I went as "Trojan Man" and handed out rubbers all night at the local bar. Needless to say, my costume was a hit with the ladies. Speaking of ladies... I don't remember the sexin'. I woke up with a couple empty rubber wrappers on the floor by my bed. Uh... I remember who was at my place... kind of. Was there two? One twice? Donno.
Ouch... my head hurts. Why did I get so trashed? Well, I won the costume contest (at the WC, for those who're keeping tabs). $100 credit.
I didn't have time to go as "Twister" this year, so I pulled out the "old reliable". Damn, the costume is so pimp it's ridiculous. You wan't openers? Try walking up to chicks and handing them rubbers... when else can you just get right to business besides on Halloween?!
Good time? Yeah, I had one.