Date went fine until this happened! How should I respond?


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Went out on a date with some HB on well had lots in common, went to watch a film she was playing with my arm etc, anyway we are at the cinema and I go in for the kiss and she basically grabs me and kisses me....everything seems to be going smooth, I suggest we goto a bar and she says yeah...good idea!

Anyway i go to the toilet quick and she waits outside...i come back and she looks really upset and says she has just seen her ex with his new gf...she seemed pretty beat up about it but i acted like it hadn't affected me, then she kissed me quickly and said she had to go home!

Anyway that was this afternoon and I expected her to txt me to atleast apologise but have received nothing! Not really sure how to play this...If I don't text her is she likely to text me or should i Just text her tomorrow? I would really like to fvck her but I guess its not the end of the world.

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not really sure what you should do, but the way I see it the girl acted like an *******, totally disrespectful. Sounds like she was leading you on then got tired of it


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Once is a hiccup. Twice is coincidence. Three times a pattern.

Depending on how busy you are, you may strike her out early. It depends on how you feel about it.

Take it for what it is - seeing her ex upset her. And, she didn't have the self control to keep that to herself. Now, ask yourself, is this something you'd allow once, or something you absolutely cannot compromise on?

Also remember that not everything has to be a battle.

It's up to you what you do. Don't overanalyze, because you don't know anything about the situation.


Don Juan
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
I'd be pissed because he's an ex for a reason, when she's with you she should be focused on you, and I probably would try to regain the upper hand in the situation. On the other hand though, it depends on the girl. She obviously still has feelings for him, so you can take that with a grain of salt and act accordingly. Sounds like her ex still has some emotional control over her so you need to step up your game so she doesn't even think about him.

That, or as posted, she used that as an excuse to bail.

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Maybe she saw her ex and was upset... maybe she didn't see him at all and was just looking for an excuse to leave. They lie like hell


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
you dont know the background of her ex. it could of been some crapped up relationship which could of brought up old feelings or he could of been abusive or she didnt find closure. who knows?

move on.

but in the mean time you now know she still has feeling for her ex which she needs to figure out.

if she contacts you, awesome. set up a second date. make sure its an out of town kinda thing.


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
When she kissed you like that you should of went back to her place. Maybe the ex thing was an excuse to leave early from the date. Women put on acts when they want to get out of something. She did kiss you earlier though. If the ex upsets her that bad then she isnt worth it. Women will usually show off the new guy to the ex for revenge. she left you hanging. I'd find another if I was you. She never even texted you later or nothing..


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
In this case, a little understanding may be in order.

You were on a first date. She just saw her ex. With a new girlfriend.

No matter how interested she is in you, if the relationship was very serious, it is always a big ouch to see your ex with their new significant other. She was honest about why she wanted to end the date, and why she was upset. <---- giving her the benefit of the doubt because anything else is kind of bitter and detrimental at this stage. Also, the reason is understandable, unless you have never been in a serious relationship before, or had your heart broken. you don't know the details, and that doesn't mean you should ask either.

I'd give her a pass on this one, and not bring it up again.

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hmmmm Bummer bro. What are the chances that she actually saw her ex?
Could be true but only you can make the best judgement.
Does she have a FB? Try to think of what sort of person she is?
Can you describe her more. Look on her profile if you have it and see if there are alot of guy friends ect that are just hanging off her shoulder. Just do a full on stalk if you can haha.
It wouldn't hurt to text her to see if she got home okay. It will hurt your game a little bit of what is left of it so no real loss.
If what she says is true however you might win a point or two.
I rekon do it for yourself not her. Don't expect anything, but atleast you can find out to see what the deal is and can then move on eaiser knowing.
You could reply with a: Look HB I had a nice time but, I need a strong women who can have lots of casual fun. Then you have a few options from here. You could try land yourself in the freind zone and bounce straight back out.
If your not that worried don't bother with her. Hope it turns out fine fo you.
Keep us posted.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Well it's not looking good! I text her this morning just something casual like "Hey geek how is work today" and she hasn't responded which she usually does within 10 mins! I actually met her on pof and I can see shes been on it frequently since she left yesterday lol. Whats bothering me is if she didnt see her ex she had me completely and I mean completely fooled...she even complained that her ex's new gf was ugly lol. I no longer want to fcuk her and im really annoyed at how disrespectful shes been...a simple sorry couldnt hurt could it?


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
it will become clearer in a little while, but in the meantime - don't lose your composure in the short term


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah I just find it really Bizarre, when we were in coffee shop she pretty much kinoed me, toes were pointing towards me, playing with her hair, laughing etc! as date went on got more intense, kiss was fine....apparently sees her ex and then has to go home...never txt me since lol! I just cant figure it out as on a date for me if things are going bad they end bad and if things are going good they end good! I guess im just confused!


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Just thought i'd mention I also have 2 girls who I have little intrest in anymore who just keep randomly texting me! Why is it always the one you are intrested in who seems to be a *****!


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
charge her to the game and forget her. If she hasn't responded by now then I think she's not going to respond. Don't keep texting her if she's not responding.

This chick obviously has issues that she needs to deal with. So I'd just let her go and find another girl. If she comes around then great, pick up where you left off. But if not then you can live without her


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Move on!

Some girls can remain obsessed with their ex for years and the best you can hope for is to be the rebound guy. She might be good for sex, but don't get caught up on her.

I have a rule now that if a girl mentions her ex more than 3 times during a conversation, moans about him or she's only recently broken up, I keep on looking.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Ok guys should i txt her in a couple of days a final text saying "oh well your loss, good luck in the future" or is this a bad idea?


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
DannyM said:
Ok guys should i txt her in a couple of days a final text saying "oh well your loss, good luck in the future" or is this a bad idea?
If you decide to move on, cool it with the drama. Don't text dumb stuff like that. It gains you nothing, and makes you look like a weakling. And if you become the type who sends that kind of message, I'd be inclined to say you actually -are- a weakling.

Basically, if you can imagine the protagonist in a chick flick doing whatever it is you're thinking of doing, don't do it.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
She saw her ex big deal your the better guy. An ex is just an example of what didnt work. DO NOT TEXT HER let her make the 1st move. This is why its good to have plates spinning with your hobbies/passion. You do have hobbies/passion right?

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
OK IS pof a dating sight. First of all if she is ready to be dating she should be over her ex right. So that is most likely a way out or excuse. But she probly has underlying issues that cause her to do these things. She definatley sounds of the tester type and is out to string guys along to stroke her ego for her. Be thakfull she didn't turn you into the "I let him by me nice things guy" Testers are the hardest type of people to date because they loose interest quickly as you have learnt. Also instead of entering in a long term relationship with one person. They have about five different guys. Look up what each number means on here somewhere I read it. For example. 1=freind 2=**** buddy ect. They aquire and fill all there needs from a variety of guys instead of just one so it is harder to get theses ones so don't worry.
And regarding:"Just thought i'd mention I also have 2 girls who I have little intrest in anymore who just keep randomly texting me! Why is it always the one you are intrested in who seems to be a *****!" These girls are pursuing you because you are un interested and have higher value because of this.
They wan't what they cant have. The same with this other chick you are at the bottom and she has the power. Sending a spitful text won't help just make you look worse. Just get over her asap I have been in a similar situation and it sucks.

Hope some of this helps.