Could This Happen ?


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Could This Happen?
I met a woman at work and she had a boyfriend. We ate together everyday. Then one day she says to me if she didn't have a boyfriend she would have sex with me. After that comment things changed. I started to like her and she started to like me or so she said. She would flirt with me and make alot of comments to me and touch me a couple of times etc etc. Well she started to invite me to parties at her house. But her boyfriend would also be there and I am not a party person so i never went.

Now this woman has a friend who also works with us and she is very very desperate to get a boyfriend. She also is at these parties. I have No interest in her at all !!! I told the woman who I like this and she claims that her friend doesn't like me.

The woman I like let and got a new job. Well her friend said to me once that the woman I like was going to call me but has lost my number and she is going to get it again. Well I gave it to her and the woman I like called me. Well I sort of rejected this woman and she never called again. Well one day her friend sends me a SMS on my cellular phone and I think mmm why does she have my phone number. She has it stored on her phone why would she keep my number when I was giving it to her to give to the woman i like. Then after I rejected her I saw her once and she was all smiles and asked how I have been. I thought that is odd for her to act all smiley. But her friend has been nasty to me. Why would the friend be nasty? Because I was not nice to her friend? Or because she was really the one who liked me ?

It has been suggested to me that the woman who told me she liked me flirted with me etc was trying to set me up with her friend. Now to me this makes No sense whatsoever like why would a person tell you that they like you and try to set you up with there friend? Is this even make sense to anybody, is it even possible?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Don't take a what a hor says seriously!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Of course it is possible, if you search the threads here you will find this exact story many times.

The flirting girl is an attention hor, she is trying to set you up with her friend, and they are just running a game on you.

WOmen have no logic, don't try to understand any of it. Leave both of them alone and find a better one



Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
LOL Woman are fuxked up. So how did she thinking flirting and getting me hooked on her was going to make me say I think I want your 400lb friend instead of you? Also why in the heck did she never say You and my friend should hook up or anything like that? Why after I told her that her fat friend turns my stomach did she think I would ever change my mind and want a whale?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You said she called you and you rejected her? How? Did she ask you out? And if you like her, why did you reject her?

Maybe once you rejected her her desperate friend was all over her saying, "He doesn't like YOU...give ME his number."

Heh, when a girl says stupid shait like that ("If I didn't have a boyfriend I would have sex with you"), that's exactly what it is, stupid shait. I wouldn't base anything on that.

Your behavior here is confusing reject the girl you like and now you're getting bent out of shape about whether her ugly friend likes you? Relax, dude. If you like the one girl, then go for her. If you don't like the other girl, then DON'T go for her. It's kinda simple. Unless her friend is calling you all the time and won't leave you alone, it doesn't matter whether she likes you or not.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Water_Man
Which is a hor and what do you mean ?
Both :D

Sorry PRL, I had to do it.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
You said she called you and you rejected her? How? Did she ask you out? And if you like her, why did you reject her?
What I meant was she called me and wanted me to come over. I asked her friend why does she want me to come over? She said just to hang out and be friend. I said no thanks I don't need to be friends I want her sexualy or I don't want her at all. Thats what I meant by rejecting her.

Your behavior here is confusing reject the girl you like and now you're getting bent out of shape about whether her ugly friend likes you? Relax, dude. If you like the one girl, then go for her. If you don't like the other girl, then DON'T go for her. It's kinda simple. Unless her friend is calling you all the time and won't leave you alone, it doesn't matter whether she likes you or not.
Yes I am getting bent out of shape over her fat friend. Because what ever gave her the idea that I would touch her with a 1000 foot pole. What was her friend thinking when she was hitting on me did she actually think I would want her fat friend instead of her? And yes the fat friend still contacts me sometimes telling me stupid shiat like "I have a friend who needs fuxked"" etc etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Water_Man
What I meant was she called me and wanted me to come over. I asked her friend why does she want me to come over? She said just to hang out and be friend. I said no thanks I don't need to be friends I want her sexualy or I don't want her at all. Thats what I meant by rejecting her.

Why are you asking her jealous, fat friend why she wants you to come over? YOU involved her friend in this mess...she wanted you to come to her house to "hang out." Sounds like it could've been your booty call. Don't ask why. Go and do what YOU want to do. The worst that happens is she says she doesn't think about you like that, and you smile and leave.

At any rate, if it WAS a booty-call, your chance is gone now.

And from now on, when her friend calls, just tell that fatty that you're busy and have to go. Or just don't answer. Get caller ID.