Cuckblockers unintentional


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Random variable - Think it up and you got it, just something that doesn’t go your way. Like locking yourself out of your room or something like that. Usually something you cannot prepare for or counter, just got to roll with the punch.

Mechanic - Yes the dreaded dead car battery. OR perhaps the bus you're on brakes down or is caught up in traffic. AND of course they fix it long after the mood is gone. Nice one god (applause).

Rich man's - This is kind of like the poor man's, but it can have two interpretations. The first is the exact opposite, for some reason this ***** doesn’t like people who seem too rich because they are afraid of being thought of as an object or ***** that was bought. (Even thought they all are).
The second is when you’re trying your best to get a girl's attention (you being poor) and then a guy rolls up with a Mercedes and her "u know what"starts to crack a smile. Kiss her and your hard work goodbye. You can’t afford dates hahahhaaa.

Ignorance - This is when the girl is just sooooooo dumb that in her mindless bumbling she manages to kind of **** block herself. I'll give you an example. I had a party at my place. Everybody was drinking. Girl that was eying me publicly announced that she was going into my room to look at my play lists. (Obvious opportunity for me). So she goes and naturally I follow, but not too close behind. Now here I must explain that when you don’t use your computer for a while the screen goes black. My fvcking monitor was asleep, but when she went in she was too dumb to know how to wake it up so as I closed in she was exiting and I could stop her. What a dumb broad. I would have put some hurt in her skirt. Something blessed on her breasts. Something blunt in her ****. Something fina in her vagina.... yeah I think you get it.

Prejudice - This is THE WORSE unintentional. Just can’t counter it. Even if your rich, fit, smart, handsome whatever, IF she was taught that "all Asians are bad" her first impression of you is BAD. If she believes that all black men are rapists, then you can be Densely Washington, you’re just a rich rapist. This I blame on media and the parents. Geography can also play a role too. Ah well not much u can do here... you can "get to know them" and establish some trust, but is it really worth the effort?
IS it?

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
I think that a prejudiced remark could be countered by itself.
Anyway, I'd just get away from a girl who bases you just on class or race... a girl like that is most likely low on intelligence.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Ha yea your right about that lol
i cant argue with that..
But sometimes u dunt know this until you have already approached her