Critique this conversation(yes over-analyzing)


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, so I just got a part-time job at the gym I work out at. Anyways, there's this girl that works there that looks pretty damn good, and I had noticed her before I got the job there.

So, the second night I work there, it's her that I'm relieving and she's just like "is there anything you don't know that I can help you with?" I'm like "no, I think I'm good." She says "well if you have any questions you can call my cell phone, the number's in the office." (she showed me, but she was just helping me out and being cool)

Anyways, I go into work out tonight and it's her that's working and we said what's up when I came in, but it was kinda wierd so I went up to her on my way out after lifting and she was counting money for the close out. I couldn't think of an excuse to talk to her, but I went over to the front desk and it went like this...

Me: Hey do we get paid Monday? (knowing all along we do)

Her: Yeah, since tomorrow's Sunday, yeah it'll be Monday.

Me: Cool, don't we get paid on the 5th and 20th?

Her: Yeah, I wish...(something but I wasn't really paying attention)

Me: (start to lean up against the counter) So you like working up here or what?

Her: yeah, I've been working here for a year and a half, but took a break for a while. How bout you?

Me: Yeah, only worked here for a few nights, but it's cool, easy etc...but i bet it gets pretty hectic during the day huh?

Her: Yeah(then somebody comes to check in, but she's counting money, so I'm like "I got it" and check him in)

Me: (since i see she's busy and it's kinda awkward I'm like) well, i'm gonna get outta here, I'll see you later(I kinda tap her shoulder in a friendly see ya sorta way)

Her: (pause cause she's counting money) bye

I know I'm probably gonna get laughed at for this, but this doesn't sound too bad does it? I don't know why I always over-think things like this.haha


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
too boring bro.. if your trying to get closer with this girl throw SOMETHING in there, DHV or CnF SOMETHING haha you were just interviewing the girl really.. but at least your talking to her which is a start my dude!


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
yeah it does sound pretty boring, but it was kinda hard to throw any personality, joking in there when there were people constantly coming in to get tans, work out, etc. know what i mean???