"1. Even if you're with a man, flirt. It's good for your ego." ~ Most recent Cosmopolitan.
While sauntering the aisles of Wal-Mart, the girl I was with screeched "buy me a cosmo?" I panned through the pages and tossed the little kindling gem aside after stumbling upon the little quote above.
It was found atop the list of "50 ways to be a better girlfriend." Sad to admit I even opened it, but I got suckered in when it said "light your sex life on fire, sure tips to drive him nuts."
Suffice it to say, they were poor tips, IMO.
That aside, realize women read these mags, and as sweet and docile as they may appear, a girl with a baskets worth of these magazines is likely to be imbued with the feminist agenda to the fullest. She may say "i just read it for the articles," but that's akin to saying "i read playboy for the articles" or "i got to hooter's for the wings." Please.
You may wonder "why be so negative" or "analytical?" However, if you take a look at the images and values being foisted upon young teens, boys and girls alike, you see the values we're told to swallow, full platter.
Friends ~ talks about casual sex, hooking up, and how men/women should share equal roles.
Cosmo ~ talks independence, how to control men, and be the superdiva every woman dreams to be.
MTV ~ spreads the "ideal" lifestyle of young american teens, flaunts the wealth of hollywood, and displays how even the most idiotic people in the nation can make a buck. It's like a whole channel of syndicated Jerry Springer shows.
Considering these 3 media money makers are amongst the top 3 gems women read, you can almost get to the crux of WHY things are so batty. Not to mention, it's so inverse in the world.
AS G.I. Joe once taught us young men, "knowing is half the battle." The other half is merely working harder than your opponent. It saddens me young, impressionable girls are inundated with these images, these thoughts, these beliefs of how life is, or should be. It creates a false game one must choose to play or not play.
Which is all the more reason, GETTING your SH!T together is important, for yourself. Maybe not others, but at the very least yourself.
Why do I mention this?
Because...from a very young age, women more than any sex are plugged with this info. They suck it in. It becomes their reality. They believe it. Thrive on it. Then, they behave in a manner consistent with it. They act that way in life. And guys may think?
Why? What do I do? How do I operate in a world I was never raised to combat?
That's the biggest thing about women. Do not buy into their reality. You can't win. You won't win. She will seek to uphold her world, the one she was taught so young by finding real world things consistent with it. Friends. Places. Clothes. Lifestyle. Choices. Everything.
Buying into her reality is the surest way to get your arse kicked out of it. It's also the surest way to declare you're NOT A MAN. A man has his own reality. His own grounding. When we say "don't apologize for who you are or what you do", it doesn't mean walking around saying "fvck you." It means be confident that you're perfectly unique and happy as you are. Think back to times when you were upbeat, resourceful, fun, happy, and the life of some situation.
It means standing your ground. Knowing what you like and don't like. It means, allowing into your life, that which gets you closer to what you want. Boundaries and reality set some footing to stand upon. Those who lack them, are most often people who bend for everybody, and always feel used. They have no boundary to what they will and won't do, they get used to capacity for somebody else's ends.
For instance. I love golf. I love investing. I love finance. People often tell me I'm above my age of 25, because I associate with people 30 or even 40 years old. To young, close-minded people, that sounds weird. For those who wants to get ahead in life, you learn from those you surround yourself with. My typical age group would find themselves most often at bars, when the friends I have, 30, 40, 50, have season ticks to the Pats, or go to 5 star restaurants in Boston.
Some girls might find that boring, and some guys might suggest pandering to her wants instead of your's, but don't. You'll both be miserable. You because it just isn't where you find yourself most resourceful or "like yourself". And her, because you won't be you, you'll be you as the guy SHE wants. Which is at best an impersonation of YOU.
Doing what you want only means you are honest with other people and who you are. It does not preclude learning about other things, but if you're not a drinker or don't enjoy that social scene, don't force yourself into it. I always feel it's best to 100% of you, than 50% of someone else.
There was a movie some years ago titled "whipped." Amanda Peete was the object of 3 guys affection (and mastabatory dreams). Until the end, the guys didn't know it was the same girl. Each guy felt they met their dream woman in their ideal places.
The first guy at a bar.
The second guy at an artsy cafe.
And the 3rd guy buying porn at a local magazine rack.
The girl molded herself to the wants and desires of the men only to pay them back for playing women all their lives. In the end, the men found themselves right where they had begun, in their respective favorite spots. Each guy had their dream girl, and it worked perfectly, because it meant competition was low for women. And it really is. Competition is only high when we try to COPY each other.
**And that's a business tactic. A rich business owner I know feels he has no competition, and he doesn't. Because he does things so truly unique, nobody can duplicate or copy him. They're always innovating. And because of this, people know exactly what they're getting.
As a guy, being who you are, expressive, confident, open, straight-forward, means you can confidently go for what you want because the universe provides and abundance of it. And having unique and varied goals and personalities, means we as a society should never be in competition. Competition arises when we are blended together going for the same thing and then it goes to the highest bidder, who quite often becomes the biggest loser for giving up so much.
Over and Out.
While sauntering the aisles of Wal-Mart, the girl I was with screeched "buy me a cosmo?" I panned through the pages and tossed the little kindling gem aside after stumbling upon the little quote above.
It was found atop the list of "50 ways to be a better girlfriend." Sad to admit I even opened it, but I got suckered in when it said "light your sex life on fire, sure tips to drive him nuts."
Suffice it to say, they were poor tips, IMO.
That aside, realize women read these mags, and as sweet and docile as they may appear, a girl with a baskets worth of these magazines is likely to be imbued with the feminist agenda to the fullest. She may say "i just read it for the articles," but that's akin to saying "i read playboy for the articles" or "i got to hooter's for the wings." Please.
You may wonder "why be so negative" or "analytical?" However, if you take a look at the images and values being foisted upon young teens, boys and girls alike, you see the values we're told to swallow, full platter.
Friends ~ talks about casual sex, hooking up, and how men/women should share equal roles.
Cosmo ~ talks independence, how to control men, and be the superdiva every woman dreams to be.
MTV ~ spreads the "ideal" lifestyle of young american teens, flaunts the wealth of hollywood, and displays how even the most idiotic people in the nation can make a buck. It's like a whole channel of syndicated Jerry Springer shows.
Considering these 3 media money makers are amongst the top 3 gems women read, you can almost get to the crux of WHY things are so batty. Not to mention, it's so inverse in the world.
AS G.I. Joe once taught us young men, "knowing is half the battle." The other half is merely working harder than your opponent. It saddens me young, impressionable girls are inundated with these images, these thoughts, these beliefs of how life is, or should be. It creates a false game one must choose to play or not play.
Which is all the more reason, GETTING your SH!T together is important, for yourself. Maybe not others, but at the very least yourself.
Why do I mention this?
Because...from a very young age, women more than any sex are plugged with this info. They suck it in. It becomes their reality. They believe it. Thrive on it. Then, they behave in a manner consistent with it. They act that way in life. And guys may think?
Why? What do I do? How do I operate in a world I was never raised to combat?
That's the biggest thing about women. Do not buy into their reality. You can't win. You won't win. She will seek to uphold her world, the one she was taught so young by finding real world things consistent with it. Friends. Places. Clothes. Lifestyle. Choices. Everything.
Buying into her reality is the surest way to get your arse kicked out of it. It's also the surest way to declare you're NOT A MAN. A man has his own reality. His own grounding. When we say "don't apologize for who you are or what you do", it doesn't mean walking around saying "fvck you." It means be confident that you're perfectly unique and happy as you are. Think back to times when you were upbeat, resourceful, fun, happy, and the life of some situation.
It means standing your ground. Knowing what you like and don't like. It means, allowing into your life, that which gets you closer to what you want. Boundaries and reality set some footing to stand upon. Those who lack them, are most often people who bend for everybody, and always feel used. They have no boundary to what they will and won't do, they get used to capacity for somebody else's ends.
For instance. I love golf. I love investing. I love finance. People often tell me I'm above my age of 25, because I associate with people 30 or even 40 years old. To young, close-minded people, that sounds weird. For those who wants to get ahead in life, you learn from those you surround yourself with. My typical age group would find themselves most often at bars, when the friends I have, 30, 40, 50, have season ticks to the Pats, or go to 5 star restaurants in Boston.
Some girls might find that boring, and some guys might suggest pandering to her wants instead of your's, but don't. You'll both be miserable. You because it just isn't where you find yourself most resourceful or "like yourself". And her, because you won't be you, you'll be you as the guy SHE wants. Which is at best an impersonation of YOU.
Doing what you want only means you are honest with other people and who you are. It does not preclude learning about other things, but if you're not a drinker or don't enjoy that social scene, don't force yourself into it. I always feel it's best to 100% of you, than 50% of someone else.
There was a movie some years ago titled "whipped." Amanda Peete was the object of 3 guys affection (and mastabatory dreams). Until the end, the guys didn't know it was the same girl. Each guy felt they met their dream woman in their ideal places.
The first guy at a bar.
The second guy at an artsy cafe.
And the 3rd guy buying porn at a local magazine rack.
The girl molded herself to the wants and desires of the men only to pay them back for playing women all their lives. In the end, the men found themselves right where they had begun, in their respective favorite spots. Each guy had their dream girl, and it worked perfectly, because it meant competition was low for women. And it really is. Competition is only high when we try to COPY each other.
**And that's a business tactic. A rich business owner I know feels he has no competition, and he doesn't. Because he does things so truly unique, nobody can duplicate or copy him. They're always innovating. And because of this, people know exactly what they're getting.
As a guy, being who you are, expressive, confident, open, straight-forward, means you can confidently go for what you want because the universe provides and abundance of it. And having unique and varied goals and personalities, means we as a society should never be in competition. Competition arises when we are blended together going for the same thing and then it goes to the highest bidder, who quite often becomes the biggest loser for giving up so much.
Over and Out.