Cut the games!


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Me and this gal have been playing alot of games, like i told her i like a gal whose a challenge, so shes been playing up to that!

Plus i told her (coz im a lil older than her) that me being intrested in her is good for her ego as long as she keeps me intrested! and ill happily withdraw my intrest!

she replied (remember i told her to be a challenge to me) fine, its a free world my friend!

i dont know if shes intrested (she has told her mates shes intrested in other guys) but shes never came out and said "im not intrested in you"

when i asked her if she would take advantage if i told her the ball was in her court she replied "the balls never in my court, you know i prefer it when the guy takes control"

we were also talking about her bra size and my **** size (dont ask why lol) and she said "well guys always lie about the size" and i said "true, but your never gonna find out if im lying or not" she said "lol true" in the end i didnt tell her my **** size, i just changed the subject!

weve been playing silly lil games like this for ages now, and its come to the point where i dont know if shes intrested in me or not now!

i keep thinking 2 things:

1) if she was intrested shed be a lil more forceful in her approach, a lil more demanding and a lil more blunt instead of playing games all the time

but i also think that although that could be true, she knows im intrested in her and she knows i like a challenge and seeing as we only ever text or chat on msn (we live to far away to meet up regulary) she has time to think about her answers!

2) i also think if she wasnt intrested, she wouldnt keep playing these silly games, i know i wouldnt with a girl who i wasnt intrested in. plus i told her about this gal who is always flirting with me and is all over me, and it puts me off, and she told me "i wouldnt be so nice to a guy who was all over me"

shall i just come out with it and text her saying "can we stop playing silly lil games, are you intrested in me or not? if yes, then were meeting up alone in a couple of weeks, if not then i just need to know!"

cheers for any help or advice you can give


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
if u come out with it then the game is over. you lose. if you can pick up on the small IOI's she may or may not be sending out then you can make a move and be successful. but she may not even actually be interested. watch for the signs in her body language and act accordingly. don't be AFC and ask her to show her cards.

Mack Bishop

Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
dont even question whether she is attracted to you. if you are attracted to her just see how far you can take it.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Because we live so far away, shall i try and arrange her to meet up with me, and if she says no, then ill move on?