Date on 31st !!! Help Please


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
Hello Guys,

Help me out on this one: I had a first date with her last week and she told me that all her friends have boyfriend but she does not.she is looking for a boyfriend and someone who is a gentleman...She stays 8 hours away from me...have to come to my city by Bus.

She called me up yesterday and told me that she will be in town for 31st and wants to spend the evening with me. I acted busy and said will confirm you later on 31st morning..she said all her friends will be enjoying with their boyfriends and so she prefers to have a date that night....

she will go abroad in a 6 months time..due to her career plans.

My problem: Should I take her our on 31st night..?? She is a bit the serious type and I dont know much about her as well (well little about her and family). I don want to spend on that night on a date whom I dont know..but I want to have a good time as well should I take a chance and take her out to the best places and give her a thrill..but getting laid without commitment is not a Asian girls perception of a good time!! hmm

Shoud I speed up the chase and pin her down or have a good time and know her more and then perhaps once we have talked things over then take on her...

some advice will be helpful..


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score

Continued: How about a small gift to her on that day as a New Year gift..or is it wussy...hmm what if she brings it??


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
What will YOU have more fun doing? Hanging with her? Or doing something else??

That "gentleman" stuff pretty much means, "regardless of whether or not I'm a slut, I don't want you to give me the negative connotation that comes with it."

Oh, and skip the gift...if anything, something small and trivial.

You seem way too you're afraid of messing up. Relax. ;)


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Take her out on the best date of her life. Make her have the best time ever in her life. Make the most out of that one night, those few hours. Go to a good restaurant, find out as much as you can about her, watch fireworks, caress her, kiss her, and go as far as two are willing to go that night. Worry about the consequences later.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Well you obviously don't have 3 other women lined up for New Year's Eve, so you might as well take this women out. Just take her out, show her a great time, and don't worry about 6 months from now, worry about the moment, for all you know nothing will work out and you just wasted 3 days of your life worrying about some broad that was a waste of your time. Use the time in between to start approaching other women and setting up next week's dates.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
dude its new years eve, your are guaranteed to get punani from her. GUARANDAMNTEED!


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
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Date Feedback

Guys..thanks for your help..let me give u an intersting update what happened on the date....the dinner went fine..she talked we talked 50-50..had some quality convo...she ordered little bit..not sucked too much of my cash...then just before midnight we went to a Disco to shake things up and get an ooportunity to get close to her..kino was almost instant..she danced with me all along...then as the mid night struck 3..2..1..Yeahhhhh..then I grabbed her hugged her and planted a deep throat kiss on her smooth lips..and from them onwards..we started smooching..after 15 misn of post New year..I took her to the lounges behind..and start licker her ears,,she was wet wet wet..then I asked her to come to my apartment BUT she said its too late she has tp be back with her friend room to stay...she also said.its going too fast..we just met..but her eye pupil was very big all the time and she really told me that she really had a great time...then we went out another date and she was little bit cooler but we held hands and then I had to rush back as I will be leaving for Sydney...

I called her to say bye but she hung up and switched off her mobile phone..later after 15 mins I called then she kept it ring..did not she cheatingon to find out..

She also said when we will meet again and she wrote a message to me that she will miss me...whats going on...

Next time I plan to invite her to my room..if she says No then I will know she is playing with me or trying to take things slowly deliberately...what should be the next moove..from now on...anyway I will be in should I contact her thru email..or try to make her jealous by saying that I went to a disco in Sydney..please me...


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
dam man, i feel sorry for you so ill help you out

1-you are worrying WAY TOO MUCH... shes gone in 6 months so lighten up
2-meet other girls, youll find when you have 3+ girls yooure talking to, you wont stress out over 1 this much, and you are much more likely to succed b/c you come off as if you dont care what she thinks (drives girls crazy, especially HB's)
3-she TOLD YOU she wants a BF and her friends all have one... WTF DO YOU THINK THIS MEANS; girls dont tell guys **** like this unless they like them; she probably wants you to make a ****ing move on her and dont worry, you are GOLDEN (it will be hard for you to F this one up)
4-ask her about hanging up on her and why she didnt call you back and that you thought it was rude (stand up for yourself)
5-she doesnt sound like a slut (not going home with you on NYE... get her drunker next time, trust me) so you might want to take it slower than trying to **** her on the 2nd date... NOT; invite her over to eat/watch movie/give a massage/then go in for the kill (it will work)
6-make her jealous by saying you went to a club? go to the club dont just say you did, live life and meet other people and yes telling her you are going out all the time and having the time of your life will make her jealous (good thing) and she will want to be a part of that and like you more
7-dont call her to be nice; you are a DJ and too busy to use the phone (i hate the ****ing phone but maybe thats just me) and use it only to setup dates not to say "omg i hate a great time last night i cant wait to see you again have fun in sydney!!! ill miss you!!"

hope this helps