Date Log

PimpC 2k3

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, the other day i went on a date to a baseball game with this gurl. This is how the day went.
Basically the whole time we were sittin and talkin with a few awkard silences during that time. I was making her laugh and we were have ok conversations. We didnt have much kino though. Then after the game was over, there was a fireworks show. At about the middle of the show i figured what the heck and put my arm around her til the end and she was ok with it. Then, when we were exiting, the whole time i held her hand and we talked.
When we got outside, i was leanin against a pole and she was jus standin as we waited 4 our ride home we was jus talkin. Then i jus pulled her over to me and gave her i guess 2 pecks on the lips and we jus waited, her in my arms, until we were picked up.
The next day i called her and asked,"do u like me cuz i like u?" and she said, "yea". so i said then do u wanna go with me and she said, "rght now i just wanna keep to myself, is that cool with u?" and i said yea. So how would u say i did on the date and on my overall pursuit in her and also, she is real quiet on the phone when i try to talk to her how would u suggest i get more talking out of her??


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
The date seems to have gone fine, if she agreed to kiss you and all that.

One thing I wouldn't have done, though, is to ask her if she likes you. I mean, as we know, girls don't always say what they think. Actions over words, my friend, actions over words. If she looks like she is all over you, then she probably is. If she says she loves you but is stone cold, then she's lying in your face.

How did she look, during the date ? Honestly, did she look like she enjoyed herself ? Did she look like she was digging you ? We need a little more details on how she acted during the date.

Also, you said you asked her "do you wanna go with me...", go with you where ? Do you mean it as in, "go out with me?", then I guess here's another thing I wouldn't have done. Don't just say "Do you wanna go out with me", propose something. Just the status of "going out" doesn't mean anything : do something with her, and leave the name-calling to her.

Also, another thing taught around here is to let the girl say she is interested first. That is, let her say "I love you" (or in your case, "I like you") first.

"I just wanna keep to myself" seems a little cold from her ... What did she say exactly ? I mean, if the date went as well as you said, and she answers that, the nI'm afraid she isn't very interested... We never know, though, until you do propose another date. Like someone else here would say (sorry, can't remember who), be confident. Don't ask her to go out with you, tell her. Be like "Hey, I'm free Saturday night, wanna go see a movie with me ? I'll pick you up at 7." Just be decisive, without place for a comeback or for excuses. (This will show your confidence, and she will appreciate that : no girl wants to go with someone who isn't able to ask simple things.) Now, this has either 3 possible answers : "Yes, perfect" (she's probably interested) ; "No, I'm busy, but we could do it again some time (and she proposes some time, or you do, but better let her ;))" (again, she might be interested) ; or "No." (she's not interested).

Anyways, give us more details about how she reacted, and what she said exactly on the phone.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Man oh man, you did so many things wrong.

I want you to get this through your head right now. You are a man. If she were to have you, she'd be the luckiest girl around. You're confident in yourself and your actions. You don't care what she thinks, you do something because it makes you feel good and you're giving her the privilege of feeling good too. You stick by your actions 100% and you don't question it. You assume she wants you, you assume that she enjoys all the things you do to her. Because that kind of assumption is the type to make her believe it too. And trust me, if she doesn't, she'll let you know.

Don't ask her if she likes you. Don't ask questions where there are answers you don't want to hear. You don't want to get rejected, so don't. She let you kiss her, she'll make the next committed move if she wanted to. So what you do is you go on another date, and kiss her. Keep progressing physically in the relationship and if she really wants one of those "name-calling" boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, she'll ask you for it.

She told you she wanted to keep to herself. Not only that, you were okay with it. The least you could have said was "Well, hey, you have my number, call me back when you don't want to keep to yourself anymore."

You want a relationship with this woman and that's final. Don't let her control the relationship. You're in control.

Now here's the question, would you have said that to a woman you were truly interested in? Of course not. Now she has doubts. Now she has to think. Now she has to question. And now you have to question if she is really as interested as you might think she is.

So here's the gameplan. Ask her out on another DATE, make sure it's a date. And kiss her again on the DATE. As if it wasn't obvious that you liked her the first time you kissed her, it should be a billion times more obvious this time. Now if she has any feelings for you, she won't stop you. Let it go on from there.

Just remember, you're a confident man and you don't put up with anything besides your way. You don't ask questions or push buttons, you take what you want and you aren't some wimp scared to admit it.

PimpC 2k3

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
thankx for the advice u guys. This will really help i'll get bac to u when we go on anther date.