserable the rest of my life and I don't want that.