Conversation with hot chick on aim


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think this went nearly as well as the first time I chatted with her. I could tell she was talking w/other people as well and I kept thinking maybe she would stop talking or something. It was late and I think I made a complete idiot out of myself in a way. I wasn't smooth at all this time and the conversation was really one-sided. I talked way to f****** much. The conversation was twice as long as last time....lasted almost exactly an hour. I'd like to think I can still talk to her but I think I pretty much killed any mystery that was there....anyway, here's the conversation. It's not a good example or anything but I just don't wanna think all is lost here. Tell me what you think. I know I should've been clever like I was the first time, slowed down and let her talk...
ME: Hi, how are you? :- )
HER: good. you?
ME: the greatest.
ME: so how was your day?
HER : hmm, pretty good, i s'pose. i worked all day, but after that it was pretty good.
ME: really...what kind of work do you do, (girl's name)?
HER [1:34 A.M.]: lol. i work at bath and body works.
ME [1:35 A.M.]: oh yeah...are you quite the charming saleswoman?
HER: duh!
HER: lol
ME [1:35 A.M.]: sounds like the type of place you'd work at. haha
HER [1:35 A.M.]: thanx... i guess.
ME : no, it really does fit...the big smile and blonde personality you told me about...
ME: so do you smell like the place you work at?
ME: it's full of interesting fragrances.
HER: umm, sometimes. lol. i've had people ask me what kinda perfume i'm wearing, and i'm like none. i just left work. haha.
ME: I see why you're so always makes you feel confident when you smell good and don't even have to put any effort into just seem to have a natural fragrance that attracts everybody like a magnet.
ME [1:39 A.M.]: must be convenient for money on perfume so you can buy guys like me dinner instead. :- )
HER [1:39 A.M.]: haha.
ME [1:40 A.M.]: so isn't it a little past your bedtime, young lady?
HER [1:40 A.M.]: young lady?
HER [1:40 A.M.]: okay, dad.
ME [1:41 A.M.]: lol...that's right...I'm the authority now.
HER [1:41 A.M.]: pshh!
HER [1:41 A.M.]: O:)
ME [1:41 A.M.]: mmm...I doubt you're half as angelic as you look in that smiley icon.
ME [1:41 A.M.]: :)
ME [1:42 A.M.]: but it's a clever disguise I must admit...
HER [1:42 A.M.]: i am too!
ME [1:42 A.M.]: really...what makes you such a perfect angel, (girl's name)?
HER [1:43 A.M.]: i never said perfect..
ME [1:43 A.M.]: convince me of your innocence. haha
HER[1:43 A.M.]: lol
ME [1:43 A.M.]: :- ) yeah but being that you're going to be a bigshot lawyer one day I'm sure you have a good answer.
ME [1:43 A.M.]: one that sounds sweet.
HER [1:45 A.M.]: i do.
ME [1:45 A.M.]: if anything, you might be like an angel because you're so in the clouds that you forget when you have an interesting stud on the phone with you.
ME [1:45 A.M.]: ;- )
HER [1:45 A.M.]: ha!
HER [1:45 A.M.]: lol
ME [1:45 A.M.]: is something funny?
ME [1:46 A.M.]: I didn't realize I was doing a stand-up routine...
HER [1:46 A.M.]: not at all.
ME [1:46 A.M.]: haha
ME [1:46 A.M.]: so what have you been doing since you got off work?
ME [1:47 A.M.]: jumping around on your bed doing Britney spears karaoke songs?
ME [1:49 A.M.]: I'm quite the teenybopper myself. Some people say I look just like Justin timberlake.
ME [1:49 A.M.]: :- )
HER [1:50 A.M.]: that's funny. when i was blonde, my nickname was britney, cause everyone said i looked just like her.. like when she first came out. lol.
ME [1:51 A.M.]: oh yeah, I bet you're much more entertaining than her though....
HER [1:52 A.M.]: i don't know...
ME [1:52 A.M.]: do you have a nice singing voice?
ME [1:52 A.M.]: or do you cause permanent damage every time you try to hit a note...
HER [1:53 A.M.]: actually, i can sing.
ME [1:53 A.M.]: you think you could serenade me if you sang for me....give me chills?
HER [1:54 A.M.]: probably.
HER [1:54 A.M.]: i've made people cry. lol
ME [1:55 A.M.]: don't really seem like the typical girl. you seem to have a lot of interests and talents that make you unique...
ME [1:55 A.M.]: but you'll only make me cry if I can't hear you sing sometime....
ME [1:56 A.M.]: lol, and you'd probably cry if you heard me sing just because you'd feel sorry for how dreadful I sound.
HER [1:57 A.M.]: haha. funny..
ME [1:58 A.M.]: I really sound much sweeter when I'm talking, (girls name)...
HER [1:59 A.M.]: okay. lol
ME [1:59 A.M.]: of course, you probably didn't get to hear too much of me talking the other night so you probably just don't have a clue yet.
HER [2:00 A.M.]: are you trying to make me feel guilty? lol
HER [2:00 A.M.]: cause it ain't workin.
ME [2:00 A.M.]: I was snoring on the phone then I woke up with a beard wondering how many years had passed since I last heard your voice. :- )
ME: lol, just pressin' your buttons.
HER [2:01 A.M.]: mhmm.
ME [2:01 A.M.]: do you like your buttons pushed every now and then?
ME [2:02 A.M.]: because I can be pretty spontaneous....
HER [2:02 A.M.]: haha. i'm suree..
ME [2:02 A.M.]: are you being sarcastic with me?
HER [2:03 A.M.]: who.. me?? never..
ME [2:03 A.M.]: lol I know, it's so fun to pretend like you're ignorant isn't it....
HER [2:03 A.M.]: that's what i do best.
ME [2:04 A.M.]: "I'm just good ol' (girl's name) from Hicktown and I really don't know nothin' about nothin' but I tell yooo wut....I really lak this guy I'm chatting with on aim."
Mcfrom3 [2:04 A.M.]: haha:- )
Mcfrom3 [2:04 A.M.]: "dumbing yourself down" as you said, right?
Mcfrom3 [2:06 A.M.]: it's refreshing though...and I like your playfulness.
HER: hmm. thanks. but i don't sound like that.
HER [2:07 A.M.]: :-D
ME [2:08 A.M.]: I know....your voice was like music to my ears actually....although the song was way too brief.
ME [2:08 A.M.]: :-D
HER [2:08 A.M.]: are you done?!! i mean, damn! lol
ME [2:08 A.M.]: what?
ME [2:09 A.M.]: haha....I don't understand.
HER [2:10 A.M.]: yeah, it is fun pretending to be ignorant, eh?
ME [2:10 A.M.]: I meant that actually. but yes indeed it is and perhaps you've met your match...
HER [2:11 A.M.]: lol. maybe..
ME [2:11 A.M.]: so what are you up to tomorrow...anything exciting?
ME [2:12 A.M.]: I'm probably gonna record some music with a friend...and then go wherever the wind takes me.
HER [2:13 A.M.]: ohh. i'm going out to the college with my friend moe, and we're going to try to find our classes. cause school starts thursday, and i don't know where they are. and i have a job interview tomorrow with moe's dad. the own the pizza shop, (name of place), in (name of town).. so i might get a job there. don't know yet.
Mcfrom3 [2:15 A.M.]: you're saying you'd probably get lost in your own house if you didn't have a map?
Mcfrom3 [2:15 A.M.]: lol I'm like that too
o2 dumBlonde o6 [2:16 A.M.]: that school is huge... to me anyway. and i don't know my way around campus yet.. like i don't even know where to begin to look for my classes. so i'd rather have it figured out tomorrow then get up an hour early thursday to go look for it.
HER [2:16 A.M.]: it just makes things easier and less stressful on my part.
ME [2:17 A.M.]: sounds good....I'm sure you'll find your way there by the time class starts. I know it's a stressful time, the first day of college....but after the first can walk in late on the first day and not feel bad about it. haha
ME [2:18 A.M.]: ok, so maybe that's not the best example to follow...
HER [2:18 A.M.]: i wouldn't follow it anyway. lol
ME [2:19 A.M.]: but if you get the job at the pizza place you'll have a "new perfume"....and walk around smelling like fine italian herbs and spices with heavy hints of cheese and pepperoni...
Mcfrom3 [2:20 A.M.]: that would be an irresistable fragrance I think....
Mcfrom3 [2:20 A.M.]: I love pizza..
HER [2:20 A.M.]: lol.
HER [2:20 A.M.]: probably, but oh well.
ME [2:21 A.M.]: but yeah, I know you're an individual, a real don't have to tell me, (girl's name). I could definitely see that in your eyes the first time I saw you.
HER [2:22 A.M.]: saw me?
ME [2:23 A.M.]: yeah, online silly in your pics.
ME [2:23 A.M.]: but you look like a kind rebel...
HER [2:24 A.M.]: um, how? lol
ME[2:25 A.M.]: because you have a look of wisdom in your you know something the person looking at you doesn't...something really exciting and fun but somehow devious.
HER [2:25 A.M.]: haha.
HER [2:25 A.M.]: awsome.
ME [2:25 A.M.]: not really sure....but I'd like to chat more and find out later...
ME [2:26 A.M.]: you've just really exhausted me with your faked dumbness...
ME [2:26 A.M.]: and I must get some rest.
HER [2:26 A.M.]: faked dumbness?
ME [2:26 A.M.]: lol...
HER [2:26 A.M.]: seriously...
ME [2:27 A.M.]: I was just faking dumb...but you might be faking dumb right now acting like you don't know what I'm talking about.
ME [2:27 A.M.]: haha...
o2 dumBlonde o6 [2:27 A.M.]: not a clue.
o2 dumBlonde o6 [2:27 A.M.]: but you go get your beauty sleep.
ME [2:28 A.M.]: oh I can count on that and when I wake up tomorrow I'll be smiling beautifully...
ME [2:28 A.M.]: ready for a new day.
ME [2:28 A.M.]: so I hope you do the's been nice talking to you.
ME [2:29 A.M.]: maybe I'll call you again sometime if I'm not too busy.
HER [2:29 A.M.]: okay. lol. it'd be super if you could fit me in your schedule somewhere.
ME [2:30 A.M.]: we'll see if I can get creative...we'll see. enjoy the suspense. haha
ME [2:31 A.M.]: goodnight, (girl's name)...sweet dreams.
HER [2:32 A.M.]: you too! g'night.
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Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
everybody - thats how to NOT have an aim convo if ur trying to game a girl - take notes

1)he talked way too much, she didnt reply enough - she shoulda been blocked after 10 minutes

2)hes not mirroring her - hes been sweet and loving, shes being distant and cold

3)everything came out as a joke....girls LOVE guys who are friends only that is

4)didnt ask her to chill, didnt # close, didnt do anythign but waste an hour - thats NOT how u pimp online!


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
I totally agree...that is a good example of WHAT NOT TO DO. I've already got her number though because I did the exact opposite of that the first time I talked to her. I did mirror her and demonstrate what she wanted but last night I made the mistake of getting overzealous with it. Maybe I'll call her in a few days and see if it goes any better and try to hang out with her. Once my mindset starts going downhill...(I've been kind of down the last two days) it's hard for me not say stupid sh!t. Which sucks because I was charming the hell out of her the first time around. I wish I had saved that conversation because it would've been a good example to follow. I'd like to think I can still make something happen but yeah, I was an idiot....and had a goofy temperament as opposed to the calm and smooth yet spontaneous and fun temperament that allowed me to get her number in the first place.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
u wanna make this feel as REAL as possible, and too much AIM makes it look too "virtual", which makes a girl wanna chill with u less

trust me on that one (1st hand experience)