Critique My Diet for Cutting


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Hey everyone I'm new here so hello first of all.

Second, I'm about 150 lbs right now (5'9" w/o shoes) and I wanna drop down to 140 lbs or so by losing pure fat only.

Third, I'm going to need your help.

Ok so my diet is this. It's more of a guideline thing rather than a day by day food list:

- No soda or sweets.
- No coffee (lots of sugar).
- No fast food.
- Subway only once a week.
- No eating past 10:00 PM (I stay up pretty late until like 2 AM)
- No fried foods.

+ Protein shakes.
+ More veggies and fruit.
+ Whole grain bread.

How's that look? I will also be doign cardio and lifting so I don't lose muscle mass. I read Diesel's guide, but it seems pretty hardcore like for people who wanna lose 40 pounds or something, so let me know if this is ok and feel free to add/take away stuff. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
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Ok so my diet is this. It's more of a guideline thing rather than a day by day food list:
That ain't gonna cut it... you need to be strict be it 20 lbs, 40 lbs, 10 lbs... whatever. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR BODYFAT IS ALREADY LOW.

Write it out, make a meal plan per day, every meal planned out, and count your calories.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
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South Africa
I wouldn't take the extra proteins...

I wouldn't eat the bread.

I would, however, substiture 70% of my daily meals for water based foods like fruit, vegies and sprouts.

Oh... and drink lots of water.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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he wants to lose fat, not muscle mass:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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^ Well... veges and water is essential to every diet ain't it?

I'm going through the same attempt for diet like you...

Make more focus on cardio exercises then heavy lifting... according to skinny guy, weight training should only be like 2 to 3 times a week... less is more here. So I'm just going to do a lot of cardio and lifet 3 times a week.

I want to burn fat but retain muscle and lose weight... but I don't want to go on protein shakes because I don't have money... is it alright if I just eat things such as eggs and tuna and lean meat?

And I do have to focus on eating a lot of fruit and veges if I want to lose body fat and weight right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Yeah I think it is okay if you eat the real stuff, but you will get protein in a cheaper ($$$) form with shakes. Plus, i hear it absorbs faster.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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fruits are bad for cutting, dont listen to the noob. plenty of protein is essential for cutting, vegetables and water is only very recommended.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Originally posted by Double
fruits are bad for cutting, dont listen to the noob. plenty of protein is essential for cutting, vegetables and water is only very recommended.

Ok i will cut down on th fruit. I'll take VitC chewable tablets then. Oh yeah...and tomatoes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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yeh vitaminC/multivitamin/mineral pills are cheap and a always a good idea.

and one more, the problem is not eating in the evening it is eating carbs+fat in the evening(which is a problem on ANY daytime). take at least a protein shake or a cup cottage cheese before sleeping, it is very important to let your muscles grow while sleeping(sleep=much growth hormones=better muscle recovery/growth)


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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The cutting diet I go on when I cut is in Deisels cutting thread!

From what I have been told (by the best in their field), and it has worked to me, you should eat fats during the day, to boost testosterone. Carbs like multi/whole grain and white rice at breakfast and lunch. No carbs after that. Protein shakes and a bit of fruit (need it for the sugar), within 30 minutes of training. U should also eat protein before bed, as this is when your body does most of its growing (and this last bit will not add fat as most people think).

Eat plenty of smaller meals throughout the day, thus your metabolic rate will not slow down during the day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Ok guys. Tennis is starting next week so I won't have to so much cardio at home since I sweat like crazy when I play tennis.

Ok so here's my meal plan for every meal. I'm doing it by meal so I can pick and choose and not be screwed when I run outta something for Tuesday. My cutting plan will last 2 months so I'll be awesomely cut (still lifting too to minimize muscle loss) by AP exams . . . I mean, summer time:

A-->Scrambled eggs (~3 whites, 1 yolk)
A-->Sausage links (~4)
A-->1 glass water
A-->1 glass protein shake
A-->Multivitamin, Chewy VitC tablet

B-->4 in. diameter pancakes (~8)
B-->2 Hard-boiled eggs (~2 whites, 1 yolk)
B-->2 tbsp lite syrup
B-->1 glass water
B-->1 glass protein shake
B-->Multivitamin, Chewy VitC tablet

C-->Apple-raisin oatmeal.
C-->1/2 Plain Bagel
C-->1 tbsp Lite Green Onion cream cheese
C-->1 glass water
C-->1 glass protein shake
C-->Multivitamin, Chewy VitC tablet

Lunch (now, this is harder....I go to a public high school)
A-->1 carton milk
A-->1 glass water
Total A Cal:

B-->1 glass water
Total B Cal: 0

C-->Tuna/Steak/Teriyaki Subway (1' split into 2 meals)
C-->1 glass water
Total C Cal:

D-->Popcorn chicken
D-->Side item of fruit, soup or whatever the school has
D-->Carton Milk
D-->1 glass water
Total D Cal:

E-->Chicken Sandwich
E-->Side item of fruit, soup or whatever the school has
E-->Carton Milk
E-->1 glass water
Total E Cal:

F-->Turkey Sandwich w/mustard, lettuce on wheat/whole grain bread
F-->1 glass water
F-->Banana/some other fruit
Total F Cal:

A-->Whatever my parents make
A-->1 glass water
Total A Cal: ???

B-->Fried Rice
B-->1 glass waer
Total B Cal:

C-->Various steamed vegetables
C-->1 glass water
Total C Cal:

Ok so I will fill in calories later. It's time for me to get serious about this cutting business. I'm tired of my half-assed attempts at

Thanks for critiquing and I'll need more feedback now that I added more stuff. Also, like I said tennis is starting soon so I have the cardio set. Currently, I am burning around 400 cals everynight from my late night 15 minute cardio sessions. After tennis starts, I'll tune down the cardio to maybe 10 minutes or so and maybe burn 700-800 calories a day from cardio only not counting just breathing and stuff like that.

By the way, I read something about burning a certain number of calories = 1 pound of fat lost. Can someone give me that stat? Then I can calculate how long I wanna go on this whole cutting business.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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Just off topic here: focusing more on cardio then weight training is good for cutting down weight and body fat yes?

I.E: I do about 30 min of cardio, 3 to 5 times a day, and no more then that becuse it will begin to eat up my muscles.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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cardio is only OPTIONAL to accelarate the weight loss....the focus is ALWAYS on lifting.

i dont really understand your system....mhh looks not good but okay, but i dont understand why you choose bananas(the highest calorie fruit) when i said fruits are bad for cutting.....go for complex carbs instead.....


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Okay, I'll tell you what's working for me since I've dropped over 10 lbs in the last month...

Breakfast: High fiber cereal with milk (The lower the fat, the better)
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: 1 can tuna
Snack: Protein Shake
Supper: Whatever I want (avoiding fast food joints)
Drinks: Water

Replacing the snacks with the Shake has made a HUGE difference. Also, I replaced my carb and calorie filled pasta lunch with a single can of tuna. I used to be big on any bread products, but I've cut most of it out by entirely eliminating bread from my diet. I get all I need from my breakfast. Whatever I eat for supper gives me my carbs and/or calories for the day and pretty much balances everything out. The key for me was cutting out the 5hit food during the day. I usually aim for barbequed meat since it doesn't cook in its own fat.

I get a 5hitload of protein during the day. That combined with lifting has helped maintain my muscle mass. I haven't really bulked up, but I've been sitting pretty steady. I hit the excercise bike for 10 minutes a day (as days permit me to).

If you've never lifted before, I suggest to start lifting before you begin cutting to get your muscles used to it.

Diets don't taste too good, but if you can develope an immunity to food that doesn't taste great, you're going to do fine. Just keep your goal in mind.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Originally posted by Double
cardio is only OPTIONAL to accelarate the weight loss....the focus is ALWAYS on lifting.

i dont really understand your system....mhh looks not good but okay, but i dont understand why you choose bananas(the highest calorie fruit) when i said fruits are bad for cutting.....go for complex carbs instead.....
Hmm, I thought bananas were good for you. Well, I am going to cut them out and eat strawberries instead because I also have a lot of those and I hear high fiber content kinda cancels out high carb content.

Desdinova: That is a good plan. I'm going to add it to mine and try to stay away from any carbs after 5:00 PM.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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I know this is not the best way but I personally found it the easiest. You have to be committed though. I lost 15 pounds in 45 days doing this and its definiately not the healthiest but I did it with no cardio but heavy lifting, 90 minutes 5 days a week. After you get used to it its not so bad. I dont eat breakfast, dont eat lunch, because its hard to not eat lunch either, but after you get past lunch time you cant eat anyway cause you cant really eat in class anyway. Then I have a protein shake, 2.5 scoops, about 60g or protein, and 1 scoop of creatine about 5 g, then I have a power bar and a gatorade. Then do the workout, at the end about 30 minutes after I have 2 more scoops of protein and another scoop of creatine, but mix the protein 50% milk, 50% water, and lots of it, so having this much liquid will make you sick to you stomach a little and will fill you up for a little while, then have a large piece of block cheese, any kind you want. Then go to sleep soon cause the protein will only keep you full for so long. Then when you wake up try to limit your meal to about 900 calories, because you have probably had about 300 from the cheese and protein already for the day. I did this with no cardio, got about 150g protein a day, and I still made gains in the weightroom, not as much as I could have but still good enough. If you can cut the evening meal back to 600 calories and the weight will fly off.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Originally posted by coolguy676767
I know this is not the best way but I personally found it the easiest. You have to be committed though. I lost 15 pounds in 45 days doing this and its definiately not the healthiest but I did it with no cardio but heavy lifting, 90 minutes 5 days a week. After you get used to it its not so bad. I dont eat breakfast, dont eat lunch, because its hard to not eat lunch either, but after you get past lunch time you cant eat anyway cause you cant really eat in class anyway. Then I have a protein shake, 2.5 scoops, about 60g or protein, and 1 scoop of creatine about 5 g, then I have a power bar and a gatorade. Then do the workout, at the end about 30 minutes after I have 2 more scoops of protein and another scoop of creatine, but mix the protein 50% milk, 50% water, and lots of it, so having this much liquid will make you sick to you stomach a little and will fill you up for a little while, then have a large piece of block cheese, any kind you want. Then go to sleep soon cause the protein will only keep you full for so long. Then when you wake up try to limit your meal to about 900 calories, because you have probably had about 300 from the cheese and protein already for the day. I did this with no cardio, got about 150g protein a day, and I still made gains in the weightroom, not as much as I could have but still good enough. If you can cut the evening meal back to 600 calories and the weight will fly off.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not in a rush to lose weight. I'd rather do it more naturally and burn it off through less calories + cardio + lifting. I'm not going to take creatine no matter what because I don't have access to that stuff and I hear it is bad.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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a good trick i use to cut is to wake up and before i do anything (even eat breakfast) run a few miles. It works even better to use HIIT. This alone, and no specific diet helped me to cut up this spring.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Garbury
a good trick i use to cut is to wake up and before i do anything (even eat breakfast) run a few miles. It works even better to use HIIT. This alone, and no specific diet helped me to cut up this spring.
This is one definately successful prooven way!

Thing with some of these diets I have seen, is people are eating the RIGHT things at the WRONG times. Everyone knows not to eat a shi*load of carbs if cutting, and everyone knows to steer clear of junk. But if you want to cut up and retain muslce and core strength, you have to eat the RIGHT foods at the RIGHT times.

Most professional bodybuilders will tell you, as long as you train hard, your diet is what determines how you will look.

The saying "you are what you eat", is VERY VERY TRUE. But there is more truth in it when you say, "you are what you eat, when you eat correctly at the right times"!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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United States
Originally posted by Garbury
a good trick i use to cut is to wake up and before i do anything (even eat breakfast) run a few miles. It works even better to use HIIT. This alone, and no specific diet helped me to cut up this spring.
Hey I was thinking about doing this, but I did some searches before posting my thread and I remember someone saying running in the morning is bad because it eats away at muscle...something like that. Confirm?