dating older women...pros / cons ?


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
i need some advice and would like to hear some different opinions.

quick background...i've never been in love or had any real relationships, just dated a few girls (3) here and there in the past month or two...i stopped pursuing them and ignored them pretty much (until they went away) because they were 1) not that attractive, and i can do better 2) i've realized i don't click very well with younger girls and girls my age

sure, making out and screwing is fun the whole deal, but after doing that a few times and realizing you can't hold a steady conversation with the girl, it loses all appeal. i'd rather find someone i can have a relationship with. i mean, i've found younger girls to be a bit more ...not immature, but it's like they have no fvcking life?!

i've been doing approaches lately, and again, my approaches have confirmed that i connect better or have more potential chemistry with older women...say like 24 to 27 age range (i'm 21 btw)

i did a search, and most of the posts were first of all, in the highschool forum and talked about a freshman dating a case is a bit different. and second, most of the threads asked about how to keep an older girl, what she wants out of a relationship, etc...i'm not worried about that stuff

i'm worried that it won't work out. i'll admit my parents would not be able to accept me dating an older woman, but i can deal with disappointing them once or twice...thing is, i've believed it for so long i can't get it out of my it just plain wrong?

i'd like to hear opinions, suggestions, advice, or any experience you guys have had with dating older women and what problems you ran into, etc.

sure i could just go and try it, but i'd like to know what i'm getting into first and what to keep my eyes open for

i just feel like i've let too many opportunities slide just because she was maybe 4 or 5 years older...




Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Denver, CO
First off, an older women (in the age range you are talking about) is going to know more about what they want from a man. Second of all, if things get serious, they are may want you to stick around. At your age, things may be fine for a while, but once you realize that the whole world is open to you, you probably won't want to settle down anytime soon.

I dated a 36 year old when I was 20 (Definitely an HB8) and I dated a 25 year old from 20 to about 22. She had a lot of baggage and emotional issues along with a kid. One thing I learned; stay away from chicks with kids, I don't care how cool you think they are or if her pvssy is made of gold, it isn't worth it. Other than that, sex is good and the horizons expanded are terrific.



Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Originally posted by Eyes_Of_Fire
ok, thanks. so is there any upside?

right, sex is good...but i can have that with younger, average-looking chicks without having to "lead them on."

i'm afraid with an older chick i'll be leading her on...because i definitely will not settle down with her, no way.

thing is though, i've found that with older chicks, they don't play much games, and they are looking for a man...that's it, plain and simple. you don't have to bullsh!t them with c&f, neg hits or any of that sh!t. and i honestly have not ran into many older attention wh0res or teases either.

i don't want sex with multiple chicks and no quality. you know what i mean...i'd rather spend quality time with someone

i don't want to say that i'm more mature or anything, it's just that i don't see the point of wasting my time with meaningless crappy women

so besides the sex is there any upside?

btw, i'll make sure to look out for women with emotional problems and children though


actually, edit: i realize sex with an older (assumingly hot) woman will be a pretty big upside because she's probably pretty good in bed ...but i guess what i'm really asking is, why the heck would it work out if she knows i'm younger, and that i won't settle down?

should i just ignore the age difference like it's nonextistent?