Ill take the ropes on this one since no one else has any game...
I had epic success on a cruise banging another chick while I was on a cruise with a separate girl (who actually became my girlfriend about 2 weeks later)
Background - Me and a friend (both were 25 now 28) who is a long time ex (didn't really count since we dated as sophomores in highschool) decided to go on a 5 day Royal Caribbean cruise together to get away from the bullsh!t as we both just got out of serious relationships. Was as easy as her saying she needs a vacation on FB and me sending her the link to buy the cruise. 2 weeks later we're on a plane to Ft. Lauderdale
TIPS: This is what I did
- Modify accordingly...
GO TO THE CLUB ON THE BOAT THE VERY FIRST NIGHT. There will be young people there who came onto the cruise together and that's where you'll get a chance to meet them. Find a girl you like and get her friends to like you. Ignore her a bit, tease, and bring her out to dance. Run standard game. Have fun - relax - prime her up. Whatever happens happens - No need to go for the kill right away as you might only have one shot at this - especially if she isn't a sloot and might not be open to abandoning her friends to go back to her/their cabin. If it does - more power to you.
Next Day: You will eventually find said group from last night on the main deck by the pool. Go over, say hi to all, tease your target a bit - playful banter - you know the drill. Don't stick around too long but try and set a meet up spot for the night after dinner. We all met up at this piano bar to get the night started with some entertainment and a few drinks. Very fun. When you meet up - Turn the game up a bit - but make sure that you are entertaining and wooing her friends (male and female) as well. Turn up the liquor. Bounce around the ship.
Now my cruise was 5 days long instead of 3 - and I think that the next piece of advice will work in your favor because I banged mine on the last night and when i think about it now - A GIRL WILL BE MORE OPEN TO RATIONALIZE LETTING YOU IN BECAUSE SHE WON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU OR POSSIBLY EVERY SEE YOU AGAIN AFTER THAT.
On the last night - she should be primed up if you haven't hit already. After the pregame - get a **** ton of booze and have everyone go the main hot tub on the deck (We stayed up all night in there). Your group will have grown to probably 20 people by this time. We played a sex position game where the game master would yell stop and everyone had to grab the person next to them and freeze in a sex position or touch the person next to them (Right hand left @ss cheak) in the tub. Odd man was out until there was only 2 people.
Point is: Make sure you're standing by her. By this time - The tension should be nice and high if you've been doing everything right so far. Grab her and tell her you want to go somewhere...
Take her to the front of the ship - bend her over the rail - rip her bikini bottom off and hit that form the back while the sun comes up pulling into port like you're the "king of the world." It was absolutely epic.
If you can't pull that off - take her back to your or her cabin and seal the deal. By the time your finished - it will be time to chuck the dueces - head back to your cabin - pack - and hit galley first so you won't miss your flight home on no sleep like I did...
Ended up dating the girl i was on the cruise with shortly after... all while sneaking in a flight back to Orlando where my Mexican cruise goddess was originally from for one last weekend of fun before never talking to her again.