Convo with gal i met off myspace


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Just found this gal on myspace who lives quite nr me, shes pretty fit = hb8!

anyway contacted her on there and as we both have pics of our bums and i checked her comments out and they were all like "wow nice ass" i decided to say "my bum is better than yours hehe"

she didnt agree and i said its true, whats ur msn? got her email

this is the convo we just had on there, what ya think....

me - hey
her - hey whose u
me - the guy with a better bum than you
her - nooo my ass is so much betta i mean lok at my pic display!! i just took that! (was a pic of her ass)
me - (i put mine up) i didnt just take mine but look! so much better!

i asked to put her cam on

her - i cant im only in mu underwear!!!]
me - lol ill get a better view of your ass that way!
her - u wish

she put her cam on, she wasnt there

me - nice couch
her - lol im back (she came back)
me - do i get a wave?
her - yeah lol (she waved)
me - lol ta, u cant see but im waving back lol
her - lol gdgd brb postman
me - kk
her - back lol
me - did you get any post?
her - a bank statement lol
me - oooo miss popular
her - lol where do you live?
me - (name of place) the greatest place
her - lol bles si live near ****in (place) whoo....:cool:
me - lol how fun for you!
me - thats quite a trek tho, dunno if i could go all that way to see you, especially as ur ass is only a 7/10 :p

her - :-O:-O:-O:-O

(she stopped webcam)

me - haha shes mad!

her - ^o)

me - lol u love me really

her - nope

me - go back on cam, i might re think my desicion and give you a 8 if ur lucky

she goes back on cam

her - :-O my ass is a 10 ive been told :)

me - lol who told u that?

her - boy mates etc

me - thats coz there your mates, im not your mate, potential **** buddy if ur lucky, but not a mate lol

her - :-O lol im adorable evryone wants to be my mate!! miss popular right herelol

me - lol sure! show me this so called 10 then

her - ooo i mite if your lucky

me - lol go on then miss popular..... dont keep me waiting too long... (crap reply what should i of said?)

her - ooo hang on lol gotta ge tmy cam in da right postition lol

me - lol im hanging

her - lol jsut kidin i aint showin ya my bum lol u mtie see it if i stand up to get usmmin but otha htna that nope]

me - lol fair enough, i have my bum anyway and like i said thats better lol

her - yeah right lol brb door bell shjit i gotta fin my jeans

(she got up stood up and waited for a lil second untill her ass was in shot and then walked off sticking it out (she was in her underwear)

me - lol oooooo u lil tease

her - got my jeans on now haha

(that was quick, no one was at the door, too quick for that)

me - lol dont worry, if i wanted too see it badly enough id come round and get you out of the jeans myself

her - yeah right lol

me - lol u better believe it miss popular whats your name?

her - xxxx lol

her - (she said my name 3 times and then lol)

me - lol yes (my name) well done, well (her name) its been good talking to you and ur 7/10, ill speak to ya soon

her - cya x

then i went! how did ya think i did? next convo will get her number and then a date but didnt wanna do that this time coz i got the impression that most guys have done that and have told her "yeh ur so fit) etc



May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Doubt it will last very long. Try meeting girls in the real world.

Ninja out


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I guess you did fine. You tread a fine line between compliments and insults with an attention wh0re like that. Too complimentary and she'll assume you're a push-over. Too insulting and she'll assume you're jealous.

Now I'm going to go find a solid object to slam my head against a few times to see if I can knock any memory of your god-awful chat grammar out of my memory.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Haha, this is funny stuff, so i spoke to her again (i was bored something to do) pissed her off just kept bringing it back to her 7/10 and thought i took it to far coz i made her say "leave me alone lol" so i was like fine, dont talk to me just coz i rated your pride and joy! she said i wont!

so just now said "talking to me yet?" she replied "no" so me bored and thinking **** it ill piss her off some more for a laugh "care to explain to me why not?" and instead of saying anything next thing i know i have a pic of her in a thong showing off her fine fine ass on my computer! so i said "well if ur gonna send them then im not bothered if u talk or not!" she said "lol" and wants me to go on cam, i have to have a shower coz im off out later i say and then i go!

haha funny stuff!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
PooMan.. your a tool.

i'm no internet dating expert. infact, i've got 0 dates from 0 attempts. i'm not lacking in real life dating enough to try internet.

but i'm of the opinion you come on WAY to strong.

Theres ****y and funny. and then theres "i'm trying to have a wank while i'm talking to you, so i'll try and make you talk dirty".

to me, you came off as the later.

forget what you think you've learned. and start fresh.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
yeah im on myspace but everyone on my list is an actual, real life friend of mine. the girls on there are all sluts and attention *****s anyways.. honestly.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by blueangel83
^ Stupid

I'm a female on myspace and I'm no slut.
Girls who want to have fun are easily labeled as 'sluts'. Men who want to have fun are cool players. What a weird thinking... I have never thought crap like this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
anyone on myspace who has more than 450 friends is lying. there is almost nobody on the planet with that many acctual freinds. the worst people are the ones who try to get as many friends as possible like its some kind of popularity contest.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SparkleMotion
You talk like a 14 year old girl in IMs.

DAmn guys I thought that whole goal of this was to try an dhelp the guy-not insult him.