Cross-cultural DJ-ing

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
I am a recovering AFC, and have recently moved to South Korea. Being a foreigner, I get lots of looks (good?), but over here the rules of 'the game' seem to be completely different. Other foreigners that have been here longer than me tell me that Korean girls want you to 'stalk them,' (call/text every day, etc.) but I know enough not to buy into it.

Being in a foreign country presents me with a new set of obstacles. I speak virtually no Korean, so when I try to start a conversation with a cute female (in English or broken Korean) they usually respond by giggling (good?) and looking away (bad?). So far the only numbers I have gotten is from girls who have approached me, which of course means they are in the small minority of people with good English and, of course, they aren't as attractive as those who don't speak - or pretend to not speak - English.

Most importantly, I'm conflicted between my desire to DJ effectively and the need to respect the local culture, where people don't make eye contact, don't touch one another, and don't start conversations with strangers. I want to just do what I normally do and be ****y and playful, etc, but 99% of the girls here just don't seem to bite.

So does anyone here have experience in Eastern countries, particularly Japan or Korea? I'm interested in hearing about what you have learned.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Maybe so, but throw in a cultural/language barrier or two and you've got a whole new situation. Course, I could just go exclusively for foreign girls.

By the way, I live in Seoul, if that info's of any help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
carry a phrase book or translator.

I am in China right now and the thing is, it's easy to meet women here. Don't get hung up on this whole cultural "barrier" thing. Just smile and say hello to them.

You'll never hook up with a traditional woman over there, so some of the customs can be overlooked. Most women that date foreigners are more westernized than they will admit.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
More Shinra is always good.

I actually did pick up an electronic dictionary for my Nintendo DS last week, and it has already come in handy. I used it to communicate with a Chinese woman I met while sitting in queue at immigration, and I did get her number. Won't do any good since neither of us have a common language to use over the phone, but it's the thought that counts, right?

SharinganUser, are you an English teacher in China?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Not teaching english, just traveling here for the moment. I am in china for six months. China is awesome.


Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
I had a friend, who now is a major chump, who got this one foreign girl. But you can pretty much rule out any game with this chump. He's too afraid to even look at girls, let alone cold approach them. He's a cab driver and if a girl gets playful or sassy with him, he boots them from his cab out of fear of the girl gaining control of the situation and thus taking his manhood.

Anyway, if he can snag some third-world poon, you can too.
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Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Sir Shinra,

this stuff is actually one of the main questions I've been wondering. I've been interested in foreign languages since I was 16 (can speak fluent English & French)..and am interested in travelling (though I havent travelled that much, yet)...and...Ive seen black (fat) guys here in Germany pull like crazy, simply because girls were into "hiphop" lol. I also remember an indian girl here, that so many guys were into, and she isn't really attractive, but her exoticness apparently helped her be a 10 in many guys' eyes. To be perfectly honest, I used to dig black/mixed girls a lot when I was younger..and simply having that skin complexion probably would have made a good looking chick, a super hot chick to myself.

And I've heard similar stories about Japan/Korea/China (from more than one source)...and how being white was such a big exoticness advantage over there (Not saying ALL girls go for it, but apparently many do). This has made me wonder where else in the world I could be considered way hotter than here (I'm not ugly in that case it probbaly wouldnt help much)...I've been thinking Brazil or South America (as I'm white and very tall), etc...and am really thinking about finding a country where I could imagine spending extensive time (and possibly learn the language) where I would be considered hot, because of my exoticness (over there) and making that my second home.

This might sound "silly" to some guys here, but I've seen it make the game so ridiculously easily for a few friends of mine who are black/mixed here in Germany (only with girls who were into hiphop/at hip hop clubs, but it helped them tremendously), and if I find a country like that I could probably not care less whether my hair is starting to thin in 5-10 years or if I might have to wear glasses some time or whatever - would be a great position to be in.

Ive heard those stories about being "white" being so extremely helpful mostly from Asian countries (including a high school and a college student who went to Japan..and Japan isnt exactly a third world country where they'd only like a white guy (esp. a high school or college student), because of thinking he must be rich).

I've heard a similar thing from wu-tang financial about Chile, actually (cant really rule out that they liked his being white b/c of considering him a "rich" foreigner, though - dont know enough about chile).

So..this makes me ask you this:

Being a foreigner, I get lots of looks (good?)
What do you mean by getting lots of looks? Does it seem like attraction to you or plain curiosity? Is it mostly girls giving you those looks or is it just as many guys?

Has anyone else had success with the "exoticness" factor in other countries?