Ok guys and gals, this is a too wild to be true story, and I still cant believe its happening to me. Im completely confused about these too girls and what to do.
First, about me and what I want.
I just got out of a 1 year LTR a few weeks ago. I ended it because I wasn't attracted to her anymore and I wanted to go sleep with some hot kinky girls. I had just learned the DJ ways before this LTR and I was a huge AFC before that. I was finaly happy single and dating around when I met my ex gf, and I am very happy to be single now. However, the reason I want to be single is so I can get with exactly the kind of girl(s) that I met. Im looking for a girl I can party with, go dancing with, is naturaly hot (not made up hot), is a freak(not a mainstraeam hot chik), and loves (LOVES) to have sex, and kinky sex at that.
Ok, now to the story, and what a freaky twisted story it is.
Im out at my favorite underground dance club. Newly single, brand new clothes (im dressed like a freak now, after 5 years of dressing like a normal person), and I finaly achieved a DJ confidence level for the first time in my life (from all the compliments on my $600 shopping spree and my dancing skills).
Right away this girl I knew from way back when aproches me with 2 female friends and introduces me, I said hi, but didnt pay too much attention, I wanted to go strut my stuff on the dance floor, not chit chat. So I left to go dance.
At the end of the night, the girl I knew from way back when and one of her friends (the hot one thank god!) sandwich me on the dance floor, grinding me from both sides, both rubbing thier hands all over me. And if that wasn't enough, they reach around me and start kissing each other while rubbing me and each other. She re introduced her friend to me as her "girlfriend". "HOLY SHYT!!!!" im thinking. "STAY COOL" I reminded my self. I said to them "You two better cut that out!" They said "why?" I said "cause youre turning me on!"
We all 3 grinded and groped for 15 minutes till there was only 5 minutes of music left. I said to them "excuse me ladies, I need to get a grove out before they close" I backed off them and busted out some huge smoothe dancing, then did some break dancing, I was grooving real big because of all the ego fuel that night. Pure showoff! When the music stopped, one of the two girls (not the one I knew) came right up to me and grabbed me, holding me in that "I want you to take me home and nail me" kind of hug.
She said "dont leave with out me." She needed to get her friends and stuff. I didnt want to follow her like a puppy so I said "I'll be outside for a bit, dont take too long." Of course she was out in like 45 seconds and hanging on me again. After 10 more minutes of flirting and talking in the parking lot, I invited her and her friends over to my place. She went to talk to her friends in private, and then said they would follow us over.
We had 15 minutes to get to the store before they stopped selling beer and needed to leave asap, and her friends were dragging. I said Id give her directions, she wrote my phone number and adress on her fricking arm with marker cause I was rushing to go and she couldnt find paper (LoL, making her work for it)
They show up with the 2 girlfriends, 1 other nerdy girl and 2 other guys that were also getting down in the club. I had met the guys on the dance floor and we had all chatted just for mutual dancing respect, if you never went to rave parties or underground clubs this may seem odd to you, but thats what party kids do, give props to the other good dancers.
One of the guys and the girl I knew from before were getting into some heavy petting and the other girlfriend was all over me. The other guy and the nerdy chick were just chilling. The girl I knew would keep leaving the other guy to come kiss her GF while she was all hanging on me. It was kinky as hell, they both had thier hands on me, I had hands on both of them, but was only kissing the one, the girl I knew just didnt seem that interested in me, but her friend was.
8 am rolled around and her friends had to leave, and she wanted to stay. I nailed her real good. But some things were not totaly right. This girl was a nympho freak from what I could tell, but she was tight and clean, and I mean tight. I wouldnt expect that from a girl that picks me up, comes to my place, and sleeps with me on the 1st night meeting. Secondly, Im pretty good in bed, not a rockstar by any means, but I do know what im doing. I made her squirt over 10 times with ease, I mean it took only 30 seconds to get her off just with my hand on her box. I can safely say that this girl is the easiest girl to please Ive ever been with. She was in absolute amazement, basicaly calling me everything but a god. I thought I had her hooked good before bed, she is totaly hooked now. We then went to sleep around 11 am, I needed to work at 7pm that night so I said she could crash with me. The phone woke us up and I did her again, same results, 10 orgasms and about 15 "oh my god, you're incredible"s.
Work time rolled around, I gave her a hug and a peck goodbye. Now at work, I was thinking about what all had happened, I was still in shock. I was assuming I pleased her so good she would tell her GF and I'd be getting a 3some sometime soon. She had even told me at some point that she wanted to do one on ones first before a 3some.
Here's a weird twist.
We had also talked about a bunch of old friends we had in common, bothe from the same town. She is 4 years younger than me and was friends with my younger sister. Now way back when, I met a girl who was a virgin and told me she wanted me to sleep with her. We were kids with no place to go so we did it in a field in a forrest perserve. Bug bites and the works, it was probably my worst perfomance ever. She moved a few weeks later and I didnt see her again for 4 years. The next time I met her, I was re-introduced by a friend. She looked so different I didnt remember her. She didnt show it, but I heard later from a friend that she was very insulted, and rightfully so. Well, I think this might be the same girl, but im not positive.
This all happened on a thursday night/friday morning. I probaly called too soon, but I caled her saturday afternoon and invited her and her GF to come to a different club with me, and then a keg party for afterhours. They already had plans to go to a pub and hear a rock band, I said "Oh well, you're missing a hell of a club night with $1 you call its" I asked if she wanted me to call her after 4am when the clubs close for the afterhours, she said yes.
This time the 2 GF's and thier nerdy friend came with no guys, I had 1 guy friend with me. The GF that wasnt so interested in me took a liking to my friend, they went from flirts, to kino, to heavy rubbing real fast. And my girl was giving my very clear signs she wanted me again, however she wasnt all over me, just light kino and heavy eye contact and smiles.
The kegger ends and we all go to my place again. Here it gets weird again. The GF that wasnt into me is sitting on my guy friend, with his hands in her lap and on her chest. But she is staring at me and smiling, and rubbing herself and making faces at me. My friend doesnt even notice. and the GF im with is laying there with me, rubing me and watching her GF trying to turm me on, it was very weird.
Then the GF im with starts ****blocking my friend. I mean come on! she slept with me on the 1st night and she's gonna ****block my friend?!? Oh well, at least I knew I was gonna get some. Eventualy her friends had to get home, and she stayed again.
I did her twice again. Same thing, she got off lots of times, but it was a little better this time even. Also, she wasnt quite so tight this time, a better fit if you know what I mean. Is 2 times enough to loosen a girl up? I figured she haddnt had sex in a long time or was only sleeping with needle ****s.
Now after the 2nd morning of great sex, she has this look in her eyes like she is so hooked on me, and the biggest smile Ive ever seen. The first night, I got the impression she loved it and would like to do it again. This second night, I got the impression that she wants to make me her man. This time when she left, I got a long dreamy stare and a big long open mouth kiss.
Now I dont know what to do, I am just 3 weeks single, and now the first girl I nail seems like just what I was looking for. On one hand, I said I wanted to stay single and keep my options open. On the other hand, This girl is sexy as hell, likes to party, likes to dance, she is a freak, and loves (LOVES) to have sex. This is everything I wanted plus she has a hot kinky girlfriend who will most likely join in as soon as its just the 3 of us.
Ive got my hook set, all I need to do is reel her in. The question is, is she a keeper or a catch and release? I really get the vibe that this girl wants me to be her BF, not just bed buds. She already talks about how she is gonna cook for me and give me some massages and things like that. And I can tell by her actions and expressions. All my instincts are saying take her and make her mine, and my brain is saying I just got single and I told myself I wasnt gonna jump into another relationship. I realy want her, well, both of them actually, but my intellect is saying "don't do it"
What do you all think?
First, about me and what I want.
I just got out of a 1 year LTR a few weeks ago. I ended it because I wasn't attracted to her anymore and I wanted to go sleep with some hot kinky girls. I had just learned the DJ ways before this LTR and I was a huge AFC before that. I was finaly happy single and dating around when I met my ex gf, and I am very happy to be single now. However, the reason I want to be single is so I can get with exactly the kind of girl(s) that I met. Im looking for a girl I can party with, go dancing with, is naturaly hot (not made up hot), is a freak(not a mainstraeam hot chik), and loves (LOVES) to have sex, and kinky sex at that.
Ok, now to the story, and what a freaky twisted story it is.
Im out at my favorite underground dance club. Newly single, brand new clothes (im dressed like a freak now, after 5 years of dressing like a normal person), and I finaly achieved a DJ confidence level for the first time in my life (from all the compliments on my $600 shopping spree and my dancing skills).
Right away this girl I knew from way back when aproches me with 2 female friends and introduces me, I said hi, but didnt pay too much attention, I wanted to go strut my stuff on the dance floor, not chit chat. So I left to go dance.
At the end of the night, the girl I knew from way back when and one of her friends (the hot one thank god!) sandwich me on the dance floor, grinding me from both sides, both rubbing thier hands all over me. And if that wasn't enough, they reach around me and start kissing each other while rubbing me and each other. She re introduced her friend to me as her "girlfriend". "HOLY SHYT!!!!" im thinking. "STAY COOL" I reminded my self. I said to them "You two better cut that out!" They said "why?" I said "cause youre turning me on!"
We all 3 grinded and groped for 15 minutes till there was only 5 minutes of music left. I said to them "excuse me ladies, I need to get a grove out before they close" I backed off them and busted out some huge smoothe dancing, then did some break dancing, I was grooving real big because of all the ego fuel that night. Pure showoff! When the music stopped, one of the two girls (not the one I knew) came right up to me and grabbed me, holding me in that "I want you to take me home and nail me" kind of hug.
She said "dont leave with out me." She needed to get her friends and stuff. I didnt want to follow her like a puppy so I said "I'll be outside for a bit, dont take too long." Of course she was out in like 45 seconds and hanging on me again. After 10 more minutes of flirting and talking in the parking lot, I invited her and her friends over to my place. She went to talk to her friends in private, and then said they would follow us over.
We had 15 minutes to get to the store before they stopped selling beer and needed to leave asap, and her friends were dragging. I said Id give her directions, she wrote my phone number and adress on her fricking arm with marker cause I was rushing to go and she couldnt find paper (LoL, making her work for it)
They show up with the 2 girlfriends, 1 other nerdy girl and 2 other guys that were also getting down in the club. I had met the guys on the dance floor and we had all chatted just for mutual dancing respect, if you never went to rave parties or underground clubs this may seem odd to you, but thats what party kids do, give props to the other good dancers.
One of the guys and the girl I knew from before were getting into some heavy petting and the other girlfriend was all over me. The other guy and the nerdy chick were just chilling. The girl I knew would keep leaving the other guy to come kiss her GF while she was all hanging on me. It was kinky as hell, they both had thier hands on me, I had hands on both of them, but was only kissing the one, the girl I knew just didnt seem that interested in me, but her friend was.
8 am rolled around and her friends had to leave, and she wanted to stay. I nailed her real good. But some things were not totaly right. This girl was a nympho freak from what I could tell, but she was tight and clean, and I mean tight. I wouldnt expect that from a girl that picks me up, comes to my place, and sleeps with me on the 1st night meeting. Secondly, Im pretty good in bed, not a rockstar by any means, but I do know what im doing. I made her squirt over 10 times with ease, I mean it took only 30 seconds to get her off just with my hand on her box. I can safely say that this girl is the easiest girl to please Ive ever been with. She was in absolute amazement, basicaly calling me everything but a god. I thought I had her hooked good before bed, she is totaly hooked now. We then went to sleep around 11 am, I needed to work at 7pm that night so I said she could crash with me. The phone woke us up and I did her again, same results, 10 orgasms and about 15 "oh my god, you're incredible"s.
Work time rolled around, I gave her a hug and a peck goodbye. Now at work, I was thinking about what all had happened, I was still in shock. I was assuming I pleased her so good she would tell her GF and I'd be getting a 3some sometime soon. She had even told me at some point that she wanted to do one on ones first before a 3some.
Here's a weird twist.
We had also talked about a bunch of old friends we had in common, bothe from the same town. She is 4 years younger than me and was friends with my younger sister. Now way back when, I met a girl who was a virgin and told me she wanted me to sleep with her. We were kids with no place to go so we did it in a field in a forrest perserve. Bug bites and the works, it was probably my worst perfomance ever. She moved a few weeks later and I didnt see her again for 4 years. The next time I met her, I was re-introduced by a friend. She looked so different I didnt remember her. She didnt show it, but I heard later from a friend that she was very insulted, and rightfully so. Well, I think this might be the same girl, but im not positive.
This all happened on a thursday night/friday morning. I probaly called too soon, but I caled her saturday afternoon and invited her and her GF to come to a different club with me, and then a keg party for afterhours. They already had plans to go to a pub and hear a rock band, I said "Oh well, you're missing a hell of a club night with $1 you call its" I asked if she wanted me to call her after 4am when the clubs close for the afterhours, she said yes.
This time the 2 GF's and thier nerdy friend came with no guys, I had 1 guy friend with me. The GF that wasnt so interested in me took a liking to my friend, they went from flirts, to kino, to heavy rubbing real fast. And my girl was giving my very clear signs she wanted me again, however she wasnt all over me, just light kino and heavy eye contact and smiles.
The kegger ends and we all go to my place again. Here it gets weird again. The GF that wasnt into me is sitting on my guy friend, with his hands in her lap and on her chest. But she is staring at me and smiling, and rubbing herself and making faces at me. My friend doesnt even notice. and the GF im with is laying there with me, rubing me and watching her GF trying to turm me on, it was very weird.
Then the GF im with starts ****blocking my friend. I mean come on! she slept with me on the 1st night and she's gonna ****block my friend?!? Oh well, at least I knew I was gonna get some. Eventualy her friends had to get home, and she stayed again.
I did her twice again. Same thing, she got off lots of times, but it was a little better this time even. Also, she wasnt quite so tight this time, a better fit if you know what I mean. Is 2 times enough to loosen a girl up? I figured she haddnt had sex in a long time or was only sleeping with needle ****s.
Now after the 2nd morning of great sex, she has this look in her eyes like she is so hooked on me, and the biggest smile Ive ever seen. The first night, I got the impression she loved it and would like to do it again. This second night, I got the impression that she wants to make me her man. This time when she left, I got a long dreamy stare and a big long open mouth kiss.
Now I dont know what to do, I am just 3 weeks single, and now the first girl I nail seems like just what I was looking for. On one hand, I said I wanted to stay single and keep my options open. On the other hand, This girl is sexy as hell, likes to party, likes to dance, she is a freak, and loves (LOVES) to have sex. This is everything I wanted plus she has a hot kinky girlfriend who will most likely join in as soon as its just the 3 of us.
Ive got my hook set, all I need to do is reel her in. The question is, is she a keeper or a catch and release? I really get the vibe that this girl wants me to be her BF, not just bed buds. She already talks about how she is gonna cook for me and give me some massages and things like that. And I can tell by her actions and expressions. All my instincts are saying take her and make her mine, and my brain is saying I just got single and I told myself I wasnt gonna jump into another relationship. I realy want her, well, both of them actually, but my intellect is saying "don't do it"
What do you all think?