Cruel and Vindictive


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
She told him she diddn't have time for a relationship and that they should stay friends that had a chance to grow into lovers. He told her, "If I can't have you romantically, I can't have you at all." The man after a few nights his stomach felt like it was churning cement, His emotions grew too heavy and he cracked. "Hello? Can you ever forgive a fool like me?" he asked ."No, you have missed your chance!" "Hmm well I'll think about it" she replied. He later sees her around the city, she sees him and starts flirting with other guys sayin how she needs a man in her life. She walks past him "Im too self absorbed right now, you'll miss me when Im gone." It hit the man hard, just a few days a ago she told him she diddn't have time...she lied and now shes makin it known. The man was still a fool, Please give me one more chance he pleaded... "Well alright", she replied. The man was happy he had a hope left in his heart, hed call she seemed distant.She even went as far as to block the man on Aim. He confronted her I thought we were alright. "Oh I have problems in my life and things I cannot think about." The man thought, I got it, I will reply " I will give you space, and reply when you are ready". It then came to the man what did he do wrong? Why was she being so cruel. He tried his hardest and she diddn't seem like she cared, she probaly diddnt. He then deleted her myspace from his. She messaged him, how childish. He then replyed like blocking. He finally had the guts to face reality, Lets just move on with our lives goodbye and blocked her. She never had the intent of forgiving him at all. He knew and lost all hope, he had the power to rip out the chunk of heart she had left.

Well this basically happened to me, I learned alot of lessons from this. One-itis is a disease that clouds your instincts. That women are sweet but they can be just as cruel, I really never thought that women had it in them to do this. She lied about the relationship, and about forgivness and to smit the man with her messages. Well Im pissed and ready to become a greater man. I just wanted to share these two cents with you all.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
It isn't that she was cruel, you just wouldn't "listen" and wanted something she wasn't going to give you at the time (if ever). Learn to listen and read actions and you'll be less likely to blame others for your heart ache.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
quote:She's not being cruel. You're just refusing to respect the fact that she just isn't that into you.

But will Hateonme get it... Will any of these Newbies REALLY get it...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
I've been there and i spent three fvckin months! with a b!tch like that.
Anyway when you have a lot of self-respect than nothing can beat you down. Self-respect is the base of Self-confidence and later on you can build a "roof'' like i did, which will make u look egocentric, narcisiod, etc (there's nothing wrong with being narcisoid... actually girls are attracted to that)

There is a kind of proverb which rhymes in albanian but in english it's like: Dont **** her, and she'll want you.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MacDiddy
quote:She's not being cruel. You're just refusing to respect the fact that she just isn't that into you.

But will Hateonme get it... Will any of these Newbies REALLY get it...
No I got it, It just doesnt make it any easier to accept man. Shes into you then she isnt. Interest levels fade, even though yours arent the one. Maybe she wasnt the one being cruel, maybe it was my heart. Well Ill learn to get rid of this one-itis deal.