Damn it I have had enough


Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Good god I feel so pathetic. i dont know whats the deal with me. I am 20 years old and still a virgin and finished my first year of college.

yea thats right fellas, pathetic to the extreme.

Im not an ugly guy at all. In fact I have been told how handsome I am by some girls in the past. Throughout MOST of highscool I was too timid to ask out a girl. I had a bad social anxiety in those years.

I have had sexual incounters before though. I fooled around with one of my female friends and got a BJ. She refused to have sex at all costs though.

I have never had a girlfriend since Jr high.

I have always been the nice guy and I realize thats where my problems come from. I blame my parents for raising me that way. My mother would always tell me that I would make a woman very lucky for having a sweet sensitive nice guy. I believed that BS. From what I gather its not so much treating a woman like garbage that turns her on its more the confidence she sees in it.

Right now I am home for summer and all my highschool friends are always busy and **** like that with their jobs. It kind of sucks comming from the huge social interaction of a college campus to a boring community with not many people to interact with.

Do you guys have any tips that could help me get some @$$ this summer?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
First thing I want to tell you is, stop blaming your parents. It may be true what you say, but casting the blame on them will give you an excuse to keep wallowing in your self-pity.

Not every successful person had a perfect upbringing.

Overcoming things like that builds character and also gives you a sense of accomplishment.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Just look for the girls who like the nice guy

Leave the other hors for the thugs.

My best friend married a beautiful blonde and has two kids. They've been married for 25 years.

She says what is the point of dating the bad boy? Kim's sister married a black hoodlum thug. Her life is pathetic.

Big tited Amber at hooters says "what a waist of time."
Amber picked out a sweet , intelligent nice guy, and she'll probably be married for a very long time.

You look at these chicks who marry the thugs: they've very pathetic at 40 with 3 marriages and 4 little hoodlums that are heading for prison.

Screen these *****es hard. There are woman who want nice guys AND they mean it. They wouldn't consider the thug. But many will lie to you about what they want because it boosts their princessy egos to have some nice guy want them.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
There are guys on here occasionally that are 25 and still virgins. There are probably others that are here but too shy to post.

You're in the right place.

Read that DJ Bible through the link on the upper right of every page. It's a collection of some of the most useful threads on this forum.

The coolest part about improving yourself to get women is that the most rapid improvement happens in the beginning (by taking care of some basics). Other things will take time -- but countless guys on this forum have transformed dramatically. And when I say transformed, I mean they have more confidence, and they have better success with women and life in general.



Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
26 y/o virgin here! I've had sexual encounters also, but I've held off on women because I was (and still am) insecure about my body. I keep imagining what it would be like if I had atleast an average build, but it does me no good to dwell on it. I've been working out for more than a year and I'm trying to "socialize" more with people. You have to start somewhere and don't look back.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Don't worry guy. Thats what 26 from David D is named for. He was a 26 year old virgin.

I held off until 23. It got to be rough but in the end it was all mental.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
22 yo in the same (if not worse, AFC-wise) situation here, so don't panic - you're not alone by any means! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ~+~
Good god I feel so pathetic. i dont know whats the deal with me. I am 20 years old and still a virgin and finished my first year of college.

yea thats right fellas, pathetic to the extreme.
don't feel too bad, I went thru 4 years of college - 2 at a CC, 2 at the university, and graduated. I got nothing.
Needless to say, I'm a supreme RAFC now.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Virgins giving virgins advice... this is what this forum is coming to.
I guess our Master Don Juans are too busy having a flame war to actually help out you guys.

Ok listen,

There's nothing wrong with being a NICE guy.
But you don't want women saying "oh, he's such a nice guy but..."
That right there is BAD. If you ever hear that a red light should be going off in your head.

The most important thing to you should be your enjoyment.

Forget about women for a while and look at the things that YOU enjoy doing.

Once you start doing your own thing, you'll realize all the stupid mistakes you made
by paying for this and that or by appologizing when it wasn't even your fault.

Getting chicks is a lot like the teachings of Zen. [That's why chicks love budhists]

So now you're thinking great... i'll just learn budhism and i'll be laying chicks right and left.

WRONG! smack yourself, you're still focusing on one, and one thing only puzzy!!!

There is more to life than sex, and BTW for you virgins out there it is WAY over-rated.

Once you have sex, you'll realize that your dignity is worth so much more than that.
But untill you do, you're stuck in an infinte loop of desperation that's hard to get out of.

Hopefully this will help:

Originally posted by Lost in Translation

The DJ Code :

1. his pleasure comes first
2. he will quickly dump a woman who gives him trouble
3. doesn’t suck up to women or put them on pedestals
4. doesn’t let women or people disrespect him.
5. Gets pissed off and isn’t afraid to show it
6. Aren’t afraid to hurt women emotionally.
7. Doesn’t care what others think about him and isn’t looking for approval.

LIT is the MAN!!

One more thing you should always remeber:

Women want what they can't have.
It is in our nature to do so, just look at what you're doing. You don't have something, and you want it.
Women apply this kind of thinking to relationships.

Make sure they know you're better than them.
A lot of people on this forum flame me for saying
treat wh0res like wh0res, but it makes perfect sense.
Otherwise... well why would they want you? Think about it.