Counterfeit Don Juans

Apr 18, 2007
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The realization that you are and always will be a counterfeit Don Juan is too much for most of you to bare.
You claim to be pimps and players the reality is you are counterfeit versions of the naturals.
Your past life as the loser who was forced to look on whilst the natural Don Juans fvcked the prettiest babes in your adolescent years are hidden behind your DJ disguise.
The pain of it all is the reason why you are powerful today why you being the former coward can beat most in a fist fight and why you learnt the psychology to fake it as a DJ who fvcks the most attractive girls.
You think you are special when you are not all you have done is learnt the fundamentals required to fvck the hottest girls or you would have killed yourself and others.
You needed to learn this stuff but you are not a Don Juan you are a fake and always will be.
What you have done is learnt how to sell yourself as a package that most of the hottest ladies desire of men to be.
Never forget the truth about yourself you are a counterfeit Don Juan who fvcks gorgeous woman you are a fake don't ever forget who and what you really are.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
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You think you are special when you are not all you have done is learnt the fundamentals required to fvck the hottest girls or you would have killed yourself and others.
You're about as in-sensitive as simon cowell...


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
One day I will write a thread entitled 'The Myth Of The 'Natural'.'


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
BS. I've improved my appearance a HELL of a lot since I came here. I don't use any routines or anything...all natural. Of course I learnt from this site, but I'm not a fake.

This is like saying a powerlifter who used to be weak and skinny but trained to increase his strength isn't actually strong....newsflash brainiac, people can change/improve etc.

You sound like a proper bitter idiot. Go spread your bad vibes somewhere else.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
L777 said:
BS. I've improved my appearance a HELL of a lot since I came here. I don't use any routines or anything...all natural. Of course I learnt from this site, but I'm not a fake.

This is like saying a powerlifter who used to be weak and skinny but trained to increase his strength isn't actually strong....newsflash brainiac, people can change/improve etc.

You sound like a proper bitter idiot. Go spread your bad vibes somewhere else.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Do you guys know what a DJ is? Its a state of mind. You cannot be a counterfiet. You either are a DJ or you are one in the making. Don't let this guy who has not gotten all the way there tell you how it is. I can easily understand this misinterpretation. But the fact of the matter is the naturals got a certain way by making choices and becoming who they wanted to be.. the only difference between you and them is you have a better understanding of how to accomplish what you want.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
HaremMasterThomas said:
The realization that you are and always will be a counterfeit Don Juan is too much for most of you to bare.

You claim to be pimps and players the reality is you are counterfeit versions of the naturals.

Your past life as the loser who was forced to look on whilst the natural Don Juans fvcked the prettiest babes in your adolescent years are hidden behind your DJ disguise.

The pain of it all is the reason why you are powerful today why you being the former coward can beat most in a fist fight and why you learnt the psychology to fake it as a DJ who fvcks the most attractive girls.

You think you are special when you are not all you have done is learnt the fundamentals required to fvck the hottest girls or you would have killed yourself and others.

You needed to learn this stuff but you are not a Don Juan you are a fake and always will be.

What you have done is learnt how to sell yourself as a package that most of the hottest ladies desire of men to be.

Never forget the truth about yourself you are a counterfeit Don Juan who fvcks gorgeous woman you are a fake don't ever forget who and what you really are.
Thank you and I think that you might just be the next Pook.

At first, I thought that this was going to be another one of those posts that say don't feed the trolls, but this is interesting.

But alas I must point out a general falacy among your post. It is that most members of this community don't give a flying fvck if you consider us a fake DJ or natural DJ because while you are blowing wind out of your talking hole, we manage to be getting girls and improving ourselves to what we want to be.

Even if for a minute, we would consider ourselves a fake DJ. So what, we would still be DJ's just like the natural, the only difference is that we would have known what it is like to be a loser and it would give us a different perspective.

You are not even looking at the fourth dimension of what it is to be a DJ. That is to be our best selves and help anyone else that is out there. eventually many members of the community just drop the fake charade and lead unto become their best selves or dare I say it? Self-actualized.

You might as well read what I have wrote and realize that we don't care if we are natural or "fake." We all just want to be our best selves.


EDIT: I learned this stuff when I turned 15 or 16. So, I also have gained this knowledge during my adolesence. Don't be so quick to judge.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
HaremMasterThomas said:
The realization that you are and always will be a counterfeit Don Juan is too much for most of you to bare.
You claim to be pimps and players the reality is you are counterfeit versions of the naturals.
Your past life as the loser who was forced to look on whilst the natural Don Juans fvcked the prettiest babes in your adolescent years are hidden behind your DJ disguise.
The pain of it all is the reason why you are powerful today why you being the former coward can beat most in a fist fight and why you learnt the psychology to fake it as a DJ who fvcks the most attractive girls.
You think you are special when you are not all you have done is learnt the fundamentals required to fvck the hottest girls or you would have killed yourself and others.
You needed to learn this stuff but you are not a Don Juan you are a fake and always will be.
What you have done is learnt how to sell yourself as a package that most of the hottest ladies desire of men to be.
Never forget the truth about yourself you are a counterfeit Don Juan who fvcks gorgeous woman you are a fake don't ever forget who and what you really are.

You're a moron.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
At first I thought "wow, this guy is just trolling", but THEN the more I read, the more I actually started to agree with you if you can believe that.

But it's only in the sense that a lot of people come here for tips and tricks. That's all their game consists of is "tips and tricks", and you know what, it IS successful! They DO get laid, but at the end of the day they get so wrapped up in the "game" that they lose the only thing that ever really mattered to them: THEMSELVES.

The point I am trying to make is that until you can take a more natural route and fix the SOURCE of your problem (the INSIDE), you will NEVER be a true Don Juan.

But I tell you, rid yourself of your inner demons, fix the fear and the shame and the host of other problems that are eating you up everyday, and you will BECOME natural.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
If you were a real PUA you would be in the feild pulling the babes not posting on internet sites.
You are all keyboard jockeys in real terms even though many of you claim to fvck multiple gorgeous girls.
You all argue amongst yourselves about who the real players are though no real players would be visiting these sites.
It is the blind leading the blind you are all social rejects who cannot attract any gorgeous girls so you make up your own fantasy stories about it.
You need to get these fantasies out of your minds get away from your computers and get into the real feild.
No man who fvcks gorgeous girls in real life would be giving advice about this on an internet site.
All of these seduction gurus are scamming your money they teach psychology in reality all of which has been written by other experts in the feild over the centuries.
Most of the advice they give will work only if the right man is applying it to his interactions with the females.
Attracting the most attractive woman is about how you sell yourself it has nothing to do with a strategy or a technique.
If you present as a confident successful man most gorgeous girls will desire you if you present as a dawk no attractive lady will want anything to do with you in a sexual way no matter how great your game may be it won't work.
It isn't as complicated as you all think it is to seduce lots of gorgeous girls nor are you anything special if you can and are doing this.
Changing from the type of man who presents as a dawk to the type who presents as a confident DJ is a long process it does not happen overnight.
I beleive that change is possible though you cannot come accross as a social reject one day and the confident socialite the next it takes a long time.
Everyone who claims to be fvcking the cutest babes on these sites are egotists if they have either player or pimp in their name you can be certain that they are dreamers who are not in the feild.
Why these men want to deceive those even weaker than them in order to build up their own egos.
These types of dreamers and social rejects eventually explode in a similar way as the Virginia gunman did the other day.
You never fvck any gorgeous girls by writting about having done it on a site like this you only fvck them by meeting them in the feild.
Whilst you men are writting all of your fantasies on here other men are out in the feild fvcking the girls that you can never get yourselves.
It is too hard for you all to approach attractive woman in real life situations and very easy to write your false reports about it on these sites so that you can be praised by the other societal rejects who are posting on here.
You all perceive gorgeous girls as being unattainable to fvck one of them in real life is only a fantasy in your minds that you don't think can happen.
It can happen only if you meet the girls in the first place get off your computers you key board jockeys and talk to some real girls.
The most attractive woman spend most of their money on looking good buying clothes getting their hair styled and on cosmetics.
It is obvious that they want the men to be attracted to them you won't ever fvck any by posting on an internet site.
Dreaming about fvcking gorgeous girls is never going to make it happen you need to go into the feild to meet them before you can fvck them.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Calm the fukc downnn man, no need for bold 20+ font. Some people come to these boards for entertainment, and maybe cause they're bored from work, studies? But i do find some of the 'players' on these forums highly amusing, making this game much bigger then it ought to be.:crazy:
Apr 12, 2007
Reaction score
these kinda bs threads r funny to read when im eating and need entertainment

as for kinda **** really brings the site down

the guy is an obvious troll who hates us all and is wasting everyone's time

nobody serious makes a post like that as their FIRST post


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I don't care what anybody says. If you read enough stuff on this site over and over again and hear the ideas and stories of others, your mind will be better conditioned to pick up women. The fact that I spend time on the internet reading and sharing ideas about picking up women is no different the people who do the same with money, working or other hobbies. It shows that you care about something enough where experincing it on your own isn't enough. You're passionate about something and you want to do well so you research and share ideas.

Trust me, I spend PLENTY of time in the field (Hell i had sex with a rich 25 year old from hollywood last night into this morning before work) and I have over 2K post here. I don't care if you don't believe me or not because I experience my life. When I say I'm that d@mned good and you say "BS if you were that good you wouldn't be here" it means absolutely nothing to me. I have nothing to prove to anyone here nor do I care what anyone thinks of my skills with women. My friends and coworkers see and acknowledge it so why the f*ck would I care what some face less people on the internet think (helpful people excluded of course).

So as I sit at my laptop at 8:33pm, resting up from a hard days work at the skyloft and preparing to go to Toa nightclub (Terra patrick and some other porn star are throwing a party there tonight) around 11 with my colegues and their full on VIP tables spanning 5 spots on two floors of said popular hot spot, will I think to myself at any point "Gee I wonder if the guys on will believe I'm actually here?"...think about it.:rolleyes: