DANCING! (need to knowstuff) n sucess story!


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ok advice i need as you will learn of in this my first success story, lol, real happy about it:
What are some tips and movies you know that i could use to learn how to good dance stuff in a circle at dances where people do stuff like the worm, or harlem shake, etc? (like know any sites or movies that go into how to do them?)
Second-How to kiss good? (this is first girl ive kissed really, n need to know to make it good man, i was ****ing nervous before i kissed her n all i did when i told her goodbye was closed lip kiss, dont tell me to search please just give me urls to the pages,
3rd-Give me whatever constructive criticism to tell me what i did wrong, or should have done different and how to just be even better at doing this.
thanks a lot u guys, now enjoy my success story, thanks alot!

OK so anyway this weekend stuff happened at a convention i went to. Eventually met a girl and she liked me and everyone else was asking what was the deal with her n me and people were telling me she had a thing for me (which i didnt need to know though, necause of all the tips of here i knew the obvious signs she liked me) and it was all good cause there was two dances there and we pretty much only danced with each other the whole time, for like the two hours( there were two dances over the weekend n they let us actually dance not the gay **** schools might do, although we did get told we cant dance that way a couple times but these old dudes, but it was like only me n her being told lol but we just went to the middle of the dance and danced again lol) So from here im exited, cause i thought i couldnt dance but after the dance friday the girls who i was with, i heard em saying, mtllcanpssy (me) is probably the best dancer of the guys here, so i was like so ****ing happy cause now i can dance, although i did get boners and **** o well cause i dont think this girl cared cause in our room we were lying down or something n i think i got one maybe, n she was like u cant hide it this time, lol, i was like red in the face, lol. But from here, i cant dance good, but all those people would try to get me to do **** in like the center of a group where people do like break dance **** and i just was wondering if ya'll cud help me with some tips or movies i could watch or watever to learn some **** to do in the middle of the circle to be even a better dancer. So we went back to our rooms after the dance, and she was wearing a thong cause she was telling me earlier about songs in her head and said one was the thong song (and if she talked about it or something i wud b like ur trying to seduce me, stop trying to seduce me, gosh, ya know being ****y n funny n watever, another dj thing) (this was saturday, n we had a dance the night before, n then there was a dance again saturday night) and she didnt really tell me she was wearing one but i kinda thought she did and then after the dance she did something to like pull my pants and i was like well now im gonna do that to you and pulled up her skirt to reveal her thong so i was like hell yeah headed to my room. But i hesitated and was nervous about the kiss, cus in all honesty i havent really ever so, this might be of some help. And while we were in the room this other dude was in there who was is lil wierd so i didnt make a move, kissed her hand when she left tho (sorry if its afc or watever, tell me what i did wrong or shud have done right, besides going in for the kiss) but did kiss her when i before we left when we got back to schools from convention and got all her stuff (number etc.) And i know she likes me A LOt so im happy but im worrying about my kissing, so if yall cud point me to anywhere (url, dont say search) that would be really nice. But nyway so this is like my first ever sucess story, and probably will lead into a girlfriend and then we will probably go to prom together, and who knows what will happen then :D

NYC Dude

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
New York City, USA
Honestly, with all the "lols" and lack of paragraph structure, I stopped reading about halfway through your story. From what I read though, it seems like you accomplished your goals and feel quite happy about it, so good for you! In response to your questions, to learn to dance well you need dedication and patience. You will not become a master overnight. Find a style of dance that you enjoy, and to start search for videos on google or p2p programs and emulate the style. After you learn the basics you can be creative and make the dance your own, but honestly that won't be for a while unless you are a fast learner. As for kissing, you can't just read about it and be good at it. You will learn from experience, so make the best of what you have right now and practice with this girl.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Yea i understand about the paragraph/sentence structure, thats just how I usually write online (although im in an AP English so it is not like I do not know how to write or anything) I understand about the dancing thing, my computer sucks so I cant really do any searching cause I have 56K and as said earlier it really sucks. I was just wanted to know the dancing stuff, to do even better since Prom is coming up and the kissing thing is just to increase me arsenal. I understand what you're saying though (thought that myself, but figured it can not hurt to ask). I guess I will just be like, if you dont like the way i guess, teach me better, haha, and if anybody knows of any good videos that would help. Thanks NYC


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
to kiss a girl...there are two kinds of kissing...just rough dirty going at it...and then sensual kissing...which is probably what you should use on the dance floor. For this, suck on the girls bottom lip and bite it and use tongue SLOW and just keep mixing it up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Do a search, it still works on a 56K modem. There is a really good post somewhere here on it, however, i have better things to do than look for it for you, sorry mate. Kissing girls is easy and i keep getting told im good at it. The best thing is practice.

One tip: with your hands, make sure you are running them all over her, dont grope, stroke her. Make her horny, by playing with her ears, running through her hair, down her back, pulling her towards you and so on.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ok thanks so far. Yea JSH thats fine, i understand about the search thing, dont worry about it or nything. Any more advice from all the djs out there?