so my son and i were kicking it today, and i decided to go ahead and do something half ass constructive and go to the grocery store. i took him with me, as he like all kids, likes to get under the buggy and pretend like he's driving.
anyway, i'm not paying any attention, i have my little grocery list, picking up this and picking up that. i look at my son he's just staring at something really hard. i'm like dude what's up. he says "daddy why she following us?" i turned around and there was this woman, pnothing robably mid 30's and she had this red look on her face.. lol, absolutely in her grocery basket. i wanted to cry laughing, but i just turned around and said "you have to excuse him, how are you doing" with a smile, and she said fine and i walked off. we had made it to about the middle of the store, he just wouldn't leave it alone "she follow us daddy"
there is no doubt in my mind she was trailing me around the grocery store. she saw me with a kid, figured he was my son and figured who in the hell goes grocery shopping (men) with their son unless they are single. if i had to take a stab she was probably 36-37. not half bad looking. not a notch or anything but not bad looking.
so,10 years earlier when she was 26-27, you think she would be following some random guy around the grocery store regardless of how hot he is or whatever?
it's no sexual revolution, it's desperation. they are spreading their legs to keep you attentive. the irony is, these are usually the same women that 15 years earlier, wanted nothing to do with you.