Senior Don Juan
Three months of DJ training down the toilet in two hours.
I went on a first "dinner" date with a girl, even though i met her a couple days before. She was the one i talked on the phone for over TWO HOURS the other night. She seems to really be into me.
I had some mild trepidation concerning her, so i thought this dinner date would give me more clues as to how i felt about her. (she's a couple years older, face kind of looks worn out)
Well, she arrives, and dammit, she looks great! KILLER body, and i just liked what i saw. She was open and honest about everything, and would share her feelings.
I made it through dinner just fine, then we went to another place, and i was getting this funny vibe. She had a "closed" body language going, and she was kind of leaning back from me. Then, she would look at me and laugh for no reason. It was really starting to make me self conscious. I even went to the bathroom to check myself! Does my breath stink?? I was tired too, so i was really quiet.
Well, i started opening my mouth, saying things like, "i'm just mad at myself cause i'm being boring."
Then, we went to another club, and i was getting VERY angry at myself. I was almost sabotaging the date, cause i'm thinking, "this chick likes to have a good time, and you are sitting here boring her to death." and i'm also thinking, "Cam, you like this girl more than you expected, and now you are ruining it by being so boring. You HAD a great connection with this chick, now it's being squandered."
So, i'm thinking all this stuff, THEN i start telling her what i'm thinking! (the stuff above) I told her i really liked her, but she probably is used to guys jumping through hoops making her laugh and have a good time, and here i am just being boring.
i couldn't snap out of it. I was about two seconds away from saying, "forget this. Obviously i'm not the guy for you, so lets just end this...."
At one point she said, "Confidence is sexy. What if you had a women interested in you, and she started saying things like, "oh, i like you, but i dont think i'm good enough for you...?"
So, i'm awaiting the fallout to see if i've blown it or not. It's not a huge deal if i did, other than being too hard on myself.
It all started when i got that little butterfly feeling that i was with someone i was starting to really like.
Three months of DJ training down the toilet in two hours.
I went on a first "dinner" date with a girl, even though i met her a couple days before. She was the one i talked on the phone for over TWO HOURS the other night. She seems to really be into me.
I had some mild trepidation concerning her, so i thought this dinner date would give me more clues as to how i felt about her. (she's a couple years older, face kind of looks worn out)
Well, she arrives, and dammit, she looks great! KILLER body, and i just liked what i saw. She was open and honest about everything, and would share her feelings.
I made it through dinner just fine, then we went to another place, and i was getting this funny vibe. She had a "closed" body language going, and she was kind of leaning back from me. Then, she would look at me and laugh for no reason. It was really starting to make me self conscious. I even went to the bathroom to check myself! Does my breath stink?? I was tired too, so i was really quiet.
Well, i started opening my mouth, saying things like, "i'm just mad at myself cause i'm being boring."
Then, we went to another club, and i was getting VERY angry at myself. I was almost sabotaging the date, cause i'm thinking, "this chick likes to have a good time, and you are sitting here boring her to death." and i'm also thinking, "Cam, you like this girl more than you expected, and now you are ruining it by being so boring. You HAD a great connection with this chick, now it's being squandered."
So, i'm thinking all this stuff, THEN i start telling her what i'm thinking! (the stuff above) I told her i really liked her, but she probably is used to guys jumping through hoops making her laugh and have a good time, and here i am just being boring.
i couldn't snap out of it. I was about two seconds away from saying, "forget this. Obviously i'm not the guy for you, so lets just end this...."
At one point she said, "Confidence is sexy. What if you had a women interested in you, and she started saying things like, "oh, i like you, but i dont think i'm good enough for you...?"
So, i'm awaiting the fallout to see if i've blown it or not. It's not a huge deal if i did, other than being too hard on myself.
It all started when i got that little butterfly feeling that i was with someone i was starting to really like.