Curses! She's got the herps.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
The story: there's this girl in my class, we hang out every day, and we obviously like eachother. Hell, she even openly said it to me.

The problem: I found out that she has oral herpes and, well, I don't. :cuss:


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
i dont know why guys arent afraid of just gaming on random girls in public..

i mean.. how can anyone be so sure..

theres these 2 girls that im planning on asking out... one look clean the other not so sure.. :( i dont know what i should do..


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
So? Most people are carriers already but the symptoms only show up on like 5% of people. Same with genital warts.

If you havn't had warts or coldsores previously in your life you will be fine with her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Hooking up with a girl who has herpes is a gamble. You first need to decide if you even want to take the risk. Because herpes cannot be cured, personally I would not take that risk.

If you want to roll the dice, you can only have contact with her face when she has no signs of blisters or sores. You should be OK but there is always a risk you will get infected.

I suggest doing some serious research into herpes before you make a decision.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Maxtro said:
Hooking up with a girl who has herpes is a gamble... Because herpes cannot be cured, personally I would not take that risk.
I'm sorry,but I have to disagree with you on this one Max. To me,hooking up with a girl who have herpes isn't a gamble,it's STUPID. Not knowing whether or not she has a disease is one thing,but knowing for sure she has something,then still sleeping with her is just flat out dumb. I swear,when it comes to sex,it seems like some guys are like moths to a flame,like a little puppy dog standing on its hind legs begging for a treat. I mean come on,exchanging one night of pleasure for an lifetime of doctor visits,occasional flare ups,the psychological burden of knowing you have something you can never get rid of,the worrying about how each new girl you approach is going to react to finding out you have this disease,and so on and so on. I don't know how you could enjoy the sex. I'd be too worried knowing I was putting my health at risk,and knowing I was potentially going down a road that could be irreversable,that I could never be "normal" again. I don't care how "hot" she is,is any girl worth all of that?

I'm sure Chimera is smarter than that.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
I'm sorry,but I have to disagree with you on this one Max. To me,hooking up with a girl who have herpes isn't a gamble,it's STUPID. Not knowing whether or not she has a disease is one thing,but knowing for sure she has something,then still sleeping with her is just flat out dumb. I swear,when it comes to sex,it seems like some guys are like moths to a flame,like a little puppy dog standing on its hind legs begging for a treat. I mean come on,exchanging one night of pleasure for an lifetime of doctor visits,occasional flare ups,the psychological burden of knowing you have something you can never get rid of,the worrying about how each new girl you approach is going to react to finding out you have this disease,and so on and so on. I don't know how you could enjoy the sex. I'd be too worried knowing I was putting my health at risk,and knowing I was potentially going down a road that could be irreversable,that I could never be "normal" again. I don't care how "hot" she is,is any girl worth all of that?

I'm sure Chimera is smarter than that.
other then looking for sores, blisters n such.. u really have no way of knowing...

whats the worst that hepres can cause?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Big deal, you may already be a carrier and don't know yet and so are the women you kiss. So every time you kiss a girl you have the potential to be infected and they don't have to show symptoms for it to occur.

I get cold sores on the bottom right or left side of my lip maybe twice a year and its no big deal there are over the counter medication you put on it when outbreak occures and the tiny sore disappears completly within 5 days. It was only bad when I got it the first time in grade 6 (I don't even know how I got it 'cause I didn't kiss anyone) where there was a big outbreak and the side of the lip was encrusted with yellow broken skin, while now if it happens it looks like a tiny acne.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
at least you know before nay physical **** happened......

I was about to bang this girl one time, down to the panties and shes on top of me, grinding me, I pull her pantie to the side and take my unit out and go stick it in....right before I do she says "I have herpes do you have a condom?"


Just killed it right there, I banged her then GTFO of there, she kept texting me for a while but I rarely replied...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
This is a no brainer....


There more fish in the sea pal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Igetit! you may want to reread what I wrote, heck you even quoted it but seemed to misunderstand. Here it is again this time I bolded it just to make it stand out more.

Maxtro said:
Hooking up with a girl who has herpes is a gamble. Because herpes cannot be cured, personally I would NOT take that risk.
There I go. I can't make it anymore clearer.

I may be near desperate to have sex but to risk giving myself an incurable disease is not something I'd do. Heck say the girl that I've written all those threads about, tells me that she changed her mind and she wants to do me and then she tells me that she caught something from that guy she was with. I would refuse to be with her. Sex with her simply isn't worth that much.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Maxtro said:
Igetit! you may want to reread what I wrote, heck you even quoted it but seemed to misunderstand. Here it is again this time I bolded it just to make it stand out more.
Ok,I reread it. Now,you may want to reread what I wrote. I didn't disagree with you on whether or not to take the risk,I disagreed on calling taking that risk a "gamble". To me,intentionally/on purpose having sex with someone whom you already know has some sort of disease isn't a "gamble". It's just plain STUPID.
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Gents, no disrespect to anyone but the amount of ignorance in here is staggering. There's a whole world wide web out there with info on oral herpes (cold sores). Not to mention that this topic has already passed on these boards not too long ago. I suppose laziness is a new Man's quality, isn't it? :D

met a girl first date-she has cold sore on her lip

Allow me to shamelessly plug what I posted in that thread in here:

Cold sores are caused by variants of the herpes virus family, called herpes simplex. Herpes simplex resides in the human nervous system, and that's how it survives in a human host. For people with cold sores, the virus lies dormant in a facial nerve near the nose.

That means once you're infected, you'll never get rid of it because there are no vaccines. The only thing to "prevent" outbreak are inhibitors that prevent spreading. These are salves you smear on a beginning cold sore, when there are no blisters yet. It slows down viral reproduction.

Even when treated, said blisters may occur. These are filled with a fluid that contain the herpes simplex virus. It is especially this fluid that's highly contagious. Contact with it causes instant infection, also "down there". So, you can develop genital herpes, for example, if someone with cold sores gives you oral sex and viral particles come in direct contact with your skin down there. (That doesn't mean that using a condom or any other protection will make it safe! On the contrary. See further below.) Beating your meat when YOU have the sores is also dangerous; you can give yourself genital herpes.

However, it's not just the blisters that are dangerous. You also risk infection during the pre-blisters period, when there's some red swelling where blisters are going to form, and during post-blisters period, when there are scabs. You risk infection during any of these periods, if you come in skin-to-skin contact with these spots.

So, DON'T kiss a person with cold sores, or even when the outbreak is starting (red swelling) or healing (scabs). DON'T let them perform oral sex on you, not even with condoms or protection. None at all, just to be safe. DON'T beat your meat, if you have them.

Now, people who carry the virus aren't filthy people, to be avoided like lepers, like some try to suggest. Yeah, when they've got the sores you should avoid contact with their face, drinking glasses and utensils they use. But once the sores are completely gone, they're normal people again like you and can be touched and kissed as at will.

Also, when someone has cold sores on their face it doesn't automatically mean that they have genital herpes too. Sores and herpes are caused by the same viral family, but having cold sores does not mean you have "herpes". That's the reason they make the distinction between "herpes" and cold sores.

Cold sores occur occasionally, not all the time. Usually after periods of stress, exhaustion, or when your immune system has suffered a blow due to medication or illness. Hence the name cold sores. It's usually a side effect of being ill, as the virus sees its chance to strike when the immune system is already occupied. (In my language the name for the sores includes our word for fever, for example.) Events like sunburn are also know to facilitate an outbreak of the virus. The skin is fatigued and the virus strikes.

Some people have cold sores once or twice a year, others once every decade, and yet others never get them, despite being a carrier. Just like some people are ill often, and some never. Every person and body is different, so your mileage may vary.

Lastly, don't poke fun of the sores. People feel bad enough already for having ugly blisters or scabs around their mouth or nose because somewhere in their lives they simply kissed or got kissed by a person who had them and they weren't aware of what they were, or the carrier was ignorant. Usually the person who infected them was a loved one. I carry the virus and I got it from my grandmother when I was a few months old baby. She felt it okay to kiss me despite her having scabs and despite my mother protesting. Thanks grandma!

Some facts:
  • An estimate of 50-90% of the population is infected with the virus, depending on country. That means good luck to those who feel they shouldn't get into a relationship with person who carries herpes simplex. It could easily be you. And who knows? Maybe you're a carrier too. You just never had an outbreak. Very well possible.
  • Yes, herpes simplex is a Sexually Transferable Disease. It's not AIDS, or gonorrea or genital herpes though. Don't stigmatize it. Especially because a lot of people are carriers, usually due to no fault of their own.
  • The virus was probably spread so widely in times when standards of living and hygiene were much lower than now (like the Middle Ages and before that), and when knowledge about virusses and infection vectors were limited to non-existant. I.e. we have our ancestors to thank for it.

Some tips:
  • It's best to avoid any contact with the face, drinking glasses and utensils of any person with cold sores until they're fully healed. If the person with sores is your partner, make sure he or she doesn't touch the location of the outbreak and have them wash their hands frequently.
  • No kissing.
  • No oral sex from the person with the sores. Not even when using protection. Just to be safe.
  • Don't beat your meat if you have the sores. You CAN give yourself genital herpes down there.
  • Healing usually takes about two to three weeks.
  • Consult your doctor if you're unsure of what to do.

It's safe to date someone with cold sores and it's also safe to treat them as a normal person instead of a leper. Just don't kiss, face cuddle or share food, drinks and utensils. And make sure your date deals with his/her sores responsibly (i.e. washing hands thouroughly before holding them with you) so you know he/she is conscious about the dangers and can be expected to act responsibly towards you. In fact, someone who is aware and responsible will either tell you upfront to postpone the date, or inform you of these things before or during the date. If they don't, be careful.

I'm no medical professional and you should not take the above info for granted or authoritive. Consult with your local medical healthcare professional if you want to be certain about how to deal wisely with cold sores.
I'm currently seeing two girls who occasionally have cold sores (oral herpes) and the key is to simply wait with anything (including dating) until the sores are healed and spin other plates in the mean time. When I have the cold sores on my lip (once or twice a year), I don't date or have sex. Simple. To prevent them, I eat well, excersize and use medication when I feel an outbreak coming on.

Cold sores = next ONLY until they've healed. Happy sexing after that.

If a person has genital herpes, the same still applies, as outbreaks are occasional and not permanent. Avoid any contact with their genitals until the sores down there have healed. Otherwise and after that, it's quite alright. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable with any of this despite, then by all means do as you see fit. Just don't stigmatize. It could easily be you and for all we know it IS you. Too. :p