

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Have somone actually here been a VERY VERY bad conversationlist? i mean BAD convolist? BAD convo to a Supergood conversation?

what i mean with bad is im a very quiet, they have to start the convo first, i cant think about something to say, even im trying to look around for what i can say abut.. youknow its not so intrest to talk about school huh?
as i said im quiet person.. they have to start the convo(if its people i know/people i dont know i can start the convo first) acutally im very good listner and have good eye contact with others... its just that, that my convoskillz sucks..when i reply to people im trying to say more than just 2-4 words, thinking what can i say after that word.. my settnings are very short.. not so long but short.. :/ I want to say more than just 2-6 words:/

so have somone here been a super quiet, bad convolist? to this supergoodconvo, just want to know if its some hope.. cuz i hate to replay with some dumb words.. Its just that im finding difficult to find what to say


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
conversation is a PRACTICED skill
not an inborn skill.

I use to be a bad conversationlist

now I can hold a 3 hour conversation with a bum, which I did
the key is to keep on talking to people, notice where the conversation stalls
why does it stall
are you not listening to the other person?

The most miportant thing is

most people never really LISTEN to what the other person is saying
once you listen, you will have a lot of things to say

when you focus on yourself
you don't listen, or do you find things to say, you are focusing on yourself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
jcap said:
conversation is a PRACTICED skill
not an inborn skill.
No, for some people it is actually.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Yar, I have a friend who, from the age of four, could hold a conversation with an adult. Some people have just have it.

I am not one of those people. I still struggle with it, but I'm finally taking my conversation to the next level. I can make women comfortable, and recently I've been working on bringing sex and my sexuality more into the picture when talking. I don't exclusively talk about sex, but I definitely bring it up regularly enough that whomever I'm talking to doesn't forget I'm a man.

I've spent the past 5 years coming to this website occasionally and using what tips I've picked up. Two years after finding the website I got laid. Now, I always have a prospect and I usually have someone to hook up with.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Sjakapai said:
what i mean with bad is im a very quiet, they have to start the convo first
Look into her eyes to get a feel of how she is feeling, then ask her why she is feeling that way or tell her she looks X then ask her why that is then tease her about it or sympathize if she's really down. React at her level. If she's bossy and mean, be bossy and mean back and if nice and happy, be the same way.

Try not to look away too much when you start to get nervous. You can pause for a long time and with a calm look wait for her to start talking to you.

Always be cool about it...try not to talk too will be more confident as you practice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
its just that, that my convoskillz sucks..when i reply to people im trying to say more than just 2-4 words, thinking what can i say after that word.. my settnings are very short.. not so long but short.. :/ I want to say more than just 2-6 words:
You don't always have to think ahead. Some times you just react to what the other person has said. Visualize an idea or situation and then try to tell a story from it. Don't worry about counting words, it's the effects and feeling you give that count.

And don't be always be afraid to fail. You may find that you will regret what you didn't try more than what you tried.