Dan_DJ - Introduction and first field report


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2004
Reaction score

I'm 18 years old, 1st year of college, only ever had one girlfriend. Anyway, I've recently discovered the DJ Bible and have been reading it religiously for the last few weeks. This stuff is f.ucking gold, and I thank all the people who have contributed.

Anyway, today (Sunday) I decided to grow some balls and go out to see if these techniques actually. As you've probably noticed, there was my first mistake - going out on a Sunday night. But I hadn't been out with my buddies in a while, so I thought f.uck it, we're going out tonight.

So we (me, a single friend, and a friend with a girlfriend) head out to the first bar - impossible to do any "Don Juaning". All the girls were with guys - not a SINGLE group of girls on their own. We had one drink and left.

Next bar - same thing. I'm thinking that girls only go out in groups of girls only on Fridays and Saturdays. We're just about to leave when we FINALLY see 2 girls on their own - HB5 and HB6 - we're REALLY not attracted, but me and my single friend both feel we need some practice so we wander over and start talking to them - here's a rough transcription:

ME: Hi, how you doin?
HB 5: We're fine, how are you?
ME: We're great...I'm Dan, by the way, and this is my friend [name].
(shake hands, exchange names, and say hi)
ME: So, HB5, are you and HB6 students?
HB5: No, we're too old to be students?
ME: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you then?
HB5: I'm 28, and HB6 is 25. [lol, our chances are now ZERO]
ME: No way!!! You look our age!!! (OK, this was a blatant lie, and a pretty AFC thing to do. Hey, I'm still learning)
HB5: (whilst slapping me on the arm) You just made our night.(both HBs smiling)
ME: So if you're not students, what do you do?
HB5: [No idea what she said]
ME: Thats sounds pretty cool. What about you, HB6?
HB6: I make babies [both HBs start laughing at this point. I thought she meant she was pregnant, but then I noticed she was drinking quite a lot, and she didn't have a bump or anything]
ME: What does that mean?
HB6: I work at the IVF clinic.
ME: Ohhhhhhhh, I see.
HB6: Wow, most people have to ask me what IVF is. (Maybe the locals are stupid, I dunno)
ME: Hey, we're students, we're extremely intelligent! (A feeble attempt at C/F, I need to work on that A LOT).
HBs: [they laugh]
HB5: So what course are doing?
ME: I'm studying French.
[Conversation then goes on to how bad they are at French, and I very sarcastically tell them that they're actually really good]
After this I make our excuses and we leave the club to go play pool at another place.

All in all I'm just very happy to have done my first EVER cold approach and I was quite surprised how easy it is to keep the conversation going. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for my friend (you may have noticed he didn't say a SINGLE word during the entire 5 minute conversation). I may have to direct him here if we're gonna be wingmen for each other. Next time I'm gonna make sure the girls we go speak to are of a similar age to us, and I apologise if any of this doesn't make sense, I am a little drunk at the moment.

I would appreciate any criticism/comments (please be harsh, it's the only way I'll learn), and any advice. I'll be going out again on Friday, when I'll definitly be trying again.

Thanks guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dan_DJ

ME: If you don't mind me asking, how old are you then?
HB5: I'm 28, and HB6 is 25. [lol, our chances are now ZERO]
ME: No way!!! You look our age!!! (OK, this was a blatant lie, and a pretty AFC thing to do. Hey, I'm still learning)
HB5: (whilst slapping me on the arm) You just made our night.(both HBs smiling)

This is gold man,telling 28 y.o that you thought she was your age (18-19) is a huge complement and ego bust for women! That alone could get you laid !! Not AFC at all,very much DJ!!! And 28 y.o would love to have 18 y.o fukk buddy!..so you chances were not zero,should have gotten her number and made booty call that nite.What can you loose?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Congratulations on your first approach. You are already better than some members of this board!

As for comments, don't take these to heart, merely as things to work on.

1. There are no magic bullets. You will have to work on this approaching constantly. Post here for feedback. There will be many advice coming from a lot of people. Each with their own style, pick the one that you feel most comfortable with and TEST it yourself. Personally, I have a pretty ballsy and no-holds barred attitude, which do not fit in with most people's reality.

2. Your conversation was boring. You have to attract the girl(s) first. I guarantee you she would not have remembered you a few days down the track. Why? Because you had small talked her, and not aroused her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures.

3. Don't ask questions. Instead CONVEY your personality with cool, funny and intriguing stories. When you ask question, you categorise yourself with 99% of the LAMOs trying to PU.

4. Approach BY YOURSELF. When there is two or more of you approaching a group, it is a PU. You don't want to be preceived as a PU yet. Go in under the radar. Plus when you approach a group of women by yourself, you are perceived to be much more confident. When you approach with a wing, you are a LAMO.

5. Approach groups with guys in them as well. You will be surprised how many groups contained unattached "couples" like work people, brothers and sisters, guys trying to PU the chicks etc. Some of my best PUs are from mixed groups.

6. When you go out this friday, make sure you approach at least 10 groups. Don't emphasise on getting somewhere with any of the groups, just get that fear of approaching OUT of your system first.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for your feedback guys.

uniassign, that's awesome advice, thanks a lot man. I'll try to remember all that and will post another field report on Saturday.

Anyone else have any criticisms/comments/advice?

Originally posted by uniassign
Congratulations on your first approach. You are already better than some members of this board!

As for comments, don't take these to heart, merely as things to work on.

1. There are no magic bullets. You will have to work on this approaching constantly. Post here for feedback. There will be many advice coming from a lot of people. Each with their own style, pick the one that you feel most comfortable with and TEST it yourself. Personally, I have a pretty ballsy and no-holds barred attitude, which do not fit in with most people's reality.

2. Your conversation was boring. You have to attract the girl(s) first. I guarantee you she would not have remembered you a few days down the track. Why? Because you had small talked her, and not aroused her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures.

3. Don't ask questions. Instead CONVEY your personality with cool, funny and intriguing stories. When you ask question, you categorise yourself with 99% of the LAMOs trying to PU.

4. Approach BY YOURSELF. When there is two or more of you approaching a group, it is a PU. You don't want to be preceived as a PU yet. Go in under the radar. Plus when you approach a group of women by yourself, you are perceived to be much more confident. When you approach with a wing, you are a LAMO.

5. Approach groups with guys in them as well. You will be surprised how many groups contained unattached "couples" like work people, brothers and sisters, guys trying to PU the chicks etc. Some of my best PUs are from mixed groups.

6. When you go out this friday, make sure you approach at least 10 groups. Don't emphasise on getting somewhere with any of the groups, just get that fear of approaching OUT of your system first.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by uniassign

2. Your conversation was boring. You have to attract the girl(s) first. I guarantee you she would not have remembered you a few days down the track. Why? Because you had small talked her, and not aroused her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures.

3. Don't ask questions. Instead CONVEY your personality with cool, funny and intriguing stories. When you ask question, you categorise yourself with 99% of the LAMOs trying to PU.

Can U give example for #2 please on how not to be Boring?

For # 3 ........like tell stories that are funny, my hobbies, any example?

thanks its a big help.

"I dont look for girls anymore ....cuz everytime i look for girls. i cant find any attractive girls. so i will just follow one of the DJ's advice ....just approach!....when u see a girl that is attractive (dont give a ****)." and it fits in my schedule too.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Can U give example for #2 please on how not to be Boring?

For # 3 ........like tell stories that are funny, my hobbies, any example?

"Boring" for girls is defined as being LOGICAL. Women are emotional creatures, and when you are engaging them on a logical basis, they are bored.

So what you need to do is arouse their emotions. This can be done by being playful, misinterpreting what they say/do, busting on them, show them something fun. The goal here is to make them laugh and touch you.

Telling stories is a great way to attract girls. Most guys in bars and pub and clubs are focused on ASKING QUESTIONS. Seriously, if you are really the prize, who the f&*k cares what she does, whether she is enjoying herself or where she gets that necklace.

I tell stories about how I went skydiving and the my skydiving instructor was gay, and how we had to use the emergency parachute.

I tell stories about how I started a bush fire, and helped put it out and then got a bravery award afterwards.

I also tell stories about how my friend and I played a practical joke on some stuck up real estate agent.

I tell stories about how I enjoy running at the beach in the morning, and how I had a really boring business meeting and was counting cars.

I talk about how I am starting a business what I want her to do for me.

I tell them that I went and play soccer with my little cousin and then take him to MacDonalds afterwards and how he scored a free meal by sucking up to the little old ladies.

What you will notice is that all these stories are fun, and/or interesting but yet they contain my core characteristics. Now the chicks are listening to the stories and are having a great time laughing, but AT THE SAME TIME, they DEDUCE my personality and characteristics.

I don't have to BRAG about how adventurous I am. I can show that through my skydiving story. I can show how fun I am by the practical jokes that I tell her I play. I can show her my sensitive side when I talk about my little cousin.

Make sense?