Crushing on celebrities


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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How far would any of you guys go in letting your gf have a celebrity crush...all i hear about with my gf is dreams she has, conversations about this guy, how she talks to her online friends on how she would sleep with him, theres a ****er post card pic of him she puts up when shes on the computer. i can go on. she says (shes 22 btw) its just a crush and its nothing for me to worry about. she has the opportunity to meet this person in a few months, she says she would never do nothing, my gut tells me otherwise.

I dont like it, dont ok it, but she keeps doing it, calling it a girl thing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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There's nothing wrong with finding a celebrity attractive. However, when that physical attraction turns into an obsession or even an addiction, there's going to be trouble. Many little girls will find some celebrity attractive, but they eventually realize that it's just a fantasy and nothing more. Your gf is taking this fantasy and making it a reality.

Now, where do you fit into her fantasies? You probably don't. If this fantasy of hers is getting far more attention than you are, you should think twice about being with her. Listen to your gut, it's usually never wrong.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
funny and true story.

My ex GF had this obsession with Pharrell of the Neptunes. I mean all she could talk about was him, and don't let one of his songs come on the radio. had all of their CD's, hell she even had all of the songs he made beats for other people for.

She is from VA, so one day we decide, out of the blue, hey, let's go see your sisters and neices in VA. So we on a whem, fly down there for the weekend, and both of her older sisters want to go clubbin.

SO i say, what the hell, and we go out. I forgot the name of the place.

anyway, it was packed, and about an hour after we get there, just guess who she runs into.

I guess he lived there or something.

Anyway, I could care less, I mean I like his music and all but i mean.. he's a dude.

So I am on the dancefloor and my GF at the time is at the bar and he is actually hitting on her.

So they chit chat for a while and like 10 mintues later she comes and finds me on the dance floor.

So I ask her "isn't she going to leave with her BF?" (Because in all honestly, bull**** aside.. I would have had a tough decision to make if I would have saw say.. Jennifer Ellison and she was clearly interested in me.. That would have been the moment of truth for our relationship)

Of course in a joking manner

So she says that he's cute and all but she for some reason she wasn't feeling him like she though she would. She said that every other word that came out of his mouth was he was pharrell and he was rich.. knowing my GF at the time, I knew what they wouldn't work. She excused herself from him and came to dance with me.

In short, it's just a fantasy, even if they don't realize it. All you can know is how someone looks, you have no idea what they are like outside of the camera, or how their personalitiies are.

I know a couple of players in the NBA, one of them, who's a pretty well known player, you wouldn't even be able to tell he was famous or rich unless he told you.. or unless you realized he was 6'8 and about 230 and drove expensive cars.. Extremely down to earth. There have been towns he would be in town and we would run into each other and just kick it, come over my house, go over his house, go out, doesn't matter. Doesn't throw what he does into every converstation

I have a cousin, who played for Arkansas but isn't in the NBA, and you would think he is Tim Duncan or something, he's the biggest prema donna i know. He plays in the NBDL... it's so bad that he leases a car that I don't know how he pays for it, guess his parents, just so he can live up to the hype. I went out with him one time and he was telling this girl he was in the league.. I mean, he is 6'10 and dresses nice, so I mean, it's believable, but he's not.

Different people have different personalities, and that can't be factored in unless you meet someone


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Don't worry about that! My gf does the same thing, but I say stuff like "yeah, but it's not like he can compare to me" or "you'd be taking a step down from me" etc and just laugh it off. She actually admitted to me, I'm just as hot as most of the celebrities she likes anyway. :)

I think it's just a girl's way to keep you on your toes a little. You should do the same.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
What i would say.

Ex: She always talks about how hot Brad Pitt is, and how she would rape him when she see him.

Tease her: Young lady, you are so inappropriate to talk about this. Didn't your parents teach you to not do this? It's funny how girls always complain about guys talking about sex, and hitting on girls.

With the amount you talk about him, you are showing the real way girls are. More desperate and needy than guys are. With they amount you talk about Brad Pitt, you make Napoleon Dynamite look like a pimp. Somebody needs to teach you a lesson, (slap her on the shoulder like she has been naughty).


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Next time she talks about her celebrity crash just play along with her by doing an impression of her but taking it to the next level.

Her: I would so sleep with this celebrity he is soo hot.

You (imitating her voice and her personality that she will know its her): "yesss my nipples are just becoming sooo hard from hearing about him, I would so let him bend me over and have his way with me!!! and we will live happily ever after" - and then you give her this look as if you are about to burst out laughing.

She will probably playfully hit you and won't mention him any time soon around you in the near future.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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what frustrates me is that this takes up all her time. Responsibilities take a back seat every day and 90% of what she talks about has always has a slight direction to him. You know if he was an actor, she talks movies, if its a QB, she talks football. I just feel really really ignored. She does not understand how much its pushing me away.
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pakwah
what frustrates me is that this takes up all her time. Responsibilities take a back seat every day and 90% of what she talks about has always has a slight direction to him. You know if he was an actor, she talks movies, if its a QB, she talks football. I just feel really really ignored. She does not understand how much its pushing me away.
If she's that obsessed about it, there's definitely a problem. You really have to see where you fit into her weird little world. You should let her know how it feels to be on the receiving end of that. If my girls starts talking about Orlando Bloom or whatever, I just talk about how incredible Jessica Alba is. Heck, if you have any pictures of her on your desk or on your walls, replace them with posters or pictures of a female celebrity. If your girl is disrespecting you, put her in your shoes and see how she reacts...if she has half a brain she'd learn something from it.

If you start to feel really bad about it, you should just confront her and let her know you don't tolerate disrespect. Let her know she's got the best thing she could find right in front of her, but you could easily walk away and find someone else if she wants to pursue a fantasy.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
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San Diego East County Mountains
Some couples have "safe lists" of celebs they are allowed to poke. Just create your lists and share them. After all what are the odds your GF is going to run into and get a chance with George Clooney? I'd say about the same as you with Pam Anderson!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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What she's doing comes down to a lack of RESPECT. What makes her feel so comfortable around you that she thinks she can talk about having sex with another guy? I could give two shyts if he's a celebrity or not. She's acting disrespectful, and you shouldn't tolerate it. Tell her if she likes him so much, perhaps she should follow him around as a groupie, and you'll go find a chick who isn't psycho.

The crap some of you guys put up with is amazing. I'm not talking about being a hard ass all the time, but all you're going to get from tolerating bullshyt behavior is dumped.

Hang loose bro.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
yeah, backbreakers response is right on. (if a bit lengthy :p )

Other than that she is 22 and to old for that ****


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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i cant really start a 'crush' myself cuz like good_ol_boy, to me the chances of really meeting someone is slim to none. i like to think about girls i could get....
we had a big fight about it, and other things, and are decided to spend some time apart.
I really think crushes should end in high school....damn girls....


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
When i was with my ex she said she would drop me for Cristiano Ronaldo who plays for Man U

I said thats ok I would drop you for several celebrity girls....

Everytime your girl talks about her male fantasy. Talk about a female one. If it annoys her then make your point. If not then your going out with a dreamer girl who should really come back to the real world.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Pakwah
How far would any of you guys go in letting your gf have a celebrity crush...all i hear about with my gf is dreams she has, conversations about this guy, how she talks to her online friends on how she would sleep with him, theres a ****er post card pic of him she puts up when shes on the computer. i can go on. she says (shes 22 btw) its just a crush and its nothing for me to worry about. she has the opportunity to meet this person in a few months, she says she would never do nothing, my gut tells me otherwise.

I dont like it, dont ok it, but she keeps doing it, calling it a girl thing.
Basically, she's telling you that she knows she'll never be good enough for him, so she's settling for YOU. Dump that b!tch if she refuses to let go of it.